Weights Only Rotation?

I own all of Cathe's weight tapes,
(MIS, PS series, PH, S&H series, ME, PUB & PLB) and LL
but none of the cardio/step tapes.
Is there a rotation that is set up for use exclusively with these tapes?
Can I loose weight using only weights and no cardio?

I don't know off the top of my head if there is a "weights only" rotation around here, but once I was forced to do a weights only rotation due to a bad case of PF. For 4 weeks I did a rotation of MIS and PH and no cardio. I did lose, but then again I carefully watched what I ate (fear of gaining from no cardio) and I should mention I was in my high 200's (275-290 or so), so weight loss was easier at that stage.

I flip-flopped MIS and PH as follows:

week 1: m-MIS/w-PH/f-MIS/sat or sun-stretch

week 2: m-PH/w-MIS/f-PH/ sat or sun-stretch

It worked for me, but then again, I had a lot to lose at the time.

The pyramids (to me) get and keep my heart rate up pretty well. If you are going to try a no cardio rotation, I think they'll be great to plug in. And at this point, ME almost has me hyperventillating, so a rotation with these thrown in, mixing heavy weights with endurance weight work might work?
Let us know what you try and how your results are. :)

Thank you for your input.
I guess my biggest challenge is my thighs and rear-end.
After many years of Cardio and weights I feel as though
I am still in the same boat. My upper body and Abs are in Great
shape, but from my hips to my knees I have lots of room for improvement.
Any other opinions on what I should try?
I am open to suggestions.
I'm a yoga person but many people over at VF swear that Winsor Pilates has really helped them slim down the area your wanting to.

I know the tapes are at Target, Walmarts, and on Collage now too.

Just a suggestion here!I would recommend interval training with light weights,lil cardio ! If you work out 6 days a week do interval training on M,Tue,Wed, Thurs pilates floor work(flexibility), and heavy up on Fri with Bodymax , Sat Off and Sun poweryoga and start all over for 6 weeks
Some great videos to use for interval training, Cathe Circuit Max definietly,Cathe C&W, Bodymax,PowerCircuit, Mindy's Interval Express, The Firm's Total Body Shaping Mix--for strength MIS,Powerhour, and Bodymax,Mindy's strength Express and Cia powerbartraining!Good luck in reaching your goals!
Francine- just to clarify the rotation

Mon, Tues, Wed Interval Training
Thurs - Flexibility (pilates, stretching)
Fri - BodyMax (heavy)
Sat - Rest
Sun - Yoga

Hi Rhonda! You got it! This type of training(interval) is fabulous for overall bodyfat loss while maximizing lean muscle tissue gains! Have fun!:)
Please correct me if I am wrong, but did I read your message right? Did you suggest lifting weights 3 days in a row (Mon-Tues-Wed)? Every fitness magazine and article I have read, believe me I've read a lot, says to do weights every other day. This gives your muscles time to recover from the "tearing" that occurred during your weight session. The micro-tears are the breaking down of the muscle needed in order to build more strength and lift heavier. Even with interval training it is suggested to do it no more than 2 times a week because your body needs the recovery time to rebuild.

Someone chime in if you have heard differently.
Hi Kristi, you have read right especially if you are lifting heavy and want more muscle growth! Always give your muscles 48 hrs to recoup! When doing interval training it's best to go light with 3,5 and 8's and having 24 hrs of rest in between which is sufficient recovery time!" Personally "my body responds well to this style of training while having no signs of fatigue! There are interval cycles that I do for specific sports training that lead to an AWT week(lights weights and light cardio 6 days a week)I'm usually at my leanest physique then! This is a great cross training technique for those to jumpstart any fitness plateau,coming off a slow and heavy rotation to reduce bulk or combining with a weightloss program etc(IMHO) Remember, we all experience different results, so what works for one may not work for others! Also always listen to your body and if you feel any signs of overtraining, take a step back and fine tune your program that better suits your needs!:)

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