***Watercoolers, Think It's Thursday***


Did 4DS Kickbox, then switched to the 4DS LIS Shoulders and Core, followed up with some stretching. Will help DH get some sand for our paver project after work today. Have some other stuff like lawn mowing
, housework
blah, blah, blah to do. If I can, I'll try to hop on my bike as it's been about a week since I've ridden:(.

Good morning everyone!

Debra- Is that desk nice and clean?? Is the headache gone??

Wendy- WTG on doing PowerHour, I always like that workout. I might go do something"fun" for me tomorrow.

Lauire Did you get your run in last night??

Patricia- WTG on giving blood! I used to do that on a regular basis before kids and now I rarely seem to get there. Have a GREAT trip!

Jeanette- That's great that this golf instructor is so good!! I did see the Sept rotation and think I will start it today, it seems more fun than the other one I was looking at yesterday.

Good Morning Ladies,

I just might do Cathe's Sept rotation if I can find a suitable sub for CTX. Any suggestions? I'll most likely sub running on the treadmill for spinning... depends on my mood of the day.:)

What did your ds think of his buzz cut? My half brother got his hair buzzed so you can see his offensive tattoo. :rolleyes: Even though I'm not fond of the artwork on the back of his head, I think he looks more handsome with his hair buzzed!!! He looks more like his nephew, my son, now!!! My two younger boys are high school age now. My eldest son is having the time of his life over in Germany. It's tough knowing that he can legally drink over there. Oh! My! Boys can be so wild!!! He probably thought being pushed down a ramp was cool. Now, if someone did that to an adult, the pusher would be sued!!!!:D

So, are you letting Cami lick you these days?:eek::D Ewwwwww!!! Whatcha going to do... Darn Other People's Dogs!!!!;) I hope those warts fall off very soon!!! I can't imagine that they'd be very comfortable for her. I wish you could come here and clean my kitchen. Phil isn't the best at keeping a kitchen clean while and after he cooks dinner. I can't complain. At least, he cooks dinner on school nights.

Yep, got dishes and clothes to clean too. Oh, and a test tomorrow. Yes, it is tomorrow!!!!:D Doesn't CBL know that you've got studying and cleaning to do? ;)

A lip wax. OUCH!!!!! My gf allowed her sister to wax her lip. Her skin broke out big time. It wasn't pretty the following days. She just shrugged it off. I wish I could be that easy going about my face!!!:D I've been wanting to ask if you've kept up with yoga since the Eoin workshop? If not, you can always ship your lovely yoga mat my way.;)

I'm so glad your instructor communicates so well with you!!! Just like massage, just because someone is good at it, doesn't mean they are good teaching it!!!:rolleyes: I don't blame you for not wanting to go with dh on the obstacle course in Utah. LOL about getting dropped off at the golf course. That's my girl!!!!:D You know, I really do like the variety in PH. It's an enduring oldie. High reps. I haven't done MIS or MIC on it in awhile. Hi/Lo seems to get my heart rate up more than step. Then again, step gets my hr up there easily too.:eek:

Okay ladies, off to play. I'm starting school a bit later this morning since I don't have classes tonight. We also slept in this morning. Phil and I stayed up to watch Palin speak at the RNC.

Ballistic Hugs!!!
Wendy, I just did CTX step and intervals. It was 10 min warm up/ 10 min step/ 10 min interval/ 5 min cool down. So maybe IMAX 1 or 2 with only the first 3 interals as a replacement?? The original Interval Max has a longer step section before the intervals.
Hi all!! I just wanted to stop by and say hello in between class and my massage!! :p I hope everyone is having a good day...I will have to catch with personals this afternoon. :(

I ended up doing Kenpo yesterday...and I am not sure what I am doing today....some sort of low weight/high rep workout...Maybe even some compound exercises too!! :D I never did get to that darn desk yesterday!!!! Maybe today will be the day!! :rolleyes:

Kim, Thank you so much for the CTX breakdown. I'm going to see if the step in 4DS will work. If not, I'll choose from my other Cathe step dvds.

Morning Coolers,

Todays workout was 4DS Kickboxing cardio. And that is going to be it for me today. I have to take youngest DD to church tonight, and then DH and I are going out for drinks with some friends. I call this my bonus for putting up with him being on second shift for so many years. :eek: Guess my clean eating is going down the toilet tonight, becasue we are going to a place that has some dandy marqaritas! Where is that smilie that likes to lick it's lips. :mad:

Drama Drama again with our faire group. A hostile takeover was thrawted by DH and his assistant! :D Oh are they going to be surprised when they get their letters stating they are no longer welcome in the guilde. :eek:

Jeanette, Now that smilie is looking a lot like me on Tuesday. How many dishes can two girls get dirty! Seemed like everything I owned was washed. :rolleyes: Yep that is what Cami has is a virus. I really like power hour, but the reps are like forever! :eek: Sweat buckets doing this one though, because of the endless leg reps. :D

Kim, Yep I managed to get the run in, and it was a good thing because this morning was rain rain rain. I walked out of the house with a t-shirt and shorts on, so Cami and I where running a little bit trying to get home faster. :D Yep we have middle school for only 7th & 8th, HS is 9-12.

Wendy, Oh my DD's are bad enough in the kitchen, I don't need a Phil too. Just wish they didn't need a clean plate/glass for everything. Drink your white milk and then get a new glass for the chocolate! WHAT! :mad: Do your girls use the "Oh! I forgot" often? Mine seem to forget all the time. :confused:

Patricia, Hope you have a safe journey.

Debra, I was going to do KenpoX this morning, and then I changed my mine. The workout was about 10 min to long, I should have done Kenpo Cardio +. :confused:

Have a great day!

Hi all! Back for a little chat. I ended up not doing a workout and not cleaning my desk!! :mad::eek: So what did I do, you ask?? I went to my physics lab. :confused: I went to my massage. :) I tried to take a nap, but couldn't get to sleep. :eek: I studied for a while. ;) I went to parent's night at DD's school. :p So, all in all I had a busy day. I am sure there was plenty of down time to do some sort of workout...but hey...It didn't happen!!! LOL! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

If anyone wants to see some new pics I uploaded...go to my Cathe space and click on my homepage and it will take you to my picture trail. There are pics from vacation with Wendy's family and then various other stuff. Including DD's new haircut...which I have to say looks more striking in public...I am having complete strangers walk up and compliment her on her hair cut...LOL! :cool:

So let me catch up on the day's happenings!!

My little grasshopper!! You have been very busy jumping around haven't you! Glad you are liking your golf instructor. It seems like he explaining things in a way that you understand. :) LOL about DH thinking of the South as snakes and triggers!!!! I can't remember the last time I saw one either!! :eek: I think the last time I saw a snake I was living in Illinois. :rolleyes: I don't have either in my yard...that's for sure...Lots of squirrels, bunnies, chipmunks and woodchucks....with an occasional deer....and sometimes a fox. I have heard of coyotes....but haven't actually seen one. :) Good luck on all of that paving work this weekend...I hope you don't have any workout plans....seems like DH has plenty weight and cardio all set for you! :eek::eek:

Hope you have a great vacation!!!! :):)

Have no guilt for being home...well, except that you have to stay home for DS to call! Enjoy your time alone!!! ;) It sounds like he is healing wonderfully if he is already able to use the crutches!! :D:D

Sending good test vibes!!! You have probably already finished it by now, but I sent the vibes anyway...LOL! :) Phil is a gem for cooking dinner on school nights...I would probably just get take out! :rolleyes: I am still the laziest Xer!! My massage gal did a good job today. She doesn't go as deep as some of the other therapists have...but she definitely released the neck and shoulder muscles...and she gave the best scalp massage I think I have had.....She put a lot more pressure on than I have had before...and I could really tell a difference in my headache. :) She talks a tad more than I would like...but once she gets into the important parts she lets me relax a little more. :p She has also been trained in...ugh...now I can't remember what it is called...all I can think of is pressure points, but I know that isn't it...You'll have to tell me what it is called. :rolleyes::rolleyes: Hope you guys had a good school day. I had to LOL about your prediction that Shelby is going to be such a 'pleasant' teenager!! :D:D:D Good luck with that, my dear!!!

Drama all over the place!! Good you got the rousters out early!! People get so crazy over things, don't they?? :confused: I just don't understand all of that!! Anyhoo...when did DH go on the day shift???? How did I miss that little note?!? :eek: I bet that is nice to have him around in the evenings to help shuttle the girls around! I don't like Kenpo+ nearly as much as the original Kenpo. I do like the 4DS KB...I usually do an extra set of the arm drills which makes it last just a tad longer. Poor Cami and her warts...I hope the other doggies still play with her and she isn't left out of any doggie games!! :(

Okay...that does it for me now. I am headed to bed so that I can be fresh for my class in the morning. :rolleyes: The teacher likes me so far, so we need to keep it that way! ;):p

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