VHS Intensity Series Shipping Alert

SNM Videos

Just a quick message to let everyone know that the VHS Intensity Series Videos just arrived today (Dec 24th.)This means we will begin shipping on Thursday, Dec 26th. We're also now taking new VHS orders for the Intensity Series, but these orders will not ship until after all the presale orders have gone out.

Please Note: That we have to check random samples of the videos to make sure they were duplicated properly. If we find any problems this will delay shipping. Keep your fingers crossed.:)
Just like the monkey said when he got his tail cut off...
It won't be long now. :D :D

Here's hoping all goes well.
I 2nd that "yipee!" :)

I'm just 1 state over, I could have those workouts by Monday! :)

My fingers are crossed! :)


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
I paid extra for 2nd day air, so I'm hoping I'll get mine by Monday also. I don't think I'll get them on Saturday. I'm going to have plenty of popcorn on hand and I'm going to lie down and watch each workout from beginning to end. As soon as I get my email verifying delivery date, I'm going to make sure I'm home with no other plans.

Am I the only geek who is doing this?
All the VHS'ers now get to gloat at all the DVD'ers for their earlier deliveries. WAHHHHHHH!

All I can say is, "Don't tell us how it ends!"

I can't remember if I got 2nd day air or not!! AAAGGGHHHHHHHH! Oh well, at least I know it won't be long now!! WWWAAAHHHOOOOOOO! Don't worry AJ, I won't tell you how it ends or gloat. Well, maybe a little.......... ;-) !

Hey, AJ
I'm getting the videos...but with this series I feel I'm being left in the dust by all of you that are getting the DVD's.
I'm thinking of selling my entire Firm collection in order to get the DVD player and the DVD's. :D
So just think of all the ways you are going to play with them when they arrive. My head is swimming (no pun intended) ;-) with all the neat things you are going to come up with.

Cyber Sis, I'm counting on you for a review! Which one are you doing first? I KNOW I'll do Boot Camp first. You lucky ducks!

Patiently waiting on the DVD's, until then I'll.......

....Just Do It! :) ...with my old tapes.
hee hee, Mindi...

I think that's what I'm going to do. :) I was actually planning on preordering one VHS, but I forgot! So, I guess I'll pay full price...it's worth it. :)

No, you won't be the only geek doing this! :) My kids look at me like I'm nutty every time I squeal when I get a new video in the mail and rush to the basement to preview it! :) When these new videos arrive - they won't see me all day. They'll be on their own for breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner..... you get the picture! :) I can't wait.

jillybean - I may do Boot Camp first too because I have been so lazy lately that I need something brutal to get me moving again! :)

I think I chose regular shipping - but as long as I have my tapes by Jan. 6th, I'll be delighted!

Just one Mindi? Yea but which one? and you can get all six for 99.99, I mean look around on the floor. Check all your pants pockets and coat pockets and old purses... There is bound to be a $100 bill laying around somewhere... ;-)

I am sooo tempted. If I ordered today well...
please, someone, stop me...

How about the DVD Intensity Series Shipping?


Just wondering when the dvd pre-orders will be shipping?
I know, I know!! I've been looking under all the sofa cushions and under the car seats for money! I keep thinking that just one would feed the fix until my DVD's arrived...just one measly VHS...hmm maybe the Muscle Endurance would be the way to go...

LOL I'm so sick! :)

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