Amelia*** did you get your doctors apt? My knee hasn't been really bothering me lately so I will hold off. My knee use to act up alot before I got pregnant b/c of all the running. I kind of thought that with the year break, I would come back new and improved! LOL Thats another reason why I can't run everyday, even if I wanted to, I can't. It really started acting up the year I was running 10K everyday. Then when I started running with my partner, we were running 14 kms every nice day...and thats when it got really bad. There were times I couldn't walk down the stairs after a run....nothing like not listening to your body! Do you think you lost any weight this week? Did you lose any last week? The couple of girls I know that signed up to WW's online are losing weight and are really enjoying the program. Im not sure I would enjoy it to much if I only had 18 points!
Belinda*** I know its hard to read everyones post and sometimes we are just to busy. I know I don't have time somedays and important things may pass my eyes. I can only imagine how high your phone bill is going to be! You must have some kind of over seas plan, do you? Im not sure what we have anymore! LOL DH changed it when we moved and I don't think our long distance plan is as good as it was before. Good job on the workout! I really wish I had all the dvds, then I could do the premixes as well. I bet it feels like you are doing a totally different workout! 2 lbs isn't much to'll be there in no time!
Nancy*** Your not going on the RT? I think thats awesome that your DD would have gone with you and that Belindas DD is going with her. I think cathe will have given up making workouts by the time DD gets old enough to go with me....and she may not even want to go! LOL I did talk to my sister about going though and we would like to go some year. Maybe next year. It wouldn't be a cheap trip for us though cause its so far away.
Cheryl*** I bet its hard being a business women! LOL Atleast you have time for your workouts and if you get those done, thats half the battle. Those last few pounds are the worst. I keep bouncing back and forth between 129 and 131.5 lbs. It doesn't really bother me and I know when I stop nursing I will be more likely to settle into a new weight. Even if I don't, Im not upset about where the scale is, I just need to set up a new plan to get my muscle tone back. I need some new workouts or something...I should check out the P90x site again, or check it out on Ebay!
Boy, our group is getting smaller! I can't believe only the 5 of us have posted anything the last couple of days. Where did all the motivated people go??? Not so motivated anymore? Prehaps we de-motivated them! LOL
My run was really good yesterday and I had lots of energy. DS woke up before I started my run but he fell asleep in his swing again and let me run for 70 mins.
I will be back later. I hope everyone as a good day.