<---wasted youth is better by far

<--Waves hello to everyone!
<--Hands Robin some happy pants this morning!!
<--Is LOL at Lorie's smileys (oh my!)
<--Sends Liann a heating pad and some chocolate
<--Is glad Shelley had a good workout
<--Is jealous!!
<--Waves to Catherine, Ronne, Suzanne, Amelia, Doodles and Tete
<--Has to design the church newsletter today, so must get busy!!
<--Had a fabulous dream last night that <-- had given birth and could fit into size 6 jeans again. Ah, what a dream!! :)
<--Hopes you all have a wonderful day!!
<-- stumbles into thread late and waves good morning
<-- is LOL about Robin's pesky DH
<-- wonders what grumpy pants are
<-- passes Liann the heating pad to make up for the passing of cramps x( SORRY LIANN
<-- is happy <--'s cramps have passed but still feels like ran over by a train x(
<-- tells Shelley to get in the shower :p
<-- is happy to see Amy and sends her headache-be-gone vibes
<-- hopes Catherine had only happy dreams last night
<-- waves to Ronne across the pond and wishes happy house decor magazine hunting
<-- kicks Suzanne's snoozing SO in the butt
<-- clinks tea cups with Amelia's java cup
<-- says HEEELLO to Lorie, thanks for the pix, now I am awake :p
<-- wonders what TeTe is up to today
<-- is LOL about Robin's lack of interest in morning whoopee - never heard that word before - always adding to the vocabulary with the OAL :p :+
<-- is http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_11_6.gif about Lorie's smileys
<-- is happy Doodles needs new happy pants
<-- thinks Steph had a very happy dream, wonders what's date for the dream come true
<-- can't get motivated this morning - ack!!!
<-- no workout, no doggie walking - slept in instead x(
<-- DH asked <-- to proof-read his resume
<-- reminded him that English is a second language for <-- he said that <--'s grammar and spelling is much better than his - now that is SCARY :7
<-- found out that DH wants to go into a different industry
<-- he is an engineer in the semiconductor industry and wants to switch to solar technology
<-- says, Oh my God, I turned him green :eek: :7
<-- wishes everyone a fantabulous day
<--sends Robin a pair of happy paints via FedEx!!
<--tells Doodles <--doesn't remember what dreams she had last night
<--usually does
<--^^5 Liann on her permit!
<--hopes Suzanne has a fantastic weekend!
<--is also glad to see Shelley today
<--was super excited to see that Ame is coming to the August RT!!!
<--sends good church-news-letter-writing vibes to Stephanie!
<--kicks RT roomie in the behind and says get busy missy ;)
<--thanks Ronne for the link <--will check it out later
<--wonders what teresa is up to today?
<--tells Amelia <--also like MM, but BC/ME is great too
<--is ready for the day to be over
<--well at least is ready for 5 o'clock!!

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


<--thanks all for happy weekend wishes :7
<--is LOL at Lorie's nookie smiley
<--actually did break a bed long, long ago }(
<--thanks Carola and Catherine for reminding<-- that<-- was so busy trying to make sure that <-- didn't leave anyone out of <--'s post, that <--forgot to do personals!
<--hems, then haws, and then realizes that today is a boring day for <--and that <--has nothing to add!
<--remembers! <--is procrastinating BIG TIME on the proposal<--should be working on!!!!
<--knows that everyone has been waiting to hear that excitement
<--skips out happily, knowing <--has added so much to the OAL's day!!!:7 :7
<-- thinks Mr. Robin was more than curious about whatever Robin was typing
<-- hasn't read much but <-- did go check out the nookie smiley
<-- has a very hard time getting images like that out of <--'s head when <-- tell people to do pushups at bootcamp and they don't keep their bodies straight...
<-- thinks they would keep their bodies straight if <-- ever had the courage to tell them that
<-- forgot to tell you <-- have THREE new prescriptions to try
<-- did say THREE
<-- will be taking a mood stabilizer, and then there is the short term anxiety and the short term focus pill
<-- LOL'd when the doc said "better living through chemistry" and <-- thought immediately of Nance
<-- totally loved the guy, too, btw
<-- appreciated that <-- called him and he got me in the same day (he stayed late, and spent 2 hours instead of 90 min, and still charged just for 90 min, and he comes from a family of lawyers)
<-- drafted him for Team Amy
<-- has been asking team members for their preferred color of jersey, so please report in
<-- will have your jersey made and then <--'s BF will bedazzle them (she insisted on bedazzling her pink jersey and <-- told her she could only do that if she bedazzled them all)
<-- loves the mental image of having a team :D
<-- is off to actually do some studying :eek: ;)
<--is LOL at Ame's Dr's statement of "better living through chemistry"
<--thinks Ame better hold on to him
<--says you won't find too many health care providers that will stay late and spend that much time with you
<--thinks that is a sign of good character
<--votes for Purple to be the color of "Team Amy"
<--waves to Carola
<--wonders how hot it is there today?

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


<-- is also LOL at the better living through chemistry statement
<-- is glad Amy found a doc she likes
<-- tells TeTe to enjoy her day with nothing to do <-- loves those days
<-- tells Catherine it's HOT, just ran out and checked
<-- 113 degrees YIKES
<-- time to crank up the A/C and not move :p
<--another vote for the purple Team Amy shirt!
<--Better Living Through Chemistry - as Martha would say... It's a good thing. :)
<-- has decided the OAL PURPLE jersey is it, plus the bedazzlement
<-- has done a lot of work this morning trying to get organized and submit all kinds of reimbursement claims from all over the place
<-- likes the thought that people owe <-- money!
<-- is off to check the Zumba thread and then really get some bar stuff done!
<--waves hello to everyone ^^^
<--hasn't been around in a long while
<--has survived two deaths in family and one surgeryx(
<--is finally feeling happy enough to post once again
<--hope everyone is doing well
<--is off to try to play tennis once again!!!:7
<--will try to bbl
<---says WOW, has not seen elaineee here in forever!!!
<---is sorry to hear about the deaths and the surgery :( (((HUGS)))
<-- exclaims oh my goodness elainee!! (((hugs!!)))
<-- just got a call from the state bar
<-- doesn't think that is EVER good :eek:
<-- didn't do anything wrong, so that's good, but they had to change where <-- will take the exam
<-- is kinda sad about that because the first place they put <-- was great
<-- can just hear the law boss saying "what, did you think this was supposed to be easy?!" in that oh so caring way he has, LOL
<-- just wants to hand him a pump, blood sugar meter, syringes, etc, and say "you do it"
<-- neeah. :+
<---sends a LOL hug to Ame
<---hopes the meds help her situation
<---waves at elainee and sends a big hug to her too
<---has her new fridge all full
<---'s DH is loading up the stereo cabinet that he had to unload to move so fridge could fit into house
<---says DH's way of loading up the stereo cabinet is to stop and look at each CD, tape or album, playing those that catch his eye
<---thinks this project could take a couple weeks
<---runs in and says "no way!!!"
<---found that very album in a pile of records a few weeks ago and was like, what the heck is this???
<---sold it in her sister's yard sale
<---hopes it wasn't worth something ;)
<---bets it was worth something to a guy who was 13 in 1968!
<---listened to Monty Python during dinner
<---wonders what is next
<-- mutters "boys..."
<-- just ran to the pharmacy and ran home
<-- believes it is currently 88+ degrees out :eek:
<-- just checked and OMG it's 90+ degrees out
<-- is sweaty :)
<-- had to LOL at the poor pharmacist when he handed over the goods: "this one is a tranquilizer, this one is a mood stabilizer, and this one helps you stay awake"
<-- had to solemnly nod <--'s head and say thank you
<-- felt like a goon
<-- hopes they work!
<-- is off to do a segment of <--'s newest Cathe the total body stretch workout that has 13 min segments
<-- has been doing the segments a lot over the past 3 days
<-- can always squeeze in 13 minutes! :)
<-- asks Robin what the tv show is that has him in a hotel in england or maybe a bead and breakfast? faulty towers?
<-- says that's what's next
<-- will bbt
<-- signs off with a big skoochie MWAH!

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