*** Weight Watchers Monday***


Good Morning Ladies:)

We are up early again today but thats o.k b/c my running partner called last night and wanted to know if we wanted to run early in the morning. I dont think its suppose to get real warm out today but it will be nice to have my workout over with early in the morning:) Plus, I will remind her to bring my workouts back and then I can do my other workout later. I will probably be able to do the BBW after my run but PUB may have to wait until later.

Im going to follow 28 points this week to see what happens! Its just hard to get back into the swing of things. This time of year is always hard to b/c you have BBQ's and gatherings with lots of treats around. I also need to get more ab work done.

Alright, i will check back later.

Good Morning Everybody!

Im a late riser today,LOL! My DS had to have a breathing treatment last night and He woke up twice with a soaked diaper,so I didn't get much sleep!Atleast hes ok though!

I can't decide whether or not to workout today,Im like Miss Lori,My mind doesn't seem to rest when I don't!

Lori-I always tell my DH about the girls on here and how they are so helpful and encouraging! And I tell him about how this one lady in particular(you) seems to have a never ending flow of energy,lol! How was your run? 28 pts is what I follow to,it seems to keep me satisfied!

Cheryl-I wrote down your recipe last night and will make it...its sounds very good with lots of flavor,thanks for sharing!

Kim-Glad you stopped by last night! Im mixing things up with my workout and keeping a hawks eye on my eating! I started walk/jogging last week,maybe thats what my body needs...whos knows! I've heard about sweatfest,Im glad you enjoyed it and I also hear it lives up to its name,LOL....im just not a fan of kickboxing workouts!

Nancy-I hope your having a good day! Did you get your abb workout inn yesterday? I didn't do anything yesterday! I've also heard of the success of less cardio and more weight training! And Im sure your ten pds will be gone before you know it!

Mary-I saw your picture trail....and my what a pretty lady! And you little guy is sooooo adorable,I just wanted to reach out and squeeze his cheeks,LOL! Makes me what to have another one,but then I think....NAH!!!!!my two keep me very busy!

Belinda-I hope all is well,Are you back from your trip to Germany yet? Keep us posted!

Well my tummy is rumbling and my kids are waking so time to start the day! bbl!
Holy Moly...I can't believe how far down the page we were:eek: Can't have that can we?;)

I did a 60 mintue run again today and when I got home( which was 10:30, nice to have it done early)I did my BBW. I still have to do PUB at some point today but I don't know when.

Amelia, I don't have a endless flow of anything! LOL :) I am on the go alot but there are days, like today, where I could use a nap. Im thinking of staying home for a bit so I can catch a few z's. I was late going to bed every night this weekend and it is catching up to me. Its DH's b-day today though and he wants BBQ hamburgers for dinner, so I will have to go out and get the stuff for that.
I get 28 points cause of the bf'ing. I don't think i will be folloing ww's after I am done bf'ing and only get 18 points:eek: I would be starving!!!

Hey girls!

I know, Lori, 18 points is nothing!!!....and that's what I get. It's too hard to stick too. I try to count my points but what I mostly do is eat cleanly. Matter of fact, I'm feeling a little thinner today and the scale is down about 2 lbs. I've been trying to add protein to all of my meals.

I'm really tired today too for some reason. I feel exhausted but by the time I get home I'll catch a second wind and go to bed too late again.

Amelia - I hope the baby continues to feel well. You must get so worried.

Okay, lower body on tap today. B & G I think. Have a great day!!!

Nancy,Lori -I can't imagine only getting 18 pts a day,what in the heck would you eat? Maybe turkey sandwiches and salads and veggies and fruit????My freind started WW last week and she only gets like 20 pts! Shes already lost two pounds so she happy with that!

Lori-Happy birthday to your DH!

My little guy is fine today,he just has these spells he goes through! There usually at night,I can always tell when hes having problems with his breathing cause he starts this grunting sound! Im just glad I got some of his meds the other day! It's funny how a mothers instinct is always right;-) !

Im enjoying my rest day,tommorrow is Body fusion or Lic! If my dyna bands come today it will be LIC! Its hard to not put a movie on for the kids and workout today.....but I want to see if I loose weight with this 4days of excercise thing! Wish me luck!!!!!bbl!
good afternoon lady bugs:) :) :) i hope we are all having a great day!!!i am and have been under the weather(stomach virusx( )that is why i have not been posting. today i bit the bullet and did p90x chest and back(i convinced myself that weight work would be ok) needless to say i am propbably weaker than i would have been:) i hope everyone enjoys this beautiful day and i will try to bbl

a-m-e-l-i-a:you are sooooo sweet!!!!!i am sorry that your little guy is not feeling well:(

lori:28 points...is that with b'feeding?

good day to nancy(school is almost out?), belinda,kim, and cheryl.
Okay, B & G is done!!!!! Wow....that's HARD!!!! I guess that's why I don't pick it up much. I was sweating like an animal. Does that count towards cardio???

Hey Mary - It was a nice day today although they still haven't returned my air conditioner to my window at work and I start to feel it by the end of the day. School is out on the 27th....they keep us till the bitter end.

Okay, see ya later!!!

Nancy,what grade do you teach! I've thought about teaching too! Maybe when my kids are grown!

Hey Mary,a stomach virus isn't fun! I remember the last one I had and I couldn't imagine working out with it! Please let your body rest,theres a war going on in there! I hope you feel better!

well its time for my last snack,got four pts left so thats enough for something good! :9! Catch you gals in the morning!
In my opinion, 18 points are definitely for people who don't work out! Not like us, at least!

Nancy, if B&G made you sweat like a .... well, you know, I say it counts as cardio, too }( }( }(

Amelia, good day - You seem to have plenty of energy yourself, girl!

Lori, did you get your PUB in? I hope to do it tomorrow.

Kim, good to hear from you girl!

Well, I did High Step Challenge 2 early in the day, luckily, because then I came down with what I am sure was food poisoning from having my lovely greek yogurt too long out of the fridge when I bought it on Saturday. Took it into the hairstylist with me, but didn't bank on it being more than 3 1/2 hours!!! The yogurt didn't taste notably more tangy than usual, but it never set up solidly again, which was probably a clue.

So I spent most of today puking my guts out and in terrible awful no good sessions in the bathroom (I won't explain) x(

Happily, though, I no longer feel bloated. Maybe that was my Fat Flush and I can keep my shrunken stomach for good. Glad today is OVER!!!!

Have a great night, everyone!

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