Weight Watchers ...**Tuesday**

I almost forgot to post my workout for today!
I went to the gym and drove the bike for 40 min.
I think instead of eating my yummy chocolate I am going to do some ab workout :)

hello ladies, just chiming in...i am in no way having any type of calling for anything that has sugar...now as for a cheeseburger OMG!!!!!:) i can taste it as i type. i wanted to also say THANK YOU:) ,Traci i loved,loved loved strike zone. i burned a ton of calories and it went by so fast, i am thinking about a nice walk to get my mind off of the burgerx(
Hi Girls,

Baby and I had a good afternoon out. He is the oldest baby in this play group so he was the only one awake. Everyone elses back is awake during the morning and they sleep in the afternoon. I like that he takes his naps in the morning b/c I can get my workout done.
Then we made the mistake of going to the grocery store b/c there was nothing but elderly people everywhere. Now, don't get me wrong, i have nothing against old people but "HELLOOOOOOOO"!!!! You know I am standing right behind you, do you think you can shift your cart over a little so I can get past? Noooooooooooooooooooo! I have to turn around and take a different route.You just stand there talking to your friend who doesn't hear you....Ill just go this wayx( x( x( x( x( And you won't be butting in my line either!x( x( Not to mention that the produce section sucked today.

Teddygirl, i know all about those cookies! We have a coffee shop here and once a yr they sell these smiley face cookies. They are huge and have chunks of icing for the eyes and nose and a big smiley face. I just have to have them b/c all procedes go to something or another :) :) :) When I was preggo I was thinking they better have those cookies while I am pregnant! I did almost miss it though b/c I didn't drink coffee anymore so I only got 2 days of smiley cookies.

Anyway, just wanted to check in. I will be around later,
T-Girl, T-girl, T-girl, what are we going to do? I'm glad you enjoyed those dear cookies, because now you'll have to work out EXTRA HARD. Only you can say if they were worth it. It sounds like they were }( }( }(

Belinda, chocolate?????

I eat at least 2 squares of Dove Silky Dark every day. It's delicious. But they have to be individually wrapped and they have to fit into my calorie count. I don't dare do the dark chocolate M&Ms. Uh, uh. No way.

Great news on the business front, everyone - looks like we've struck a deal and it looks like it will be funded by Saturday, end of day. I am officially FREE of the partner from Hell and in business. I am so excited I could scream.

Traci, we gotta get your dear DH free as well. Is that proceeding along okay, I hope???

Have a great night, everyone!


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