weight loss check-in week of 12/15



How is everyone doing this week??

I did not go near the scale. I had a horrible week emotionally last week. I found out on Monday that I was pregnant (unplanned, I have a 5 month old, 3 year old and 5 year old), and kept putting off telling DH about it all week. Friday I ended up having a miscarriage and DH found out about it by me calling him at work because I started to hemmorage. He rushed home, took me to the ER and was so incredible. I was in bed all weekend but today had to get back to reality- get 2 kids off to school and take care of the baby. Gotta pick up my daughter from preschool at noon.

So I did not go near the scale. Am a total mess emotionally this morning. I did not even want another baby right now and was really unhappy to be pregnancy but now since I lost the baby I feel guilty and sad about it. Almost like my ambivolence caused the miscarriage. I know thats not true though.

I am NOT going to let myself fall into my old pattern of eating to comfort myself. NOT gonna do that.

Hi Marci,
Just wanted to let you know how sorry I am about your terrible week. I know you are feeling guilty, but you didn't do anything to cause the miscarriage.
Please take care of yourself - I know it's hard with three little ones. Don't worry about the scale right now - you need time to heal physically and emotionally.
Thinking of you,
Hi Marci,

I'm so sorry about your week, and why these things happen we'll never know, but for sure it was nothing you did.
You just be good to yourself and don't overdo anything. Take the time to heal physically and emotionally, and I know the emotional part is far more difficult.

As for me, you couldn't have paid me to get on a scale this morning. That's right, TTOTM first thing bright and early this morning! At least it gave me an extra day and let me have my birthday in peace!
And speaking of which, tell me why I told everyone who asked me "what do you want?" that I wanted something fitness related, and even gave them little ideas of the "little things" you can always use like spring clips, gloves, socks (inexpensive items since my birthday is so close to Christmas), and tell me why I kept getting boxes of ----ing candy? I got Turtles, chocolate covered macadamia nuts, a cheesecake, and flowers! My happiest moment was opening a pair of 5# weights from my hubby! (I'd given mine away to that 14 y/o girl who posted a month ago and I wanted another pair for the new pyramid workout coming) They thought HE was wrong! I grabbed him and squeezed him because at least HE was listening! He gave me a box filled with the "little necessities" (clips, gloves, ankle weights and don't laugh, he meant well, a headband!?) But the point was, he listened, and I can use everything he gave me. I did want my medicine ball, but I have to assume Santa is bringing it, I will be mentioning it daily just in case!

So, with TTOTM, and eating 1/4th of the cheesecake (okay, I was upset they gave it to me but not stupid enough not to at least eat a chunk! :))last night, I will weigh in next Monday morning!

Good week to everyone else, Marci, take care of yourself and be good to yourself this week. :)

Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
I'm going to start checking in with you guys! I have been trying very unsuccessfully to lose 15 lbs for a year! I am now counting calories on fitday. For a week I've kept it under 1800 calories but forgotten to add the beer that I drank on Friday. That put me over! But I work out like crazy--4 days of cardio at 30 to 40 minutes & 4 days of very heavy (for me) strength training.

I am so sorry about your miscarriage, Marci. I wish I had words to comfort you. It's an awful experience to lose a baby whether you think you wanted it or not.

Donna, I'm happy DH gave you what you asked for! It took me a long time to convince my DH that it was ok to give me that stuff when I was asking for it! I have a friend who didn't, doesn't work out, has no desire to work, who got Buns of Steel from her dh one year! SHE FREAKED! Can you imagine? All I could do was laugh--maybe he was trying to find a nice way to tell her she was getting flabby? Too funny!

I'm ready to take the next step! http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/a_smil09.gif
Marci- I am so sorry about your miscarriage. Please know I am thinking of you.

Donna- What great b-day gifts from your husband!!! How fun!!!

Well, I maintained this week. I think I had a loss, but I am carrying so muchj water, and I do not know why. Hopefully i have a big loss next week.

Have a great week everyone!!
Lori S.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-16-02 AT 07:48PM (Est)[/font][p]Marci
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I'm hoping you and hubby are feeling better about things soon. No way should you be worrying about the scale!! Just try to feel better. I applaud you for even thinking about exercising with three munchkins 5 and under!!

I didn't really do anything different last week (except did lower intensity & yoga 'cause my lower back was aching). I ended up losing 2.8 lbs to my surprise. Maybe my metabolism is finally revving up??

Hope you all have a better week!

~~ Sharon ~~
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-16-02 AT 10:27PM (Est)[/font][p]hey everyone

Sorry to hear your news Marci.. I hope you feel better soon and don't give in to those old ways, it will only make you feel twice as bad a week from now. Hang in there .. HUGS
Well, i have to report FINALLYYYYYYYYYYY i have a 4lb loss.. thank the Good Lord. I started weight watchers online and its helped me regain the control i desperatly needed. I am crossing my fingers with hope that i can do well at this.. as well as my workouts are! They are no problem its the food that is my pleasure joy and passion.. Well.. Have a great week everyone..

Candy :)
Candy & Sharon..................


Now, it's customary for the two of you to send your "positive weight loss vibes" to the rest of us! (okay~what are you waiting for? We're ready, send em'!) :)

But that is really good news and I know you're happy and we're happy for you!

Have a good week, and see ya Monday.


p.s. I'm still not feeling the vibes yet! Did you send them?

Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Hi all! I haven't checked in with you guys for quite some time, but I like to read your progress. I just stopped by to give Marci my sympathies! I am so sorry for your loss. Please don't feel guilty - nothing is your fault!

Donna, you have such an awesome husband!! :D Way to go!!

Congrats to those that lost weight this week, and keep on truckin' EVERYONE! :) :)

I am still at that plateau I've been at for 3-1/2 months now. I can't wait to get the Intensity Series to get some new motivation and changes to my fitness routine.

Marci, I'm sorry about your loss. Please take the time you need to heal emotionally and don't worry about the scale.

I'm very sorry about your loss, Marci. My thoughts are with you, also.
A belated Happy Birthday to you Donna!
I'm a couple of days late with my weight check-in. I did lose a couple of pounds. I didn't work-out as much as I should've. I've been too busy for Christmas. I'm still hanging in there, though! Congrats to all who have continued to lose! Keep up the good work! I'll talk to you at the next check-in.

Marci, I am very sorry to hear about your loss, my thoughts are with your and your husband.
I just wanted to start checking in with you guys, I maintained last week, but so far this week I have been following my points closely. It is hard because every week there is some get together or party. Working out will hopefully even it out. Thanks for letting me post.


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