Weight loss Tip

>It is shocking that you've been told to avoid it. Shocking.

Not that shocking: the allopathic medical community is not well versed in nutrition, and are often behind the times when it comes to research like this.

(I'm going to look up a vegan macaroon recipe when I get home!)
OK ladies, I'm sold on this. I'm going to find some either tonight or tomorrow and put this to the test. Does anyone know if they sell it at Whole Foods or GNC? I read someone found it in the Vitamin Shop but I'm not sure if we have one around here.
My Whole Foods sells 2 varieties - 1 in the section with all the food oils, and 1 with the supplements. Also, GNC did have 1 variety. Make sure the one you buy is organic and unprocessed. Spectrum and Garden of Life are good brands and there are others.

So you just drink the 2 tsp of oil before the meal? Like medicine? Or do you have to mix it.

Is it expensive? I've got a Whole Foods I can check out- tonight!!
Icklemoley, so glad you brought this up! You are exactly right about virgin coconut oil. I believe one of the reasons coconut oil helps you to lose weight is that it contains a type of fatty acid called medium chain fatty acid (MCT) which helps to speed up your metabolism. Unlike longer chain fatty acids, or tryglicerides, which are stored in the body as fat, MCTs burn up quickly in the body. This is my understanding of what I've been reading so far. Here is the website I ordered my coconut oil:

I hope that helps:)

Honestly I've been forgetting to take the oil lately but I'm going to start again tomorrow and I will try adding the oil to warm water and apple juice...never tried that before....usually I've added it to my protein shakes.
NEVER MIND on that last post- I went to Whole Foods and picked some up. (Oil section, on sale!) You really can't eat it straight off the spoon. Yuck!

But, as I sit here, I am really not hungry anymore. Yay! Post-dinner splurges are my downfall.

Thanks for the tip!
I bought mine and mixed 1TBS. with a very small amount of milk. I couldn't even taste it. Did I do something wrong? I got the oil from GNC. I bought the liquid but they had gel tabs also. Is one more effective than the other?
people in the South Pacific use coconut oil
>as their main oil and their societies have major weight
I doubt that's the only reason they have weight problems. More likely, they are one population that has a "fat gene". There was a National Geographic Explorer (?) program on with Alan Alda that addressed this issue. Certain populations have a "fat gene" that doesn't affect them until they get away from their traditional eating patterns. In the past, when their diets were filled with unprocessed, primarily plant-based foods, they had no weight problem. Then, when they started eating refined foods and foods more like the SAD (Standard American diet--an appropriate acronym, isn't it?), they very quickly became a society of overweight people. Native Americans and South Americans are two of the groups.
Keep me updated ladies. For me it works the best at lunchtime and dinner time as after dinner (5pm) i would eat and eat and eat but with adding coconut oil thats it. I'm done for the night. Plus if i have eggs with a slice of toast in the morning, i'm not hungry for hours and hours. Breakfast at 7:30am, hungry around 2pm. Great stuff. And everytime i get a sore throat, i take more and next day... gone.
Ok Icklemoley, I'm trying to figure out how much coconut oil to use in a day. You posted all of these:

""For weight loss, try taking two teaspoons in a little hot water or apple juice, 30 minutes before meals (3x a day).

30 minutes before each meal (three times aday) put two tablespoons into a little bit of hot water to turn to oil.

I now cook with coconut oil as well as using it in hotwater with a little apple juice (2 desert spoons 3 times aday).""

Just trying to figure if it's 2 tablespoons (which would be 3 teaspons) 3 times a day, or 2 teaspoons 3 times a day.
Ok, i use 2 table spoons (about two desert spoon fulls) three times a day, but i have built up to this level. I would start with 2 teaspoons and work up.
Hey Wayne, it is nice to see you around. You've convince me and I went out and brought the oil from the health food store. Im wondering if you can take it straight from the spoon follow by cold water. I try it in warm water and it just made me gag because I guess of the warm water. Well anyway thanks for this info.
Yes, I have heard of the wonders of coconut oil but does it taste like coconuts?!! Because if it does then I won't like it, because I hate coconuts. Can you still taste it once you have cooked it?

Firstly, just pop the container in a little hot water, the oil will turn to liquid and then you can consume it with apple juice or some other juice. You can't even taste it. It isn't bad.
Second, yes it goes taste like coconut and yes you can taste it in meals that have been prepared. Sorry.

Edit to say, now that i cook with the oil as well as take it 3 times a day, with a little apple juice i would say that i actually eat more calories now. Not a lots more, but more. The other day i forgot to eat any, and all day long i was craving fat in foods. Butter. Bacon. Eggs. That kind of stuff, as soon as i took some, 20 minutes later. Craving gone.

Good to see you too Barbara :)

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