Want to Come Meet You!!


Hi Cathe! One day in April Iris (IGTamayo), Janice (Gretzky), Susan (SooFit?), Nancy (nancy324) & I (KathyH) would very much like to take whatever classes your giving the first week of April. Susan will be driving us in her van from NY to your gym. Is it too early to ask what your schedule is like or should I email you again in the middle of March? Maybe you'd have a better idea by that time. We're all so anxious to meet you that we can't wait. I had emailed you off the board on Mon. & didn't receive a response so I'm trying over here. Due to these wonderful forums, I've been blessed by meeting these wonderful ladies & I've been working out w/you for 12 yrs. & I can't believe that this year I'll FINALLY get to meet you (my mentor, my personal trainer, my motivator, my everything!). TIA, Kathy:*
Hi Cathe - Iris chiming here also. Because of you and your workouts and this wonderful forum I am also blessed with meeting these wonderful ladies that I now call my friends. I have been nominated as the "official" photographer for our happy group when we come out to workout and meet you. A most recent highlight - our happy group got together this past Sunday for brunch at my place - suffice it to say that we were doing moves from the Body Blast series and watched you on FITTv - I guess we're all a little obsessed with you - tee hee!! Can't wait to shake your hand and say a big Thank You for helping me getting fit and fiesty for a young 52 year old!

KathyH - I sent you an email - please read.

Take care,

What day are you planning on coming in,I'd love to meet you gals and work out with you and Cathe(be prepared to go full throttle }(

Ps, I can be your photographer ;-)
Francie!!! I'd LOVE for you to join us! I'm shooting for the first week of April & that's all I know. Don't know what day yet. It also depends on Iris. She's having knee surgery again (Feb. 17) & it will depend upon her recovery. So it might be later than the 1st week of April. Cathe's so busy right now planning the choreo for the DVDs I'm not surprised that she hasn't answered me yet. I also emailed her off the board & still no answer. Let me know what your schedule is like & I'll work it out w/everybody. Can't wait! Kathy

PS: Please let me know also re TurboKick; very interested in this as kickboxing is my favorite cardio.:D
Me to me to. I would love to come and take another Cathe class and meet you guys. I hope you don't mind. Let me know.
I would love to come too! I live in New york so it is a hop, skip and a jump from here! We could all workout together!!! Tracy
Will the real Susan G please stand up?

Boy was I surprised to see that I would love to visit Cathe too! I'm a Susan G. too!

Unfortunately this Susan G. can't come to see Cathe.

Newly named,

Susan L.G.
RE: Will the real Susan G please stand up?

Hi Ladies,
I would love to join you guys also to attend one of Cathe's classes. I've been trying to go for the longest time now. Keep me posted when you plan on going.
RE: Will the real Susan G please stand up?

Hi Susan
I am Susan G but I got married a little over a year ago and have not changed my last name. I should be Susan S. I am just lazy and kind of like my last name. Oh well!

Susan G
Someday to be Susan S:p
RE: Will the real Susan G please stand up?

I don't blame you for not changing your name! I never changed my name after I got married. Not only did I have personal objections to changing my name, but I had absolutely no intention of waiting a million hours at the Social Security office just to change my name!


Susan L.G.
Hi Kathy and Others too!
I'm sorry I have not had a chance to get back to you before now. Thank you such much for your note. How fun to hear from you. As you mentioned, it is too soon for me to know my schedule at this point in time. It would be best to email me a couple of weeks after filming. Until then thanks and take care...Cathe:)

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