Weight watchers new program


My vote is - Thumbs up! I've been on WW for a couple of years and have gotten down to only having about 15-20 pounds to go to my personal goal. The FLEX POINT System is great! I found with the old program that I caught myself saying "I'll start up again tomorrow with a whole new set of points, etc." and cheated a lot more. With the FLEX system, you have 35 EXTRA points to use throughout the WEEK! This way when I feel like giving up and cheating one day I realize that I will be screwing up my whole points totals for the rest of the week, so therefore I don't cheat (well.......as bad or as often). }(

Good luck and let me know how you like it!

Cheers, Marcia :)

What about activity points? Do you get those 35 points in addition to or instead of activity points?

I was doing WW just before they changed. I might go back if I understood this better. MORE INFORMATION PLEASE!
I absolutely love it. I was having great progress, and the last 5 days I feel off the wagon. Yesterday, I got back on. It really is wonderful, the best they have done yet!!!!
Lori S.

Deborah- You get those points in ADDITION to the Flex Points, you just have to eat them on the day you earn them.
YEP - You use the same activity slide as before and those are EXTRA points!!!! :) :) :)

You get the 35 flex points to use throughout the week - plus your POINTS "target" range (mine is 22) that you HAVE TO EAT each day and then any exercise points are extra on top of that. The only thing is you do not carry over any activity points if you don't use them the day that you exercise.

I hope that answers your questions otherwise, let me know if you have any more!

Cheers, Marcia :)
For me definitely thumbs up...I started the end of august and have consistently lost every week since. I have had a loss averaging 2 # per week.

I am not depriving myself of any foods I enjoy and I honestly don't feel as if I were on a so called 'diet plan'.
Let me see if I understand this right?

My points range is 18 to 23 points a day, lets say I eat all of my points 23 points

In addition, I get activity points, if I do Pure Strength BBA an intense 45 minute workout I add another 4 points

PLUS I can add 5 points (35 points divided by 7 days = 5 points a day)

So, I could feasibly eat 31 points on a day that I work out? On a day that I don't work out, I could eat 28 points or less?

WOW! With this program there would be no reason for me to be hungry anymore, would there? I think I might join again after my long weekend this weekend!
Your points target would be somewhere in the middle of that 18-23, probably 21 or something like that. You no longer have a 'range' to eat within, it's a straight number to hit everyday PLUS the extras. But, yes, otherwise you have it right if you decide to divide your 35 flex points to 5 a day then you would have that much if you exercised, too.

It's great, huh?!?! :)

Cheers, Marcia :)
I've been on WW since April 28 of this year. I've lost 35.5 pounds and 36 inches. Cathe's tapes have definitely helped the past few months, but the program itself has been a lifesaver for me. I'll be 46 in a few weeks, and I've gone from a size 18 to very nearly a 6. I credit both WW and Cathe. Cathe for pushing me beyond what was a boring and uninspiring exercise routine for me (and I almost stopped because I was so bored with my Firm and FitPrime tapes!!), and WW for teaching me portion control, and helping me take responsibility for my own eating. I would highly recommend this program to anyone, but you have to DO it. You can't "cheat". Any program is doomed to fail from the start unless you really WANT to lose weight and make healthy choices for LIFE. And, this is what I like so much about WW. It teaches you that it is not a "diet". It's a lifestyle choice.

Hope this helps!!

Well I bit the bullet and joined last nite. I only hope it works! It DOES seem really easy with allthose extra points available to you. And just in time for dh's birthday on Monday! Thanks for all the advice guys!:)
Clearly, thumbs up, for this lifer. I have been on both the old and new program and just love the flex point system. You can have one off day and not feel like you have ruined your whole week. I can eat 20 flex points a day plus have four activity points for that day. If I slide a little and eat that brownie, I can use up some of my weekly flex points, 35 for the week, and still be on track.
Cbelle, best of luck to you!! It WILL work if you work it! Please feel free to email me if you ever have any questions! Also, there is plenty of support over on the WW message boards. I hang out on the "Amazing 40 year olds" board, but there are others as well. You'll find the attitude a bit different than here, but you can still get some good advice from time to time, as well as support. You just have to look a bit harder to find it than you do here. People here are already fitness and health-oriented, so I think that makes a big difference. But the program is great, and I believe in it wholeheartedly!

Hey Deborah I just wanted to tell you that instead of them just giving you the 4 points for AP, you are now able to earn more then 4 but of course if you earn 4 or more in that day you have to use it for that day. Did i make sense?

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