Wal Mart sucks!


Sorry to offend anyone who shops here --

And I will probably end up shopping here again, just because I really can't afford to go elsewhere.

Have you ever accidentally left something in your cart after you load your car? At other stores, they might place the item in lost and found and you can come back and get it. Not at WalMart. Once you're outside their doors, they are no longer responsible.

This happened once with a case of soda for my DH. We have a cartful of items and an upset 2 year old. We accidentally left the Pepsi in the cart and drove away. When we got home we realized our mistake and called the store. They said "too bad". There was no "I'm sorry, this is our policy" -- it was just a rude "too bad". This was last summer...

So today, I was shopping without my DH -- just with my DD this time. I bought a set of water glasses, along with nearly $200 of groceries, Xmas shopping and other stuff. I got the little one in the car, got the soda in the car, and everything else. The water glasses were underneath and I left without them. I realize this now as I'm unpacking. I'm not even going to call the store. I know what they'll say. It's my own fault for not checking the cart. I just need to vent, because I know if I went anywhere else, they would have my glasses set aside waiting for me to come back to pick them up.

;( x( :(
Don't take that crap from them.....go in there and raise a big stink!! They dont like people getting loud in their stores and will try to please you when you start getting everybidy's attention;-)
I agree it was rude of them to say "too bad" and you should call the corporate office to let them know of this rudeness. However, how is Wal Mart to know you left an item in your cart in the parking lot? Anyone can just walk by and take it out of your cart and put it in their car. How can Wal Mart possibly be responsible for that?
I agree, no cause for rudeness, but Wal-mart isn't responsible for items left in the parking lot. That would be like making them responsible if you dropped your jacket on the way to the car.

Chances are a customer saw your item in the cart and took it with them. I'm sorry this happened to you! :(
Wal Mart has always sucked and always will. I never shop there, I don't give a damn how cheap their prices are. I prefer to shop locally and support local merchants.

Why do you take such crap customer service from them?

I did the exact same thing at my local supermarket a month ago, here in Ann Arbor. I went back the next day to enquire about the entire bag of shopping/groceries that I had mistakenly left behind on the self-serve carousel, not really expecting much response. Instead, they told me to go re-select from the shelves everything I had paid for and left behind and they were not even concerned about checking my bag of items to make sure I hadn't ripped them off! Local stores know all there is to know about happy customers. I much prefer to shop where I am known.

I don't like Wal Mart either...Haven't had a problem with customer service...I try not to shop there. I always feel like their stores are dirty and that most of their employees don't really care.

A bag of groceries was left out of my car (they actually provide people to help you with your packages) at a large chain grocery store...I called the store after I got home and realized it and they actually sent someone to my house to deliver the things to me. That incident made me a loyal customer. I don't like big box retailers in general and try to shop at local retailers whenever possible.


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
I agree. I will support the local merchant every time...even if it costs me more. Not only will I not shop at Walmart...I will not shop at Sam's Club either. They have put too many little businesses out of business around here.
where i work,Target,there would be no problem at all on giving back your groceries if you have the receipt that tells when and where it was bought or we recognize the guest from that day.we trust are guests.i have been told that Walmart treats employees bad but i did not know that guests were included.

I have to agree with JeanneMarie - if I leave something behind, it's my fault. Someone else may have taken your items out in the parking lot, and that's not Walmart's fault either.

I've begun to buy all my groceries at Walmart because it helps stretch my meager paycheck a little farther. But, that's no excuse for rudeness. I would have reported that incident to the manager. My experience with several local Walmarts has been good as far as customer service is concerned.
Whether it be Walmart or any other store, I don't use the bottom shelf of the cart. I'm absent minded and will forget whats there.

Furthermore there probably isn't an ergonomic way to lift anything off of that shelf, like that 50lb bag of dog food. I'd get a 2nd cart. Nothing like throwing your back out in a parking lot.
Don't get me started on Wal Mart. I only shop there when I absolutely have too and thats hardly at all anymore. Local merchants get my business.
I tend to hate walmart as well. I was slightly delighted when the walmart failed here in Germany. I think the age of huge megastores may be declining as well. People are understanding the importance of eating locally grown foods, as well as supporting smaller merchants, which supports the community in return.

>They have Cameras.... Make a stink. They have taped.
>Go back in there and ask for the manager and demand to have
>them. They will give them to you just to shut you up. Trust

Now see... I think this would be dishonest. YOU made a mistake. I don't think it's right to make the store pay for your absentmindedness.

That's just me though!
Flame me, but I just think if you left it, it is your fault. If you got the glasses home, and broke them, you would expect a replacement?
If you spilled the soda out when you were drinking it, is that the stores fault?

The cost of replacing those items for free gets passed on to the customer in all those stores, just like the cost of shop lifting. I just find this a strange sort of entitlement mentality and personally I would not expect a store to replace something I forgot.<and yes, I have left the item under the cart in the parking lot when struggling with a small child>

Places like Walmart would get people just saying they forgot things to get free stuff. I used to work at Target long ago, and we actually had roladex of names or people who were repeat offenders on things like this. You are not a scammer, but there are a lot of people who are. I can see this as a protection policy to make sure things are not walking out the door for free.
I went to Kroger last night and left my receipt behind. I really needed it as the things I purchased were a business expense. They actually dug through the trash, found my receipt, put it in an envelope, and left it at the courtesy booth for me. Now, THAT'S customer service!! I still can't believe it. Wlamart would have NEVER gone that far for a customer. That said, they are very good about returns. I have NEVER had a problem returning an item even without a receipt. They just issue a credit slip in that case. We have a joke here saying, "you can return it to Walmart even if you didn't buy it there!" Of course, I would never do something like that!

I prefer to shop at non union stores. Wal-Mart, here I come!!

Wal-Mart is a huge employer and they pay better than minimum wage. They're not perfect but who is? I will not shop at a unionized store if I can help it.

What concerns me most about the original post is this comment right here:

>...I'm not even going to call the store. I know what they'll say.

This strikes me as terribly unfair. I understand you had a bad experience before, and I agree that you weren't treated with the courtesy you deserved but, maybe that was just one rotten employee. Maybe the person you talked to then doesn't even work there now. Maybe if you were to call now you'd get a kinder, more helpful response.

Just for the record, I don't think stores should be held responsible for your items once you leave the building. Anyone could've stolen those items from your cart. How would they know if you're telling the truth?
I actually have had no problems with WalMart, at least the one where I shop. Just last week, I got home and realized that I didn't have 2 bags of things (one of them was chicken breasts) that I paid for, but somehow never got into my cart! Anyway, I called customer service, they said, just bring the reciept back and your items will be waiting for you! I immediately ran out the door (didn't want that chicken going bad!) and was in line at CS when my check-out lady was bringing my items to the counter. She saw me and before I was able to say a word, handed the bag to me and told me that she put the chicken back in the fridge so it wouldn't go bad. The CS lady told me to grab the chicken off the shelf and go, I didn't even have to check in with the CS before leaving with my chicken! I felt a little funny about that (I didn't want anyone to think I was stealing it), so I checked back at CS anyway.

I am sorry about your troubles with them, but I agree that they shouldn't be responsible after the items leave the store.
Well, I have to respectfully disagree about them sucking. I think you encountered a bad employee, which happens everywhere. I have returned many items and they've always, always taken them back with no problem. I've never experienced any rudeness. BTW, my stepdaughter works for Walmart in another state and they are a very good employer. She has good benefits and is paid well, considering her limited education and skills. They treated her very well when she had a baby and was off. She came back and got a raise. So I like Walmart.

But I am sorry that this happened to you and wish you could get your stuff back.
I am a firm believer that once you step outside a store (any store) that you are on your own and responsible for the products you have purchased. We all have crazy hectic days when our minds are on other things. I don't think retailers should be held responsible for that. If it happens that you leave something IN the store or something does not make it into your cart then, yes, I would hope that the store would help you out and make it right. Mistakes happen, but I believe we should take responsibility for the ones we make all by ourselves . . . just my opinion.:)

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