**Watercoolers**What a Fun Friday!


Just getting us started. No work and no plans for the kids and I today. The kids are just waking up and I think I'll take them somewhere fun today. Will plan to get Core Synergistics (I can never spell that) done at some point. It's supposed to be a beautiful weekend here. I'm driving ds out to camp on Sunday. His first time going to a sleep away camp for the whole week. Poor mommy! I'm going to miss him so much! He's very excited but a little nervous, I'm sure he will have a great time. I always loved camp as a kid. Kim
Good morning!!!!!!! I am getting ready to take the diva and her fundamentalist friend to the pool:D. I ended up doing KM leg drills with ankle weights, plus calves from 4DS with ankle weights and abs from BM2 yesterday for my workout. Have no idea what I will do today. Maybe Squeeze, or maybe just a little cardio.

Anyhoo....to find my picture trail, go to my profile and hit contact info and there is a spot that says 'my homepage' and that is the link to my pic trail....

Hope your massage went well!!

Sounds like there are all kinds of crazies up there...Funny about the windows!!! What are people thinking???:rolleyes: You sound in much better shape than I would be if my DD was heading off to camp...I would probably be crying!!! It's good you stopped YogaX early if you were feeling some twinges...better not to risk an injury. Good luck with CS today!! And have fun with the kiddos!!

okay...I must go put on my bathing suit and the these monsters to the pool!! Hope everyone has a good day!!!:cool:
I tried posting earlier, but got a few phone calls. I canceled PT this afternoon for a haircut. My favorite stylist didn't have any openings before next Saturday except this afternoon due to a last minute cancelation.:)

I uploaded pictures of my new haircolor. It's darker than it was before. I knew it would be. I was more concerned with getting rid of the reddish tone in my hair. I'm going to add caramel highlights to lighten it up when I'm brave enough to go there.:eek:

Debra: Hope you are having a relaxing time at the pool. I didn't realize that your new pictures was on your picturetrail. I will check them out this weekend. Nice premix! How's your lower body doing? Is it your knee and glutes that are giving you problems. Good for you that I'm learning legs and glutes before we get together!!! I learn so much from massaging Patti. She's a great mentor!!! My massage was divine. Patti noticed more ROM with my arms. PT seems to be working its magic. My arms, shoulders, and upper back are viturally pain-free yesterday and today.

Kim: Wow. What a world. Eldest dd once put her foot through a glass pane window when she was doing cartwheels in the house. She didn't get cut. God must have be watching her juvenille self!!!! It scared her terribly! Enough to stop her from doing cartwheels in the house. But, not enough to keep her from wanting to tumble in the house though. :mad: The Swans are 20, 16, 14, 10, 9 and 9. Those numbers will all change over the next two months except for the 16 year old. Oh! I just realized that next month, I'll no longer have single digit swans. How sad!!!!

Where's Patricia and Tracy. I still have to catch up on personals. But, it might have to wait until this weekend. It's another long day.

A short premix of L&G and PT exercises are on tap LATE tonight after classes or tomorrow morning in State College.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!!!
Back from the waterpark, having a coffee and trying to get enough energy up to do CS.

Debra- Your dd is so cute! She reminds me so much of my dd. Oh, there will be tears shed as I drop ds off at camp but I will try not to embarrass him too much. Remember he is a little older than our dds (he's 11) and can't imagine dd going to camp although I know lots of kids do at her age. Hope you had fun at the pool.

Wendy Your haircolour looks great! Im so glad that the combination of massage/physio is helping the shoulder so you will be ready to do STS with us!

Where is everyone else??

Hi all.....just popping on to say good night...I am headed over to CBL's place since DD has a sleepover tonight. We are going to a seafood place that has live music...should be fun. Hope everyone has a great night...and I will catch up with personals tomorrow!!!:rolleyes:
Hi Everyone:

Just finally getting some quiet time. With being off work Wed. Thurs and Fri. were busy days for me. DS is finally better but I've been fighting this cold that I had last month. Its seems to have come back and just knocked me out again. So no w/o since Tues. I think. May take a week off to fully recover and start up the X where I left off. Got into my w/o clothes tonight and just took them right back off.:(

Potty training is coming along. Can't get DS to wear diapers when we go out though. He goes to the toilet well now but just doesn't seem to know when he needs to go so there has been a couple mad dashes:eek: We're driving down to T.O. for the weekend tomorrow and trying to figure out how to get him to wear diapers for the 4hr car drive.

Played BB Wed. night and won again but it ended up being a close game which was a bit unusual since we played against the same team the night before and stomped on them. Don't play again until Sun. night.

Can't find the Thurs. thread. This forum is a bit confusing for that.

Kim - sounds like a bad window accident. Hope all is well. I can almost imagine dropping DS off at camp will be like dropping him off at his first school or daycare. I remember crying every morning for a week dropping Matthew off at daycare. He is going to have so much fun. Some of my fondest memories are from going away to camp. You sound tired. Do you need to take a week off from the X?

Debra - Isn't this 2 nights in a row w/o the Diva? Have fun at supper tonight. It sounds delish along with great music.

Wendy - tisk, tisk, tisk. Cancelling PT for a hair cut! Where are your priorities?? Right where they should be.:p Once I make a decision to do something with my hair I want to do it ASAP and not wait too. I found a hairdresser here but they don't work Sun/Mon and don't really have regularily scheduled nights. How do they expect to have any working women come to their salon?:mad: Anyhow, I like the new colour. Glad to hear you're getting some more ROM. Oh my, pretty soon you're going to have to start hiding your car keys from the kids

Jeanette - A BIG HELLO, WE'VE MISSED YOU. Can't believe how long its taken for people to get passwords. I got mine almost instantly on Sat. Hope all has been well and have fun exploring.

Okay - won't be back until sometime Sunday so everyone have a good weekend.

Oh no - Traci is going to be miffed. I just tried posting and I got an error message. You can only include 4 images (smilies) in your message so I had to go and delete one. Read frown now.
YEAH!!! Jeanette's back! We sure missed you! Hope Laurie's back soon!

Patricia, sorry to hear you're been sick. Have a great weekend in TO. Are you going for a special occasion.You know, I am really tired, I have been wondering if I need a recovery week and not a P90X recovery week. Since Jan I have taken very few days off from working out.

The cutting PT for a hair appt would not go over in our dept, our physio/OT policy is 2 cancellations and you're out of there unless there is a really good reason. Though most therapists are pretty soft about enforcing it.

Hi all! I'm back after a week. I've missed everyone but was holding out until they could give me a password as I wanted to keep my username. Finally got it today when I got home from work.

Not a whole lot to report since last Friday. My golf game was really fun at the course that was in the same place as my bike ride. The course was beautiful and I told DH that we would be taking a trip over there so he could drive the cart for me. I know he'd love the place. After I got done, I just sat on the covered deck, sipped on my Coors Lite and enjoyed the view and the day. The bike ride the next day brought out a fairly smoke free sky, strong climbing on my part and a satisfying 70 miles when we were all done. We started at 6:45 a.m. and finished by noon (including lunch and rest stops along the way). Average was 16.2 mph, which wasn't bad for the climbs along the way. Anyway, a fun ride. The next day, I helped my husband do some painting.

I've been watching the Tour De France every morning and night so my workouts have been a bit spotty. Tomorrow is the big Time Trial, which should decide the winner. I'm hoping that Cadel Evans wins. I think it starts at 5 a.m. so I'll be up and watching. After that is over, I have a golf lesson with a PGA professional. My other instructor quit and didn't even tell me. Not like I was the next Anika or anything. In the afternoon is my DD and granddaughter's birthday party. Will be a fun day for sure.

Today's workout was a bike ride tonite. I did Cardio Coach #5 and enjoyed it a lot.

Okay ladies, confession here. I haven't weighed myself since before the Retreat in April. I've been in denial. I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow. I know I've put on lots of weight and it's starting to bug me. On the good side, I'm cycling really well and feeling strong. I think I'm in for a bad shock when I see the # on the scale. And believe me, it's not muscle weight.

Kim, it's good to be back. Guess Laurie is the only one that hasn't made it to this side yet? Hope she gets her password soon.

Patricia, you guys just keep winning and winning. You'll be the champs soon! So sorry you aren't feeling well. Darn those summer colds. While on my bike ride last Saturday, one of my buddies had a summer cold so had to get a ride back to the start as her chest was not feeling well. However, I spoke with her today and she's almost over the cold so hopefully yours will hit the road soon. Know your DS will get the hang of the potty training soon. I remember those days... How did you get the colored fonts? I just started checking out this new site. Lots of different stuff.

Debra, loved seeing pics of Julia. She's quite photogenic, isn't she? Loved seeing them. Enjoy your night out with CBL. You guys seem to be very compatible. Happy for you!

Wendy, my friend, your hair looks great! So Phil colored it for you, did he? Did he enjoy that, or say never again? Were you going for a cut today? I'm loving the MyChelle products. I love putting them on my skin. I applied products this morning and just touched my skin and it still feels soft. I definitely don't look so tired anymore. Sounds like you are loving your massage school and learning a ton.

Well, must go and see if this thing posts. I'd hate to find out that it didn't work after all this typing.

Night all, and glad to be back.


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