video rotation

I am a new Cathe user - found her on Fit TV and fell in love w/her and her routines. However, I just purchased her Intensity series and wanted to know how often should I rotate the video's? Should I do 1 tape a week or intertwine them in the same week. I know this can be done w/the pyramid upper & lower body tapes, but my concerns are w/mixing aerobics w/muscle training. Can you do an aerobics tape 1 day and do a muscle strength training the next? Please advise, and thank you for any information provided.
Yes, to your last question. When doing a rotation you usually do 3 days of cardio and 3 days of weights. Of course with the Intensity series you could do the following:

Mon.- Imax 2
Tues. Pyramid upper body
Wed.- cardio of choice
Thurs.- Pyramid lower body
Friday- cardio of choice
Sat.- Muscular Endurance

During another week you could do circuit tapes like Bootcamp and Cardio and Weights and still do the Pyramids also

Or on a circuit week do Muscular Endurance for a great full body ending to a circuit type week of workouts.

You have endless possibilities especially with the premixes which come with your DVD's if you ordered them on DVD.:D

Have fun and experiment with them and do what feels right to you.

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