

OMG,i couldn't hardly sleep last night:mad:. My sister and my sister-n-law are fighting on myspace and some how another i was pulled into it? Now i can't seem to delete our myspace page because my email is different...such a PITA. We haven't had that page very long DH got it to keep intouch with his cousins.

What there arguing about you ask? It all started with a comment from my sister to my niece(BIL's DD who is 14)...the comment wasn't bad either,something along the lines of "so,how are you liking your new MIL?",(did i mention my sister dated my BIL at one time?) Well, this crazy women contacts my sister and runs her mouth threatening her and calling her god awful stuff,things i could never call another human being. she seems to be one of those'mouthy women' as my DH calls her. She runs her mouth and trashy too....and she seems to think she can.... and i quote....."whoop everybodies a$$" to much drama for me!:rolleyes:

i contacted her last night (after my mother and sister demand that i 'do' something about it?????)...trying to make peace between them. And the ending result to that was,were not 'friends' anymore on myspace...she's a looney bird:confused:. She not young either...she's in her forties and acts like a 17yr old drama queen:confused:

And the worst part of all of this is...they just moved down here three weeks ago from Virgina. She lives like 8mins down the road...great!!! sounds like were going to have some pretty interesting family get-togethers this year:confused:

Thanks for listening and letting me vent!

So sorry for the drama! Don't you hate it? I don't have much on my side of the family, but my in-laws... let's just say that the fun never ends!

Since you probably can't move, you might want to do what I suggested to DH: Make it your policy to not get involved in any drama. Period. I tell my kids that all the time; that I refuse to "referee nonsense."

Maybe if you say that and stick to your guns, your family won't keep dragging you into it. Otherwise, you'll be refereeing nonsense forever.

Good luck and hang in there!
I'm kind of confused about exactly what's going on,but it seems the relevant point is that your sister-in-law is a drama queen who's going to use your sister's comment to launch into some attention seeking behavior. It can be really difficult to deal with people like that. They have a lot of personal issues and need to have a target to throw all their emotions at. The only way I've found to avoid having a bullseye painted on me was to be very sympathetic to them, not pass any judgment or offer any opinions. I just say "oh, that must make you feel so terrible" and "I'm sorry that you're going through this, it sounds like a tough situation." I don't know if that's an option for you. But if nothing else you need to stay as unemotional with her as possible - don't let her drag you into her drama.
I am totally stealing that line to use with my kids! Perfect!


Another policy that I've made: If I have to get involved in anything, they're both going to get punished.

And still another one (if you can stand it): Any time they nag me for anything, it's an automatic "no."

Yeah, I'm a mean mom. But they seem to love me anyway!

Another policy that I've made: If I have to get involved in anything, they're both going to get punished.

And still another one (if you can stand it): Any time they nag me for anything, it's an automatic "no."

Yeah, I'm a mean mom. But they seem to love me anyway!

I've used the "if you nag me" one on my son many times already and he's only 3! It works!

Another policy that I've made: If I have to get involved in anything, they're both going to get punished.

We have the same rule - if I have to mediate, they both lose. As long as you've given them some guidance in how to work out their disagreements, I don't think that's mean at all. I think it's good parenting. It's just a nice bonus that it's also a lot easier on me.;)
I'm kind of confused about exactly what's going on,but it seems the relevant point is that your sister-in-law is a drama queen who's going to use your sister's comment to launch into some attention seeking behavior. It can be really difficult to deal with people like that. They have a lot of personal issues and need to have a target to throw all their emotions at. The only way I've found to avoid having a bullseye painted on me was to be very sympathetic to them, not pass any judgment or offer any opinions. I just say "oh, that must make you feel so terrible" and "I'm sorry that you're going through this, it sounds like a tough situation." I don't know if that's an option for you. But if nothing else you need to stay as unemotional with her as possible - don't let her drag you into her drama.

I know its all confusing ....what i all boils down too is that my new SIL is a trouble maker.

So sorry for the drama! Don't you hate it? I don't have much on my side of the family, but my in-laws... let's just say that the fun never ends!

Since you probably can't move, you might want to do what I suggested to DH: Make it your policy to not get involved in any drama. Period. I tell my kids that all the time; that I refuse to "referee nonsense."

Maybe if you say that and stick to your guns, your family won't keep dragging you into it. Otherwise, you'll be refereeing nonsense forever.

Good luck and hang in there!

There have been several fights between the two and ive yet to get involved(even though SIL has emailed me asking me to 'deal' with my sister or she will 'deal' with it herself:rolleyes:)

whats so frustrating is that i didn't want to get involved but i had my mom and my sister pushing me into it:((my sister was threating to never speak to me agian) Now i wished i would have never emailed the women. There's no talking to her...she's nuts:confused:

And thank you...i will remind my mom and my sister that im not getting ivolved in any future drama.

Thank you guys for your feels good get it all off my chest! Now i need to get my workout done,maybe i will feel better afterwards
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It's not fair for your mother and sister to expect you to deal with your sister's problem. She's a big girl, she needs to take care of herself and her relationship to the SIL from you know where. So sorry they are all treating you like this. Threatening not speak to you again is just childish. I would step back from the situation and if you are approached again, let them know nicely that you have no desire to get caught up in their drama. (((HUGS)))
Thanks for the hugs Liann...i feel better now that Cathe has kicked my butt:D i just finished legs and glutes:eek::confused:
Don't you love that work out, Amelia? It's my favorite Cathe leg work out.

I have no advice, I just wanted to offer my own {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to you. I know all about family drama and it's no fun. Please come here to vent any time you need to!

Don't you love that work out, Amelia? It's my favorite Cathe leg work out.

I have no advice, I just wanted to offer my own {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to you. I know all about family drama and it's no fun. Please come here to vent any time you need to!


Thanks for the hugs sweet!

Oh yeah,gotta love cathe! Im sure i will have trouble walking tommorrow! I thought i was never going to make it throught those explosive lunges:eek: by the time i got to the 5th set i wasn't really doing anything'explosive'...more like jumping in place:confused:

Another policy that I've made: If I have to get involved in anything, they're both going to get punished.

And still another one (if you can stand it): Any time they nag me for anything, it's an automatic "no."

Yeah, I'm a mean mom. But they seem to love me anyway!

I already use the nagging equals no, but I love the automatic punishment for getting mom involved. All I seem to do anymore is "referee nonsense!"

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