We need a field trip

This is intriguing. I don't travel much now, but this might just make me change my mind. Keep me informed! I am in California.
Sure looks there is a big interest in. I'd love to come and maybe with my 17 year old daughter who does cathe (when she's not doing other things)! Please let us know! What a great idea
RE: And when you go out for dinner.....

Please could you take my pole too ? :7 LOL
I could sit at the table, I will be very quiet !!!! :7 LOL

I also live in California ( anyone live in the Central Valley?). Gosh, I would love to try this...This would be a blast!!!Think we could drag Annette over? She would just have us cracking up all the time...I am all for it...when? dmd
Someone mentioned Spring. We need to start with a date. How about the last weekend in April- April 25-27?

I spoke to Cathe...

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-03 AT 05:26PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi everyone --

I just wanted to chime in briefly here to tell you folks that I spoke to Cathe recently re: organizing a weekend trip for our Forum members, very much like Video Fitness has done in the past. I e-mailed Cathe to tell her I'd be delighted to organize such a trip if and when she was ready. I did not post here about it first because I wanted to see Cathe's response, honestly, before we got ourselves all excited here.

Cathe was as always very gracious and said that she'd love to have another weekend trip AFTER she is moved into her new facility, that she'd be glad to have me organize it (although there are many of us who could do that!) and that she'd let me know when she felt ready to have us all visit en masse for a weekend.

So I wasn't going to post anything on the Forums until Cathe gave me the go-ahead, but I'm only posting now because this thread seems to be taking on some steam and a life of its own, and in fairness to Cathe I thought I should share with the group what I found out from her before a trip was planned.

As I told Cathe, I'd be happy to take the lead or just help out in any way to organize a trip, whenever she's ready. It will be so wonderful to meet her and so many of you!

Thanks y'all!

http://www.clicksmilie.de/sammlung/sport/sport003.gif Kathy S.

P.S. I forgot to mention that Cathe told me she, too, had been thinking -- and she emphasized that this wasn't intended as ANY criticism of VF at all -- that it would be a very nice thing to have a trip that was planned ON and FOR the Cathe Forums, since our membership has grown into a large group of dedicated regulars who (in my words) are kinda monogamously devoted to Cathe ;-).

Just wanted to sign back on to add that point! :)
RE: Woo-Hooo!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-03 AT 06:13PM (Est)[/font][p]Deb H, we could probably fly Air Tran from the Akron Canton airport to the proper airport to get us to Cathe's! This will rival going to the Paul McCartney concert - workin' out with Cathe!

Just Do It! :)
I am soooooo jealous!!!!!!!!

I live way over in Northern California and a weekend trip is out of the question for me.

However, I would love to live through you guys vicariously!!! Definately I would love to put up all the pics and details about the trip on the fitnessvideofanatics.com site, but also maybe do electronic registrations there or whatever is needed. Just let me know!

RE: Kathy -- Any idea when the new club is targeted to open??

Hi Sharon!

Cathe didn't say. She just said that she'd been thinking that a "Cathe Forums" trip would be great after SNM has completed their move. I believe it's been in progress for quite a while. Maybe some of our New Jersey regulars here who've been to Cathe's club have more insight? Anybody?

http://www.clicksmilie.de/sammlung/sport/sport003.gif Kathy S.
OOOOOOOH I'd come. Heck I've had dreams of moving there so I could work out at Four Seasons all the time. That's pretty silly huh? LOL

I would love to come! Extra expenses seem way out of the question for the next couple of years though. Two kids attending universities at the same time keep my pocket book pretty slim. Between them and buying new videos that is! :7

I'm sitting here practically jumping up and down in my chair and I'm not even going!! Sorry, but I have to say it - ladies, we're a weird bunch!!!!

Glad I found all of you!


I am here in Northern Cal too, and my budget is not easily predictable. So, I would possibly be able to go on this trip, but if not, then I'd like to at least go on the next one.

There might be a way for the two of us us to somehow streamline our travel by going together (although driving there isn't what I have in mind!:))

Open to ideas--

No driving? Oh man, Connie, there goes my dream of a Thelma and Louise adventure!! Well, I guess that didn't have a very happy ending anyway! Just kidding!

If there's anyway I could go, I certainly will, so just for kicks, I will occasionally check air ticket prices....just in case ;)

Let's check back with each other when the time gets a little closer.


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