Cable Modem
>LAST EDITED ON Jul-12-00 AT 02:04 PM (EST)The
>error I was getting with Windows
>Media was a connection timeout.
>It would say "Connecting with server"
>across the bottom, then time out
>and finally say, "An unknown error
>occurred." I wasn't getting sound
>like most of the others were.
This could of been during the period we had a power switch fail. During this time we lost power to the cameras. It lasted about 5 to 10 minutes.
> Again, I have a cable
>modem so connection speed is definitely
>not the problem.
Cable modems are generally much better than a 56k modem, but not always. I've had a cable modem for two years and they have a lot of problems. If you have a lot of people on your node online at the same time you are, your performance will be greatly diminished (sometimes to less than the speed of a 56k modem). I watched the Cam on a DSL line today and it was working great (except for the 5 to 10 minute problem. Also,you will notice that during the summer the internet slows down due to all the kids online. You may also need to make some adjustments on your end to your media player settings.
It was
>working for me about 15 minutes
>before the class started, when it
>was just a blue screen.
>Netscape worked throughout most of the
>class but was very choppy.
>(When I say Netscape, I mean
>the Netscape option on the CatheCam
>screen, not Netscape the browser.)
A few things. You do not want to use the Netscape option with IE. It will work but will be slow and choppy. You need to use the Netscape option with a Netscape browser and Micrsoft Media Player with IE 5.0 only.
>FWIW, I just checked again and Windows
>Media is not working for me
>now either.
That is okay, Media player will not work when we are not broadcasting.