Walking Lunges


Active Member
Hi all! I have a question for all you pros: when performing walking lunges, how do you do them? Do you use weights? Do you do them quickly, or to a slower count? When I do walking lunges, I count each leg as a 1/2 rep...so when I do 100 walking lunges, I do 100 per side. When CAthe says to do 200 walking lunges-is that 200 per leg? I mainly do not use weight when performing my walking lunges, but if I know I can't get any other legwork in that day, will add 8-10# weights to maybe half of the reps.

Would adding weights to all my reps give faster results? I need to slim down my legs...

any advice is greatly appreciated!

Hi Connie--

I have had some success with the walking lunges. I don't know if I am cheating or if you are just more diligent than me but I thought I read on another post regarding this question that when Cathe says 100 lunges, that is 50 on each leg for a total of 100.

I do them slowly and when I've already done leg work so that my legs are tired. I don't use weights (mainly just because Cathe's rotations never specifically say to).

I can't speak to whether adding weights would help slim down your legs as my legs tend to bulk up when I use too much weight. But I can say that I have found the following to be helpful for legs:

Kick Max
Legs & Glutes
Leaner Legs

Hope that helps some! Good luck.
have had some success with the walking lunges. I don't know if I am cheating or if you are just more diligent than me but I thought I read on another post regarding this question that when Cathe says 100 lunges, that is 50 on each leg for a total of 100.


i believe this is correct:)
I try to mix up the speed when I do walking lunges. I put on music to make it more interesting. I try to do 100 at a slow pace where I'm eliminating momentum and really driving from the back leg to move forward. The slow pace also let's me focus on knee position and making sure both knees are bent at 90 degree angles. I then do 100 at a faster pace and the sweat starts to fly. I like alternating between the two paces to make it more interesting and it definitely increases the DOMS. I would recommend 3 sets of 200 walking lunges, with cardio between the sets. I don't add weights during walking lunges.
To slim down the legs High Step Training Advanced, Gym Style Legs and High Step Challenge really help to reshape the leg. I've found that between dance class, these tapes and the interval maxes my legs are much slimmer.

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