weight loss check in week of 1/19


Hi all!

I hope you don't mind if I post this a day early. I have to go out of town this afternoon after my son's birthday party. I am driving down to Maryland (that is where I am from) and going to spend a few days with my grandmother because my grandfather is very sick and in the hospital. I got a call that he will probably die in the next few days. I must go and say goodbye to him.

Anyway I wanted to report I lost 2 lbs this week (6 day week since I usually weigh in on Sunday)

I look forward to reading about how everyone did when I come back.

Kay, did you get back on track?? I am routing for you!

Well off to throw a party for 15 5 and 6 year old kids. Hey, who said I don't know how to party LOL!!!!

Hi Marci,

I'm so so sorry about your grandfather, my thoughts will be with you.

Congrats on the 2# loss, you go girl! I'm not weighing in until tomorrow or Monday morning (I usually do both mornings and go with the best #):) So I'll check back in either tomorrow or Monday. Have fun with your party, and I'll be headed to Maryland myself on Tuesday, my parents live in Silver Spring and hubby and I are taking my dad to a doc appt.

See you guys later,

Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Marci - Just wanted to say that I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather. I don't have my stuff pulled together enough to post on my week yet, but I wanted to let you know that my thoughts are with you.


I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather. I will keep you in my thoughts.

I will not be weighing in until tomorrow. I did myself in last night going out to dessert with my DH before going to the movies. I truly enjoyed the brownie sundae with vanilla bean ice cream and mug of full-fat hot chocolate (followed by some gross sour patch kids [overpriced] at the movies). All of which was followed by guilt...

I'll check back tomorrow.
Hi everyone,

Marci, I am so sorry to hear about your grandfather, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

I weighed myself this morning and I stayed the same. That is probably because my eating got out of control towards the end of the week. The good part is that I kept up my exercise, I actually did 3 cardios and 3 full body strength workouts this week. My eating was probably because of stress, my DD was very sick with a virus and couldn't go to school for a week, so when I stay home with her it is easier to munch than when I am at work and busy, I know that is a filmsy excuse, but I am back counting my points and writing in my food diary.

Talk to you guys next week.

Marci, My condolences regarding your grandfather. I hope the bday party went well!

Phyllis, sorry about DD.. I hope she's feeling better soon.

As for me, I am down 2 lbs this week. With this PS rotation I'm losing twice as fast as usual (thanks Donna!)

I'll check in with you later and am thinking light thoughts for your weigh-ins.

~~ Sharon ~~
Good morning! I now have my act back together...

Phyllis, sorry to hear about DD being sick. Thats always hardest on mom! Staying the same is ok. I think Donna posted once that sometimes even small plateus can be helpful because they serve to let your body or mind catch up to the rest of you. And in any week, 6 good workouts is commendable.

Sharon, congrats on the loss! I'm going to have to do a search for the PS rotation, unless you know where I can find it?

I had a successful week. I lost 3.5 pounds. I know most of it was water since this is the first week in months that I've been fully hydrated, but it still feels good. I made several positive changes, mostly in attitude and am seeing the payoff already. In fact, DH is really getting into it! He redesigned the workout room and is, even now, downstairs on the treadmill!!! You can't know how often over the last 10 years I've begged him to add cardio to his weights!

So, have a great week! Look forward to seeing the rest of the posts.

Good morning everybody :)

No~don't let the smilie face fool ya, no loss to report! But considering how "down the crapper" my eating went from Friday-Sunday, I am blessed to have maintained!

Sharon & Katie: Huge congrats on your losses! I'm so glad you're having success with that rotation Sharon, I have tons of them so let me know when you're ready to try another. And Katie, water or fat, I'd be just happy to see the scale go down! :)

Phyllis: I hope your daughter (I hope DD=dear daughter otherwise this could be embarrassing!) is feeling better by now. My daughter had some virus a week ago and was sick for about 3 days, it was horrible, and she's 18, so for a younger child I'm sure it was just miserable for you both! Hope she's feeling much better.

Marci: Checking in on you again too! Please feel our support for you during this emotional time for you. You've had quite a year so far and it's still January! We are here for you and we're all thinking about you and your family, so I hope you feel our love and support and positive vibes! :)

Well, I'm off to workout this am, and I now have nothing even slightly tempting in the house at all. I have vowed to keep it that way and made hubby take a solemn vow to not bring any dessert item of more than 300 calories across the threshhold for at least the next 30lbs! He took it reluctantly as he knows how I can get when I REALLY crave a chocolate dessert item! But I gave him permission to be as strict as he needed to be to get me through the moment.
side note: you could be seeing my profile someday on Forensic Files as a housewife gone mad who accidently killed her husband and tried to hide his body in a mountain of melted chocolate!

Anyway~good week you guys, and NEXT week, (feeling a little Scarlett O'Hara here)"God as my witness I WILL report a loss!"


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-20-03 AT 10:49AM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-20-03 AT 08:54 AM (Est)[/font]

Hi All,

Well, I am back down to my pre-Christmas weight (Thank Goodness):-jumpy. That extra 3 lb has been blasted into Christmas pudding & cream oblivion, AND it is my TTOTM looming very near at a rate of knots !!!! URGH !!! And don't I know it, I feel so bloated to the point where I could just dive into the Atlantic Ocean, and float to America......where do you think I would land or should I say, which beach would I float onto ???? :-hmmm
OK, I am being a little silly here, but my PMDD is not nice (x(), and I need cheering up :-(
I did really well with my exercise last week, as you know, I got CTX series, so far only done Kickbox, and Step/Intervals. I had an urge to do Circuit Max on Saturday night (Urgh ! My brain cells aren't working, I mean IMAX DOH ! :-rollen), so I never got round to 10-10-10, until tonight :)-wow :eek: :-wow - I have been having nightmares about this workout !!!!!)

Guess what !????! My new heavier dumbells have just arrived :) :) :) I am finally growing out of my 3.5lb hand weights :)

Anyway, where was I ? Oh yes, well done everyone !

Marci - I am sorry to hear about your Grandfather, thinking of you. Congrats on the 2lb loss !

Phyllis - hope your daughter is feeling better, and 'It is better to maintain, than gain' ! Well done on the exercise front. I wish I could get in 6 workout days, I am still trying to get out of the habit of 5 days.

Sharon - WOW-EE :-wow Well done, I have this rotation waiting for me, as soon as I order the PS series (not til after the 10th Feb :'().

Katie - 3.5 pounds !!!!! :-jumpy Well done !!!! What is the weather like in Germany at the moment ? Here, it is wet, rainy and grey - HUH, typical British weather !!!!!!!! :-rollen

Donna - am I allowed to use your favourite expression 'It is better to maintain than to gain !'. Don't worry, my eating went 'down the crapper' (LOVE THAT :7 :7 :7 :7) on Friday night, a take away curry (though with boiled rice). My curry craving was still not satisfied, so I made a vegetable curry on Saturday, and had the same again last night. I don't know why I just didn't make my own low fat alternative on Friday night, would of saved me some £'s !!!!!!! :-rollen and fat grammes !
Anyway, LOL, saw your earlier post about ice cream, and I mis-read it and thought it said Soya Bean ice cream, I thought 'Mmm, thats healthy', and then I realised it said Vanilla bean (which sounds divine BTW !!) !!!!!!!! LOL :7 :7
Come to think of it, my supposedly abstaining from take-aways went down the crapper before Christmas !! :-rollen

Why do we always cave in to these naughty things ? It is like they hypnotise you and say 'Eat me......EAT ME NOWWWWWWW !!!'
Bwahahaha !!!!! }>

OK, until next week !!!!!!!

Anna :)

APOLOGIES LINDA !!!!!! It was you who had the Soya, erm Vanilla Bean ice cream :D. O-Oh, you can tell TTOTM is looming, can't you ? :-rollen ! I obviously can't read my notes very well, erm, yes, I have to take notes.......:-shy !
Hi everyone! Sorry I am a little late checking in but I am not feeling too well today. I have what I am guessing is a sinus infection. I tried to workout today and just about died. Any sort of impact or lowering my head caused so much pressure. So I am just going to have to take it easy until this passes. My husband claims it's a virus and antibiotics won't do anything, so I won't waste the money going to the doctor. Now I must know, what is this PS rotation? 3 1/2 pounds is out of this world! It sounds like most everyone either maintained or lost this week! Congratulations. My WW meeting was cancelled last week, so I don't really have a number to report. I think I am about the same. But I am really going to be extra good with my eating and journaling these next four days so I can see some sort of loss at my meeting on Thursday. Especially since my friend joined with me, I don't want her to have a loss and me not. Ah, the competitive nature in me....Everyone have a great week. Us Intensity Series dvders can see the light at the end of tunnel. :) Love, Heather
Katie, Great job on the 3.5 lbs. You and Anna have been good influences on you hubbies this week.. I just had mine tell me about the yummy cream filled muffin he had for breakfast...

Donna, good luck this week. You are an all or nothin’ kind of gal, hunh? My new tactic is to have low cal alternatives for all my usual munchie cravings and put them in single serving sizes. This has helped me except a couple days before TOM when I seem to lose my mind. (That would be yesterday.. Fudge Cake icecream with 2 M&M cookies). Its probably good that I’m at work today so I can get back into control... I’m hoping the kids polish the cookies off while they are at home today w/ grandma. My DH was feeling lovey-dovey and decided that I needed a treat. I’m working on breaking him of this habit. Its much better to not have it in the house than to try and test your self-discipline.

Anna: I know how you feel.. I’m glad I weighed in Saturday instead of today. I always gain 2-3 lbs during TOM. But, I’m going to try and fight Mother Nature this week --- I’ve downed 64 oz of water already (~ noon here).

Daisy: Sorry you aren’t feeling well. I had something a few weeks ago – rest up and feel better soon.

For everyone who asked about the PS rotation – here it is courtesy of our very own Donna! She had mega losses during the 6 wk period she did it. (30+ lbs). I’ve really been enjoying it (starting week 4) and had great increases in both strength and endurance. I am definitely feeling a bit more prepared for when my Intensity DVDs arrive. That is, if I make it through weeks 5&6!

Donna’s 6-week PS rotation
week 1 & 2:
m: 60min cardio + PS-BBA
t: 60min cardio
w: PS-SL&A
t: 30min cardio + PS-CST
f: CardioKicks
s: PowerHour
s: 30min stretch
week 3 & 4:
m: CardioKicks
t: PS-SL&A
w: 60min cardio + PS-CST
t: 60min cardio + PS-BBA
f: 45min kickboxing cardio
s: MIS
s: 30min stretch
week 5 & 6:
m: 60min cardio + PS-CST
t: PS-SL&A
w: 60min cardio + PS-BBA
t: CardioKicks + PS-CST
f: 30min cardio + PS-SL&A
s: 60min cardio + PS-BBA
s: 30min stretch

~~ Sharon ~~
Well, I have to admit that I gained! I'm so upset at myself. I had gained 5 pounds over Christmas then I lost two pounds two weeks ago and I was down another two pounds as of thursday morning but between thursday and today I gained 4 pounds. I won't even tell you what I ate this weekend. It's too embarrassing.

Congratulations to everyone who lost!
Well, I had a terrible weekend also and I am not going near the scale. I will do better this week, I hope. I am going out of town to a Rally for the weekend, and you eat what they serve. Oh, it is good food, good and fattening!!!!!
Lori S.
Sharon, many thanks for the PS rotation! I can never get the search thingy to work. I even tried to look up Donna's pearls of wisdom, knowing good and well they were there but found no entries.

Anna, I put a note to you on the field trip thread not even thinking about how long it was and that you wouldn't see it. Germany was actually gorgeous this weekend, clear skies and relatively warm.

Donna, I'm sure if we put our minds to it we can find a truely gooey chocolate desert under 300 calories....

Heather, take good care of yourself. Please let me know if you have any tricks for making the journaling more palatable! I still Hate it (but with a smile!)

Jennifer and Lori, don't beat yourselves up. Calories don't keep calendars- so you can fight them again tomorrow!

Thanks for the positive notes everybody. You always make me feel good!

Hi Katie,

I left you a note earlier on this evening at the asaid thread.

Sunshine in Germany ?????? And warm ????? HUH !!!!!! And we get cold, yukky rain here !!!! :-rollen

Take Care :)

Anna :)

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