Good Morning
Not such a good night here last night:-( How come every time I go to bed early, something happens and I end up with the same amount of sleep as I always do? I went to bed at 10:30 and would have had a great night but the alarm went off at DH's store againx( They were happy when they got there though and realized that the internet had went down and thats why the alarm went off. But the phone call brought me to my feet pretty quick, and woke DS in the next room and he was awake for an hour after that.
We had a good night here last night. My SIL was so excited to see her nephew and she wouldn't put him down! Just as I suspected!
Im not sure what my workout will be today. Its suppose to be PUB and cardio but my mom is suppose to be comming in today and she wants her hair done so I am gonna either have to say..."i don't care, gotta get my workout done" Or hurry up, drink my coffee and get my workout started.
Belinda, glad to see you are back safe and sound! I bet thats a long flight. Its nice to hear you had a good visit with your mom. Do you still have siblings over there?
Amelia, you were bored last night hey? Atleast you went to the computer and not the fridge like I do when I am hungry
Hope your DH is feeling better.
Cheryl, you found your zen again? Its gonna be kind of hard to finding anything here with my SIL home b/c they like to cook meals, that I have no clue what their calorie content are. Although she may be watching it a little now b/c she started working out and I think she lost a couple of pounds. She is small framed anyway and didn't really need to lose weight but I laughed my A$$ off when I found out she was working out b/c she use to give me grief about it.
Nancy, how are ya today? Whats your workout plan?
Mary, I love it when my arms hurt after a workout! I did BBW yesterday but my legs aren't sore today. I find there is alot hamstring work in there....great for NO cellulite!
Kim, hope you check in with us today!
Alright, have a good day everyone! I will be back later!!!!
Oh, I also don't think I am going to go to Thurs mornings playgroup that often anymore. The group is dwindling b/c most people are back to work. And not to sound like a tight arse...but all these kids are turning 1 and I am buying them gifts...where do you think these babies are gonna be when my baby turns 1? Not buying him gifts thats forsure...anyway...I know you don't but people things to get stuff in return but I don't think I should be buying all of them presents when I barely know them. I have enough gifts to buy as it is!
Not such a good night here last night:-( How come every time I go to bed early, something happens and I end up with the same amount of sleep as I always do? I went to bed at 10:30 and would have had a great night but the alarm went off at DH's store againx( They were happy when they got there though and realized that the internet had went down and thats why the alarm went off. But the phone call brought me to my feet pretty quick, and woke DS in the next room and he was awake for an hour after that.
We had a good night here last night. My SIL was so excited to see her nephew and she wouldn't put him down! Just as I suspected!
Im not sure what my workout will be today. Its suppose to be PUB and cardio but my mom is suppose to be comming in today and she wants her hair done so I am gonna either have to say..."i don't care, gotta get my workout done" Or hurry up, drink my coffee and get my workout started.
Belinda, glad to see you are back safe and sound! I bet thats a long flight. Its nice to hear you had a good visit with your mom. Do you still have siblings over there?
Amelia, you were bored last night hey? Atleast you went to the computer and not the fridge like I do when I am hungry
Cheryl, you found your zen again? Its gonna be kind of hard to finding anything here with my SIL home b/c they like to cook meals, that I have no clue what their calorie content are. Although she may be watching it a little now b/c she started working out and I think she lost a couple of pounds. She is small framed anyway and didn't really need to lose weight but I laughed my A$$ off when I found out she was working out b/c she use to give me grief about it.
Nancy, how are ya today? Whats your workout plan?
Mary, I love it when my arms hurt after a workout! I did BBW yesterday but my legs aren't sore today. I find there is alot hamstring work in there....great for NO cellulite!
Kim, hope you check in with us today!
Alright, have a good day everyone! I will be back later!!!!
Oh, I also don't think I am going to go to Thurs mornings playgroup that often anymore. The group is dwindling b/c most people are back to work. And not to sound like a tight arse...but all these kids are turning 1 and I am buying them gifts...where do you think these babies are gonna be when my baby turns 1? Not buying him gifts thats forsure...anyway...I know you don't but people things to get stuff in return but I don't think I should be buying all of them presents when I barely know them. I have enough gifts to buy as it is!