Well, good grief!!!


You weren't trying to revive that "Jump, Jump" style of wearing pants backwards, were you?

I've at least once put on a top inside out, and not noticed until I was at work.
Not pregnant, but I've been caught with my shirt inside out. To my defense, the shirt is all black and has one of those printed tags on the shirt and I was running late!! Thankfully, it was a close friend of mine who spotted the wardrobe malfunction! oiy!! :eek: Liann, guess we've had all those days!!! You have the pregnancy excuse, so have fun with it!!
Ever had one of those days? I just walked down the hall (a VERY long hall here at work) and noticed my pants felt kind of weird, like they were hanging off. I get to the bathroom and would you know it, I had my pants on BACKWARDS!!! In my defense, these are maternity pants and so without an actual zipper and waist band, it's hard to tell the front from back, but still!!! What a goober....:eek:

More times than I care to admit, but only with pull-on stretchy ones that have no visible clues; only a weird fit.

I'm sure nobody noticed! :D
Just told DH last night I put my "thong" undies on sideways last week. Only took me about 3 times going to the restroom to figure out why it felt so funny each time I pulled them up? :eek:

Not pregnant, wasn't PMS'ing but am getting older . . . so I blame it on all the cells in my brain that don't have the correct synapses firing at the right times ! :rolleyes:

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