Hi Everyone:
Just finally getting some quiet time. With being off work Wed. Thurs and Fri. were busy days for me. DS is finally better but I've been fighting this cold that I had last month. Its seems to have come back and just knocked me out again. So no w/o since Tues. I think. May take a week off to fully recover and start up the X where I left off. Got into my w/o clothes tonight and just took them right back off.
Potty training is coming along. Can't get DS to wear diapers when we go out though. He goes to the toilet well now but just doesn't seem to know when he needs to go so there has been a couple mad dashes
We're driving down to T.O. for the weekend tomorrow and trying to figure out how to get him to wear diapers for the 4hr car drive.
Played BB Wed. night and won again but it ended up being a close game which was a bit unusual since we played against the same team the night before and stomped on them. Don't play again until Sun. night.
Can't find the Thurs. thread. This forum is a bit confusing for that.
Kim - sounds like a bad window accident. Hope all is well. I can almost imagine dropping DS off at camp will be like dropping him off at his first school or daycare. I remember crying every morning for a week dropping Matthew off at daycare. He is going to have so much fun. Some of my fondest memories are from going away to camp. You sound tired. Do you need to take a week off from the X?
Debra - Isn't this 2 nights in a row w/o the Diva? Have fun at supper tonight. It sounds delish along with great music.
Wendy - tisk, tisk, tisk. Cancelling PT for a hair cut! Where are your priorities?? Right where they should be.
Once I make a decision to do something with my hair I want to do it ASAP and not wait too. I found a hairdresser here but they don't work Sun/Mon and don't really have regularily scheduled nights. How do they expect to have any working women come to their salon?
Anyhow, I like the new colour. Glad to hear you're getting some more ROM. Oh my, pretty soon you're going to have to start hiding your car keys from the kids
Jeanette -
A BIG HELLO, WE'VE MISSED YOU. Can't believe how long its taken for people to get passwords. I got mine almost instantly on Sat. Hope all has been well and have fun exploring.
Okay - won't be back until sometime Sunday so everyone have a good weekend.
Oh no - Traci is going to be miffed. I just tried posting and I got an error message. You can only include 4 images (smilies) in your message so I had to go and delete one. Read frown now.