Leaner Legs is done & will do my 30 minute interval later in PM as DH is going to some fishing show tonight with the guys. I was pretty amazed at how “easy” LL was considering I haven’t done a Cathe lower in ages. I guess these old legs are not just leaning with Tony but also gaining strength. Pleasant surprise. I ended up using my light barbell (17#) just for extra intensity.
Well the facial was DIVINE!!!!!!! The place I went to is an Aveda Spa called Natural Retreats. I had one of the Elemental Nature Facials... 1 full hour facial including upper body/arm /hand/scalp massage. OMG it was heaven!!!!!!! I booked another for 4 weeks which puts it the day before my 44th! What a gift that will be!
Arrived back home to find Ab Bootcamp in mail... I previewed and all I can say is I"M SCARED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It looks KILLEr + its over an hour! I think I may have to split it up into 2 segments...standing & floor- Billy Blanks is the energizer bunny on steroids! Also in the mail was my latest rental of Stott Pilates: The Secret to Flat Abs - the sleeve says its 64minutes.... OH LORDY LORDY am I in for abs work or what? I will do BootCamp Abs tomorrow and Pilates on Sunday. That should toast me just fine for a few days. Silly how excited I am to start feeling the burn!!!! I'll get that 6 pack come he** or high water!
****** Personals ******
Amy – Sounds like you are running on overload this week…THANK GOD you get to go to work tomorrow night and get some rest! Lololololol….. On the communication thing… I had a boss once that told me he HAD to give constructive feedback on SOMETHING in every review… the rest was glowing. Take it all for what it is… If they are unaware of your AWESOME communication skills have them log on to Cathe.com! heheheheehh Hope you find your new DVD… REALLY get mad at myself when I do that! AWESOME 30 day stats! Your 20# goal is obviously attainable! We are with ya girl!
Belinda: On this months rotation… I’m doing a circuit mish mosh… mainly Slim Series, TaeBo, Tony Horton Legs. Trying to lean out before I start my building rotation in April.
KALI: WOW girl….Busting past a plateau is so incredibly exciting! I am THRILLED that you listed to your trainer as well! We are all so darned reluctant to stop what we “think” works even tho results tell us its time for a change. I am so proud of you for heeding advise and shifting gears! ^^^5!
CHERYL: I’m jumping and high 5ing you girl! WooHoo!!!!! This is sooooo very cool to see. Months & months of hard work paying off in a big way! What in heavens name does DH say? What about the kids? Last night DH said- STOP losing weight you look anorexic… ONLY FUNNY because I grabbed about 4” of belly fat and said THIS is not anorexia….LOLOL. I don’t think he’s ever seen me fit and skinny… I was skinny fat when we met & just plain old fat after that so this is a bit new to him. HAPPY you listened to your body and shortened workout a bit. SMART!
GIDGET: No worries on scale today… That 140 will be GONE in no time and all you’ll be obsessed about will be getting to 120’s! LOLOL We are always looking at the next milestone aren’t we?
LoriS: It is a new day – As hard as it is please try not to compare your success to rest of group. Look at all your success you DID have in February… not everything is measured by scale. That comes from changing / learning 1 behavior at a time…. Pretty soon it snowballs. You weren’t checking in with us last year when Cheryl, Amy, Jane, Teddygirl & I all appeared to be stuck. We had such long plateaus that if you lined them up we’d be in Jersey with Cathe by now! We are with ya girl and we celebrate all your success’s!!!!
Jessica: YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!! Look at this success- You are aware that bad food makes your mind think like a crazy-depressed person!!!!! Lord I know that feeling!!!! I used to be able to have 1 full cheat day a week (like Body For Life)… Since I got “clean” my body can only tolerate 1 meal a week or I swear I’m in Hormone Hell for 2 weeks. GREAT JOB on basic step! I love pulling that one out and giving it my all…. I have no problem getting my HR way up either (I ALWAYS max riser at 1). Intensity of workouts are more about what you give them and far less about the actual intensity of the DVD. YOU ARE DOING GREAT! I’m so happy you are checking in with us now!
Teddygirl: NICE workout today! How often are you jogging/running? Is that part of your leg reduction strategy????? LOL on adding P90X… ^^^5!
JANE: Hope today is going great for you!
Ta Ta For Now
Well the facial was DIVINE!!!!!!! The place I went to is an Aveda Spa called Natural Retreats. I had one of the Elemental Nature Facials... 1 full hour facial including upper body/arm /hand/scalp massage. OMG it was heaven!!!!!!! I booked another for 4 weeks which puts it the day before my 44th! What a gift that will be!
Arrived back home to find Ab Bootcamp in mail... I previewed and all I can say is I"M SCARED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It looks KILLEr + its over an hour! I think I may have to split it up into 2 segments...standing & floor- Billy Blanks is the energizer bunny on steroids! Also in the mail was my latest rental of Stott Pilates: The Secret to Flat Abs - the sleeve says its 64minutes.... OH LORDY LORDY am I in for abs work or what? I will do BootCamp Abs tomorrow and Pilates on Sunday. That should toast me just fine for a few days. Silly how excited I am to start feeling the burn!!!! I'll get that 6 pack come he** or high water!
****** Personals ******
Amy – Sounds like you are running on overload this week…THANK GOD you get to go to work tomorrow night and get some rest! Lololololol….. On the communication thing… I had a boss once that told me he HAD to give constructive feedback on SOMETHING in every review… the rest was glowing. Take it all for what it is… If they are unaware of your AWESOME communication skills have them log on to Cathe.com! heheheheehh Hope you find your new DVD… REALLY get mad at myself when I do that! AWESOME 30 day stats! Your 20# goal is obviously attainable! We are with ya girl!
Belinda: On this months rotation… I’m doing a circuit mish mosh… mainly Slim Series, TaeBo, Tony Horton Legs. Trying to lean out before I start my building rotation in April.
KALI: WOW girl….Busting past a plateau is so incredibly exciting! I am THRILLED that you listed to your trainer as well! We are all so darned reluctant to stop what we “think” works even tho results tell us its time for a change. I am so proud of you for heeding advise and shifting gears! ^^^5!
CHERYL: I’m jumping and high 5ing you girl! WooHoo!!!!! This is sooooo very cool to see. Months & months of hard work paying off in a big way! What in heavens name does DH say? What about the kids? Last night DH said- STOP losing weight you look anorexic… ONLY FUNNY because I grabbed about 4” of belly fat and said THIS is not anorexia….LOLOL. I don’t think he’s ever seen me fit and skinny… I was skinny fat when we met & just plain old fat after that so this is a bit new to him. HAPPY you listened to your body and shortened workout a bit. SMART!
GIDGET: No worries on scale today… That 140 will be GONE in no time and all you’ll be obsessed about will be getting to 120’s! LOLOL We are always looking at the next milestone aren’t we?
LoriS: It is a new day – As hard as it is please try not to compare your success to rest of group. Look at all your success you DID have in February… not everything is measured by scale. That comes from changing / learning 1 behavior at a time…. Pretty soon it snowballs. You weren’t checking in with us last year when Cheryl, Amy, Jane, Teddygirl & I all appeared to be stuck. We had such long plateaus that if you lined them up we’d be in Jersey with Cathe by now! We are with ya girl and we celebrate all your success’s!!!!
Jessica: YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!! Look at this success- You are aware that bad food makes your mind think like a crazy-depressed person!!!!! Lord I know that feeling!!!! I used to be able to have 1 full cheat day a week (like Body For Life)… Since I got “clean” my body can only tolerate 1 meal a week or I swear I’m in Hormone Hell for 2 weeks. GREAT JOB on basic step! I love pulling that one out and giving it my all…. I have no problem getting my HR way up either (I ALWAYS max riser at 1). Intensity of workouts are more about what you give them and far less about the actual intensity of the DVD. YOU ARE DOING GREAT! I’m so happy you are checking in with us now!
Teddygirl: NICE workout today! How often are you jogging/running? Is that part of your leg reduction strategy????? LOL on adding P90X… ^^^5!
JANE: Hope today is going great for you!
Ta Ta For Now