Hi all! I have a question for all you pros: when performing walking lunges, how do you do them? Do you use weights? Do you do them quickly, or to a slower count? When I do walking lunges, I count each leg as a 1/2 rep...so when I do 100 walking lunges, I do 100 per side. When CAthe says to do 200 walking lunges-is that 200 per leg? I mainly do not use weight when performing my walking lunges, but if I know I can't get any other legwork in that day, will add 8-10# weights to maybe half of the reps.
Would adding weights to all my reps give faster results? I need to slim down my legs...
any advice is greatly appreciated!
Would adding weights to all my reps give faster results? I need to slim down my legs...
any advice is greatly appreciated!