Well, I kinda feel like someone beat me with a stick last night. DS was only up once, but if I said it once, Ive said it a million times... I really have to go to bed earlier! Tonight is the night that I am going to bed around 10:30 or 11, then when DS wakes at 6:30 I won't feel so crappy.
I think my only workouts will be walks today. I am walking to baby group shortly, then to BURPS after lunch to get him weighed. Then we are having a BBQ here for dinner, so I won't have time to do anything in between...and I will probably go for another walk tonight. Walks are good workouts if you walk fast enough.
Amelia*** TTOM!x( I haven't had a period in a while b/c I am bf'ing but I swear I still have the symptoms! Mt friend and I were talking about that the other day. Tues I could have chewed someones head off! For no reason...I just wanted to.
I hope the doc figures out whats wrong with you! Maybe whatever is wrong with you, is wrong with me
Then i won't have to go
I guess your a little disturbed about the 5 lbs? I always want to weigh once a week but I can never stay away from the scale long enough but it is a good idea to only weigh on one particular day.
Belinda*** How much weight have you lost this month? Do you think the rotation helped? Or was your eating REALLY good.
My dogs are alittle crazy and should be trained. They listen really well but they are awful to walk. They pull me the whole way and the smaller one is worse then the big one! So, I just don't take them. I wish I could be its just not enjoyable. DH as to take them somewhere where they can just run.
I hope your not to bad at your moms house cause you can do alot of damage in a short amount of time!
Cheryl *** I hope you enjoyed your rest day. Are your legs better today? I haven't done any weights this week so I think I am going to have to torture myself tomorrow!
Nancy*** I hope you worked those cookies off! Todays baby group is b-day parties so there is gonna be cake and cookies there! I think Ill just say " I can't eat that in the a.m or I will get sick"
Mary*** A puppy? You crazy gal!
So...no grand kids for you yet? LOL I wouldn't think BC would hurt a child but you can never be to safe. I hope you get your dvd player working soon!
Well, yesterday I did Imax 3, tempted to do MM but the phone rang! Then I walked to the mall with my mom so we were on the move for a couple of hours and then I went for a hour long walk last night
Im not sure if I will get to check in anymore today..I have a busy day ahead of me. I hope everyone as a good one!