Weight loss checkin 3/17/03


No, I am not starting this because I have great and wonderful news. Actually the opposite. I weighed for the first time in over a month. Not good. In the past year, I have gained 25 pounds. I now weigh what I weighed when I got pregnant with my son over four years ago. At that time, it was an all-time high for me. I knew I was gaining but I was a little surprised to see it up that high. Shock therpy can be good!!!!

Anyway, today I start over (AGAIN). No excuses, no "this is why I'm fat". We go to the beach toward the end of May and I would like to have a minimum of 10 pounds gone by then.

I really am upset with myself. Even as I type this I keep wanting to type the excuses (valid as they may be;)), but I will not do it! I ask you, beg you, to be my support and slap me around if I fall off the wagon. I want tough love people!

Hi Kelly,

I'm so glad you're back! :) And don't be down on yourself, the important thing is that you're back and trying again! :)

I was just thinking this morning that I'm going to stop torturing myself with the scale and for the next month concentrate on losing inches! I'll still weigh in once/week, but that'll be just because I'm anal like that! But I think if I try concentrating more on lost inches than pounds, I won't be so disappointed every week and losing it every time I retain water or something!
So with that in mind~yes! I lost nothing, 0, nil! But hopefully next week I'll be posting on a loss in inches somewhere!? :)

Good week everybody!


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
Hi Kelly...I don't do kicks in the pants but I'll be happy to help support you! I certainly understand that bathing suit dread -- we're supposed to go to Jamaica in June (if I stay employed that is...)

Donna..I think your idea of measuring inches is good. I'm hoping you get some positive feedback this week.

Well as for me, a big goose egg! I didn't officially weighin on Sat and definitely did not like what my home scale told me this morning...so I maintained (that's my story and I'm sticking to it!!)

Hope there are some great successes to follow!
Hi everybody! Well I lost a pound a half last week ( I weigh in on Thursdays for WW). I am a pound away from my 10% goal. I really hope I get it this week, but I have had a lot more ice cream than I should, so who knows.

Kelly- Sometimes it takes a major shock to get back into action. You can do this! We are all behind you and will be here to support you!

Sharon and Donna- sorry for no scale losses this week, but sometimes it comes in the loss of inches. Make sure you are taking measurements. Are your clothes getting looser? That is always my best indication.

Hope everyone has an awesome week and has great news to report next week. Shorts, tank tops and swimsuit season is coming soon! Heather
Hi All !

Just nipping in to let you know I had my WW's weigh in last night, and lost 3.5 lbs !!!!!! :7 I don't know, this WW's stuff is working !
Hope everyone is well ! I have got to rush, we have had a manic, head lice epidemic (Groan !) over the weekend, and it is my turn to be checked today.

Bye !
Anna :)
Congrats Anna! Glad to hear you are doing well with WWs!

I'm down a pound a half too. I've been more consistent and I've managed with birthday cake in the house! (DH turned 30 yesterday!)

Here's a funny story - I never weigh during TTOTM because it just doesn't make sense, knowing that I gain a minimum of 5 pounds water weight. But for some reason I decided to take measurements that week and order a whole new spring wardrobe (shopping therapy). I have been wearing 14/16s for years and they were admittedly a little tighter that week than normal... but I was shocked to discover that the measurements indicated I should be wearing a 22W or a 2X!!! So I decided to be brave and treat myself to really nice, well-fitting spring clothes while I renewed my commitment to get back in shape... and I ordered them, ALL, at the bigger sizes. They arrived yesterday, and sure enough - not one thing fit. They were all TOO BIG. In fact, when I was doing some spring cleaning I came across some old "skinny" clothes I'd put away (still Large and XL sizes, but smaller than I had been wearing). So, I'm off to the post office today to return the new clothes and to the dry cleaners to freshen up the old ones.

What a life! I think I'll be happier if I can replace shopping and eating with exercise as cure for my occassional obsessive indulgences.


PS Congrats to you too Heather, and to all the maintainers this week. Welcome back Kelly!
Congrats Katie, Anna & Heather for losing! :) Woooooo~Hooooo! :)

Sharon: You stick to that story~you maintained! :) And what's my motto? That's right! "it's always better to maintain than to gain!"


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
What a great idea Kelly to post this to help motivate each other. I have been struggling with my weight for the past year and a half, watching my weight go up and up. I taught physical education classes at a university near me for several years. I ...... sigh...... used to be fairly "buff". Due to budget cuts and the insecurity of my job I have decided to get my BS degree in Nursing (job security)... this means that I have less time to teach classes and have to find the time to work out on my own along with taking care of my three teenage daughters .. full time classes.
I'm going to vow to myself and to my workout friend here that I will start working on losing the 20lbs that I've gained.... starting TODAY.
Hi everyone, I am just posting to say I maintained my weight this week. I am still having a hard time controlling my eating, part of it is TTOM I think. Tomorrow is my birthday, so starting Sunday I am restarting WW and following it as best as I can and journalling. I will let everyone know how I did. Congratulations to everyone who lost.

Sally: I just started back to school for my BSN in nursing, I am doing it online through Jacksonville University, and I can honestly say I am enjoying it. Part of it is that I don't have to leave my kids after work to go too school, I log on when I can, fininsh my work, and take my tests as scheduled before each week is up. Good luck with your program. Glad to see another nurse on the boards.
I see lots of weight loss, and not much talk about fat loss. I lost 1 1/2 pounds this week, i lost, 5 lbs this week, etc.etc.etc...but what about fat loss? And i mean true fat loss. It all seems to be about weight. Weight is not the issue. Lossing bodyfat is. Perhaps you should try having body fat measured rather than stepping on and off the scales, that would give you a better reading as to weather or not the weight you are losing is fat or muscle.

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