Website ghost deleting posts?

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Hi Desertbriez,

I’m sorry if you’re under the impression that the 12,000 plus members of this board are “fanatics” that don’t allow any negative comments about Cathe, the crew or our company. This is simply not a true statement and all one has to do is read our forums to prove this to themselves. We have over 700,000 threads on our forums and this number grows by about 500 to 1000 per day. Many of these threads contain negative comments about our workouts and Cathe, but they are usually written in a respectful and civil manner. I should also point out that most of our forum members are also members of many of the other fitness related forums.

Our website is about empowering women through fitness, not negativity, rumors and gossip. Just ask the 105 people that came on the roadtrip if they feel they’re fanatics? If they do, lets hope the world produces a lot more people just like them. Cathe and I have had the pleasure through the years of personally meeting many of the people on this board and have nearly always found them to be happy, positive and wonderful people. Our forum members are Moms, lawyers, doctors, business women, clerks, teachers, college professors and even CEOs of major companies, not mindless fanatics that blindly follow and worship Cathe.

It is very rare that we actually delete any thread on our forum that is truly seeking legitimate information or conversation. But when a threads purpose seems to be to hurt, embarrass or to start a flame war we will take action. Some of the thread topics I’m talking about are obvious to everyone while others are not. When in doubt we like to always give the poster the benefit of the doubt, but then investigate. Numerous controversial topics posted by a new forum member with few posts to their credit is one of the things we look at as well many other things. We also examine log records and email addresses to see if the poster is using multiple usernames to support their own threads.

The thread that was deleted was done so for very good reasons as it was simply not necessary to insult and embarrass a member of our cast in asking it.

[font face="garamond" font color=deeppink size=+2]~Cathy [/font face]
"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan

"Our website is about empowering women through fitness, not negativity, rumors and gossip."

Does a gender check and signs off....
I'm not positive, but I don't think Dave is joking. When I checked out his profile just now, in the "comments section" he wrote that he was no longer a member on this board due to what SNM wrote. Dave--are you just messing with us, or are you serious?

DAVEEEEE!!!!Come back, come back and play! SNM cleared it up, c'mon, serious business. We love you Dave! :7
"it was simply not necessary to insult and embarrass a member of our cast in asking it."

Dear SNM,

Gosh, I'm sorry. I never imagined that asking whether or not someone was the beginner-modification person to watch would be perceived as meaning to insult or embarrass a member of the cast.

It is fairly common in exercise videos for a particular instructor to be announced as the one to watch for beginner mods, and being new to Cathe, I noticed that no one is officially called-out as the beginner-go-to-person-to-watch. But after having done several Cathe workouts over the past few months, I noticed that one instructor seemed to modify a lot, so I just thought I'd ask...because I am a beginner and I could benefit from having a modifyer person to rely on. Again, I regret that it was perceived so negatively ... perhaps I should be the one who is insulted now that it has been assumed I would insult and embarrass a member of the cast, and that my question is not being considered a question that is worthy of an answer.

It's quite interesting ... this voiceless/faceless/impersonal online culture ... (I even saw on the Oxygen boards, they have a special section called "HATERS" that is entirely devoted to complete strangers hurling voiceless/faceless insults and hate at each other!) And I've seen my share of questionable behavior on this board as well. I guess it's much easier to attack others..people you don't even know....when you don't have to actually face them in person. And to now have my question put under the microscope? That's all the extra evidence I need to validate that I certainly do not need or desire to be a part of such nonsense anymore. Things are much brighter and less convoluted in the real world. And what I've witnessed here and other places online has just made the real world that much sweeter.

So long strangers!
I can't seem to find a way to disable my account with this website. So it would be greately appreciated if the folks who run this board could do so for me.

Thank you for your kind assistance.
Iris - all of the offending posts were deleted along with the responses. It's been an ongoing saga for about a week now. Let's let this thread go before things reheat again. :)
You don't have to disable your account. All you have to do is stop posting/reading the board. It isn't rocket science.
>You don't have to disable your account. All you have to do
>is stop posting/reading the board. It isn't rocket science.

She's already leaving the forum - i don't think such a rude response is necessary.

i agree w/other poster...this thread should be dropped. too much negative energy flowing...sorry to contribute


Keep smiling & sweating!
>>You don't have to disable your account. All you have to do
>>is stop posting/reading the board. It isn't rocket science.
>She's already leaving the forum - i don't think such a rude
>response is necessary.
>Keep smiling & sweating!

Clearly you missed previous posts by B&G that were incredibly offensive. Please do not judge me or call me names when you don't have all the facts.
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