Watch Our 4th Video Clip From Lift, Move & Restore - Functional Core Fusion

Besides having 65cm & 55cm stability balls , I also have a 45cm stability ball, and it has
come in handy for standing ball overhead moves as well as some floor ball moves. They're
both close by, so if I need to, I swap them out. Options, Options, Options !.
You know I didn't think about that ... we have 3 stability balls in various sizes too. 10 cm ~ 4 inches - so a smaller ball may work too. But since it's just for a few moves, no prop could be substituted also. My sister doesn't like to hold the stability ball above her head for the rotational stretch in Cathe's Total Body Stretch, so she just holds it in place with her knees while doing the move with her upper body.
YESSSS! I think the standing abs are more fun, and I feel them more. Also, they aren't so mundane, as a lot of floor abs are. (except for Cathe's "stackers" Abs - those I love!)
I didn't do that stacker abs workout for awhile cuz I thought I wouldn't like it. Then I did it & what fun! Guess it's a reminder to keep an open mind about using props!
I like that........I have done some blender workouts that are only the warm-ups from
alot of different workouts.......sometimes Cathe's warm-ups can almost be a workout
in itself!
Yes and that's a big fave for me to do sometimes

I agree! I love the ab stacker workout too! :)
Me Three!!! I remember the first time I did it my husband wondered what the heck I was doing making all that racket :cool:
What is the stacker ab workout? am I missing something?

It's a bonus in step sync bonus and another workout...maybe PHA3?
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Well, we've seen 5 out of 8. I think I am most interested in the Upper Body one and the
Total Body one, of course, they're in the last 3 somewhere! :) Hope they're soon.

I wonder if they will show clips of the bonus workouts this time........some of the bonus
workouts are longer (15-25 min).
Well, we've seen 5 out of 8. I think I am most interested in the Upper Body one and the
Total Body one, of course, they're in the last 3 somewhere! :) Hope they're soon.

I wonder if they will show clips of the bonus workouts this time........some of the bonus
workouts are longer (15-25 min).
I thought I saw UB in an email but I can’t find it on the website and I deleted the email.
I printed them off & are marking them off as they show them…..what I have marked,
so far, is….

Functional Lower Body

Functional Core Fusion

Functional Barre Fusion

Functional Mobility Fusion

Functional Pilates Fusion

So that leaves Upper Body, Total Body & Yoga Fusion, for the main workouts…..
& Debinmi is correct, they never put 2 of the 5 here. I believe they are Lower Body
& Mobility
Owwww, another workout I can add to a shorter cardio day! Liking it! :) Reminds me of the warm-up to Butts & Guts! I've been wanting another stability ball core workout for a long time, and this one delivers. Plus it has more than just traditional core exercises - more thorough this way.
Butts and Guts came to my mind too. I love having a more updated version of that warm up.

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