Weight loss rotation - new tapes

I just read that Wanda (Cathe4Me) has lost 5 lbs since starting the Total Overall Body Blast using the new tapes. Might be worth checking out.

Or, you may want to consider starting a new thread because I think Cathe thinks you got your answer because there are so many responses to this one.

Cathe recommends for weight loss 4 x hour cardio sessions a week, and 2 x strength workouts (such as PH and MIS). Cathe posted this rotation way back last year, and I remembered to copy this down. I am also (trying) to follow this rotation too :7

Hope this helps ! :)

RE: Bumping for Cathe's attention (nfm)

Hi Sara, It means "No Further Message." I am really looking forward to Cathe answering this question. I got my DVDs yesterday (I did the two-night shipping option). They are awesome. Enjoy our gorgeous weather. Kachina
RE: Bumping for Cathe's attention (nfm)

I am so jealous that you got your DVD's! I don't get mine until Monday - aargh!! Email me and let me know how you like them- like there is any question that they will be awesome!!!! :)
Sara :)
RE: Bumping for Cathe's attention (nfm)

Sara, they ARE TOTALLY AWESOME! Cathe keeps blowing my mind, just when I think she cannot top herself, she does! I am sending you an e-mail straight away. Get some rest this weekend, you will need it. LOL

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