Kim, glad to see you are back and that you weren't leaving us on purpose:7 Also nice to know that you kept working out regardless of the electricity! LOL Its hard sometimes to catch up on post, I did it and half way through wondered why I was doing it!haha It took forever. I don't think you really missed anything.
Cheryl, yeah, that was a tough workout and I was tired. I planned on running later that day but DH had left with DS so I figured I could just do some intervals and call it a day. When he came home and I was still working out he said "mommy is still jumping around" haha
Laine, hope your ankle feels better! Hopefully you will be able to do a workout today.
Belinda, almost done packing??? I hate packing and I hate unpackig even more~!
Kali, where are you!?????
Robin, back to work today?
DH is on holidays starting today but I don't think we are going to far. But if we stay around he will end up working! Not sure what we are doing. I also have my neice here all week. She was having a hard time with my sister being gone so I told her to come in with me for the week. DH doesn't know this yet and he might whine cause we are going on "holidays" till I ask him where we are going? hahaha Then he will realize..."NOWHERE"! Plus she is the same age as my daughter so they can keep each other company.
Ill be back later.
Oh and Amelia, we don't get a break! Ive learned that! haha And even if we do, it just plays on our minds about all the things we need to do! hehehe