I had my well woman check-up last week (3 months late, didn't have the $$ in December when I normally go, have insurance, but also have a high deductible and couldn't afford the full office visit) and my gynecologist said my uterus felt enlarged and was pretty sure it was a fibroid so he ordered me to go for an ultrasound. Luckily was able to get that worked out on a payment plan with Kelsey Seybold. So, I found out yesterday that I do have one small fibroid. I'm 37 and my mom has them as well. Good thing is the doctor doesn't need to see me back, his nurse just said if I have any problems, such as period problems to let them know. I wouldn't have known otherwise, fortunately, I don't have any period problems and I'm thankful that I don't get cramps, PMS, or anything like that during the time of the month. When I was 16 and got serious about working out, all that stuff disappeared.
Just wondering if anybody else has dealt with these?
Just wondering if anybody else has dealt with these?