upper body tone


I have been using the GS since Feb, pretty exclusively. Just yesterday my DH told me that it looked to him that I was losing the tone I had, specifically on my triceps :-( . What a surprise :eek: (and unpleasant, at that) I thought that these would build my muscle. Before I had done ME, BC, PP, etc. with days of cardio in between. Should I go back to that? Maybe it's just me, and I'm figuring out what works and what doesn't. I've been doing one body part/week, with MM or ME thrown in on Sat. Anyone else have anything similar?
People respond differently to workouts. Your body may respond better to endurance workouts.
Candi is right! I have been doing the GS since I got them and I have gotten GREAT results. I did use GS one body part per week and added PP/SS added on so I was working that one body part from 20-30 min. a day for the last 3 weeks before then I was following Cathes rotations.

Take care,

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