Weight Watchers ...**Tuesday**

I am so curious how you all find out what the magic ticket is for you. When I experiment, I gain like crazy!!

FINALLY got my workout in today...Whew- It was a close call!
Ended up doing Low Impact Step + Upper/Abs New York Body Plan.

AMY: Hope DH appt went well and no more confusion! Is that workout done yet????

GIDGET: Way to get that workout in! I am always soooo motivated to workout when scale & tape measure are cooperating! Succeess breeds success!

Cheryl: Thats so funny about your monthly #s... Mine as well. They've averages 1/2 pound a week for months! I'll take it tho... Consistenct is important! LOL on Its ONLY Tuesday! I bet your head is spinning! DH is a crazy man trying to tie up details with exiting partners...

LoriS: Full steam ahead! I hope you are pleasantly surprised like I was!!

Belinda: Great job getting it done today! I'm a stinky mess too but gotta get dinner started...urrrrrr on late day workouts!

Jessica: Glad you popped in hope all is well!

JANE: What are you up to today? Hope DS appointment was nothing but GREAT news!!!!!

See ya all in the early AM!
Hi Guys!

Gidge! Awesome job! I agree DH would probably appreciate it if you'd fit into your old clothes too. ;) Did you find out about your friend having the baby?

Cheryl, that's great news on the office space. Glad you got a lot out of PUB. That's a fun one.

Teddygirl, are you planning on doing Butts and Guts? That is an awesome rotation. I was contemplating doing it again myself. My lower half DEFINATLEY needs a lot more work than anywhere else.

Lori, good luck with the new combo you're trying. Sounds like it should work for you. How tall are you if you don't mind me asking. I'm not sure what I should be doing myself. I am 5'2 with very muscular thighs. I accept that, but I do have to start leaning them out again. I know when I was walking consistently too my legs looked a lot longer than they do right now. Right now they're just big and flabby. LOL.

Traci, glad you finally got your workout in. I still have to do mine. I hate waiting this late. Tomorrow I'm off so I can workout in the morning for a change. I'm just glad to be getting the workouts in tho.

Hi Belinda, Jessica and Amy and anyone I missed!

I am off to do ME. I'm doing Fat Loss and Def. rotation from June 03'. I'm not sure if that's what I should be doing tho. I wonder if I shouldn't try some more kickboxing. I never really did it much and I have KM, KPC and CK. What's the difference between Step and Kickboxing, if anyone has experience on this. I'm going to start getting on my TM as much as possible again too till it's nice enough to start walking outside again.

Gidge, I forgot to weigh so my goal for this week is to just keep my eating in check and stick to my rotation. Hopefully when I DO weigh I'll be at least a little suprised. I have a lot of work to do before I start seeing any results. They told me at work tho that I will soon because of the protein I'm eating. So one day at a time. As long as I get a workout in everyday I feel better regardless of everything else. I'll get there again.

Have a nice evening everyone. Great job on the workouts today too Ladies! BBL!


Evening fellow WWer's.. I'll be back a little later... I just got in from my WW meeting and I'm so hungry, I'm about to chew my arm off!

Just wanted to tell you I squeaked in just under the wire. I was 0.4 lbs. from having to pay!!! All the crap I've eaten in the last month, it had to be devine intervention!:p

Also DS's dr's visit went well, he's healing but slowly, dr. said it would be another four to six weeks! That is on top of the three weeks already but a fracture does not heal fast and a back fracture heals even slower than limb fractures.

KALI: {{{{{What's the difference between Step and Kickboxing, if anyone has experience on this. I'm going to start getting on my TM as much as possible again too till it's nice enough to start walking outside again.}}}}}

I'm chunky in legs by nature and step just compounds it for me..... It builds the quads pretty quickly....Kickboxing is GREAT to lean out legs + define upper. I highly reccomend 2-3 Kick a week (non consecutive days) and only 1 or 2 step per week. Thats my take on what works for me.
Jane- Well I think its great news about DS! He is in the right direction! Now if you can just get him to take it slow!!!!! CONGRATS on WI....WHEW~~~~ Things are already looking up!
Oh my gosh, Jane, what wonderful news on your WW meeting. Hallelujah!! That's the best news ever.

So glad DS is doing well, too.

Kali, the fat loss and definition rotation sounds super. The difference between kickbox and step is.... step is so much more fun. At least that's what I think so far (heh, heh)

Jessica - on our magic formula's - I really like what Tom Venuto said in his Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle book - keep very detailed journals of exercise and nutrition and weigh and measure once a week -that's a statistically significant space of time that's long enough to tell you if what you're doing is working or not, and how well.
If you eat 1700 calories a day and burn 3500 a week in exercise and lost 1.5 pounds, you'd know how it's working out and could decide where to tweak, for example. Just a thought. I really like his eBook and you can buy it online.

Traci, I can really relate to your DH with his head spinning over exiting partners! I can't wait until that part of it is through, but I'm really excited. I reserved my new URL today - www.snappconner.com. It was wide open and I got it for 5 years for just $40 (a friend clued me in how to get it cheap). Baby steps - next meeting with my partner is Monday afternoon to start to hammer out more details. I'm hoping that's the point I can break the news to the employees I'm hoping will go with me.

Will look at office space and talk to benefits people this Friday... so much to do, besides just PR.

Well, on to Nadia ... she still has a huge backlog of homework to do... have a great night, everyone!
Thanks guys... looks like a lot of good news and dropping numbers on the thread today. Life is indeed looking up!

ETA - did you happen to see the thread on Ask Cathe where she responded to someone about new workouts! Not only is she filming this year but she said she was doing it more than once! :) :) :)
CHeryl, I do have the BFFM e-book. I really enjoyed it. I think this week I will eat 1500 calories and see what that does for me. My problem is in portions I think. I don't have a food scale so I don't know how much chicken I am eating. Veggies and really anything other than meat I can portion out. I also eat out 2 times a week when my DH is home...so that's hard to put into a calorie calculator.

I didn't get to workout today. My 3 month old daughter didn't take her morning nap until my 2 year old woke up. They never napped together today. So sad!

Tomorrow is a better day.
Good evening, ladies!

Wow, what a busy day here! Well, the workout is finally done, dinner in the tummy (sliced chicken breast, steamed brussel sprouts with a few other veggies added in) and now I'm here! GS BSB got me good tonight! Again, I alternated between the back, shoulder and biceps exercises to maximize my effort and it worked! I know that I will be feeling it tomorrow!!!

Jane- Yahoo on the WI!! Double Yahoo on the DS healing!! I know that it's frustrating, but yes, vertebral bones do take a bit longer to heal because they don't get as much blood flow as limb bones.

Cheryl- I'll have to check out the url!
I'm back!

Amy- great workout! Sounds like you had a great dinner too! :)

Jane- that's awesome news about DS! It does take longer for the back to heal itself. And WAY TO GO MAMA on the WI! And you thought Feb. was a total wash! Good job Jane.

Jessica, I "THINK" a portion is like the size of the palm of your hand. Not very much I know. That kills me too, I think well this is healthy and clean, and eat a ton of it forgetting about the calories. Pain in the butt actually what we have to go thru aina?

Thanks Traci & Cheryl. I think I mean that half sarcastically LOL. I always thought stepping was more fun than kickboxing which is why I probably don't do it. :p But.....I have to say Traci, that when I lost all my weight originally, I was still thick in the thigh area ( I think I was stepping everyday!) and now have to seriously contemplate your suggestion and do more kickboxing. Those dang drills near kill me tho. I know we can modify, but I HATE HAVING TO MODIFY! What workouts are you doing now? Did I read that you haven't lifted a weight lately? Fill me in sister.

Oh BTW I just got done with ME BABIES! I had a nice salad before hand w/ some chicken breast. Maybe I'll have a pudding or fruit drink supplement. I have a feeling I'm gonna be feeling ME, and I don't mean myself, tomorrow. I was going to do the TM, but looked at my rotation and I have a walk/run tomorrow so that worked out perfectly. Plus I didn't have to leave my DS's up here alone while I went down the basement.
Perish that thought! LOL!

Well off to shower and relax and wait to talk to DH. He may be coming home this weekend or the beginning of next week possibly.
I'll be back.



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