I understand where you're at, I think we all have our own "issues" that pop up during our losses, and for each of us its different. I LOVE being looked at since for so long no one ever took a second glance (except hubby~and only he and God understand why he looked twice!), but I too am at some "crossroads" with my weight and dealing with issues I haven't quite gotten a grip on.
I'm clearly not "done" with myself, yet I struggle with my eating every week now? It's a mental thing, but I'm not sure what's going on with me yet? But I know it sabotages my eating every single week now for the past 2 months!
Sometimes I think maybe I'm not sure who I am now? Or what life might be like for me at a normal weight? I've never been normal, even as a child I was overweight so at no time have I ever been where I should be, so how do I do it? And if I get there, can I hold on to it?
I always say that weight loss is just as much mental as physical! I use to NEVER have "fat days" the whole time I was losing because I was losing and feeling good about myself, but now I have "fat days" and actually change clothes several times trying to find something that makes me look thinner. What the he@@ is that about? So we all have our "issues" and I guess the best we can do is try talking them out with others that sort of understand. Sometimes I think I'll always feel "fat" because I've never known anything else. I hope that feeling fades, but I'm closer to goal than I've ever been but I still feel "fat!"
Ya know Kay, I WAS trying to make you feel better but now I've got myself thinking about my own issues! Thanks a lot Kay!

But seriously, as long as I'm already depressing myself, take your time with yourself, but don't give in or up, because you wouldn't be sweating your tail off or lifting or doing any of what you're doing unless you really wanted it, so don't stop, just be patient with yourself, and appreciate the looks and comments.
I'm just happy to be able to go into a restaurant and sit at a booth now! Or sit in a cloth chair and looking forward to lawn chairs this summer! Woooo~Hooo! I am greatful for the "normal" things in life now, but I still double think everything, like looking at how sturdy a seat is, or how wide a doorway, so mental weight loss takes time, I'm still not there, but I hope to be someday.
Stay strong and you know you can email me anytime you're feeling "off" but don't want to put it out there publically. God knows I feel like people must think I'm prime product for a "rubber room" sometimes! But that's what's so cool about this check in, I somehow feel like we all understand each other and are somehow going through the same struggles.
Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!