Hey ladies! Graduation was AWESOME!! We left Wed. Thursday was Family Day. We got there and they did the motivational run (which is the last run they do together as platoons. Dylan was right in front because he was First Platoon Squad Leader. Then a bit later they all line up in their platoons (there were six with 75 each) and march the parade deck. They stand in formation and their Drill Instructor gives each recruit their globe and anchor. they pin it on their cover(hat), shake their hand and address them as Marines for the first time. Then they were dismissed to spend time with us from noon till 5pm. The next day is graduation. it was a very patriotic and somber ceremony. it was amazing to see all the Marines move in exact time together.
He had a suprise for us when we got to talk to him. He is getting to stay an EXTRA 14 days and do work with his recruiter. So we will have a bit more time.
I have posted pics in my pictrail of the ceremony and events while we were there.
I am SO happy!!!!!
p.s. sorry this was so long!
He had a suprise for us when we got to talk to him. He is getting to stay an EXTRA 14 days and do work with his recruiter. So we will have a bit more time.
I have posted pics in my pictrail of the ceremony and events while we were there.
I am SO happy!!!!!
p.s. sorry this was so long!