UPDATE 1/5/06

Cathe, I echo the sentiments of everyone who has posted so far. I can definitely wait for the new series. You just need to time to recover and heal. I am having a blast with your latest rotation. It's a pretty good mix of everything I already own and I plan to stay busy with that. Thanks for filling us in and take care.
Cathe, I echo the sentiments of everyone who has posted so far. I can definitely wait for the new series. You just need to time to recover and heal. I am having a blast with your latest rotation. It's a pretty good mix of everything I already own and I plan to stay busy with that. Thanks for filling us in and take care.
I too agree with everyone here. Please take as much time as you need to heal fully. I am also busy enjoying your January rotation :)!
Thanks for keeping us posted!
Take Care,
Cath :)
Sorry to hear about your injury. Please take your time to recover. Rushing won't do you any good. My DH is coming recovering from a shoulder injury, so I know it must not be pleasant. Take good care of yourself and REST.

Wishing you a healthy recovery:)

Cathe, I am so glad it is not more serious. Please take time to rest and heal properly. We love you & we will wait! We'll just sit and drool a bit longer ;)

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

Hi Cathe - Just wanted to send my well-wishes along! Take care of that injury! Isn't it aggravating to have to slow down??:D Even when you feel like it might be completely better, wait a little longer just to be safe, okay? Thanks for keeping us all posted, and for making us feel like friends instead of just customers. You're great!
Dear Cathe,

Please take the time you need to heal properly! That is the most important. I will wait for whatever time is needed so that you can recover, and film the kickass advanced quality product that you are famous for!:+ :+

If others don't want to wait, they can get their money back. I wish you well, and send you hugs! You are an inspiration to me!

Ann Marie:) :)

Take care and be well. Happy healinig. Having upcoming workouts to look forward to is always a good thing and folks are right, we have tons of your workouts to do in the meantime! Take your time and heal it right.
You poor thing! All I wanted to express was that you have 100% of my support for recovery and the DVDs must be on the back burner of your mind!

Have a great day!;-)

Paragonah, UT

Take all the time you and that body needs! Your health is way too important to be impatient for. Thanks again for the update, take care and REST!!!
You did’t need to share these things with us. You didn’t need to give us personal information such as the things detailed above. But you did. And I truly thank you for it. You and everyone at SNM set the benchmark for other exercise DVDs. You rock and the majority of your fans will stand by you and wait as long as we need to in order for you to feel healthy and confident in your body’s ability to perform.

Thanks again, Cathe.
Please Cathe, take your time and REST! I don't mind waiting. Just take care of yourself until you are 150% better! Take care dear, -Tina
Ouch, Cathe! Thanks for the update and here's hoping for a speedy recovery! Take all the time YOU need to get back to 150%!!!:)
Dear Cathe, I am so sorry to hear about your injury. I know pain. Sometimes I think I must seek it out because of how often I am in pain. I know for a fact that if I try to workout too soon after an injury, it does more harm than good because it takes much longer to heal than if I just left it alone until it was well. I try to work around the injury, as in working upper body when the lower body is out of commission....but...I am not making a video either.
Thank goodness you don't have a ligament tear or that degree of seriousness. However, if you keep pushing yourself before your calf is ready, you could get a serious injury, then you would be out of commission for a longer time. (But you know that...;-) )
Stress doesn't help the healing process either. Take deep breaths and allow your body to heal.
Do all the things your doctors tell you to do, and all the things you yourself know to do, in order to get your calf healed properly.
((((((sending you lots of hugs)))))
>You did’t need to share these things with us. You didn’t
>need to give us personal information such as the things
>detailed above. But you did. And I truly thank you for it.
>You and everyone at SNM set the benchmark for other exercise
>DVDs. You rock and the majority of your fans will stand by
>you and wait as long as we need to in order for you to feel
>healthy and confident in your body’s ability to perform.
>Thanks again, Cathe.
Everything Jillybean said and more.

Let that muscle heal properly.

I bet you're the type of person who really wants to get back out there on the floor just to quiet the complainers. But hey they may not like the w/o anyway and then you've placed yourself out there to please them for nothing. But you're also the type of person who knows that you have a VAST majority of HAPPY people who are willing to wait for your STRONG comeback.

Like Nadine said, you are more to us than just a GREAT instructor, you are a friend.

Heck, I'm still trying to complete my library of your DVD's. I think I have five more to go. So I have more than enough to keep me busy--dh thinks the same also. I'm having a VERY hard time trying to decide between Pure Strength Series and Cardio Weights......ok I'm done.

Have a wonderful weekend.


So sorry you are dealing with this injury. What a pain! If it's hard for all of us not to work out, I can only imagine how you must be feeling to not be able to do your thing.

Here's wishing you a speedy recovery. Thanks for the update.

Thanks for the update. Follow the doctor's orders and don't start up again until you are truly ready; we don't want you to risk further injury. I know that I'm perfectly content to use the workouts I already have. My life won't change for the worse if I don't get the new ones soon, that's for sure.

Take Care,
Hi Cathe:D,
Thanks for letting us all know!! I know this must be driving you crazy, but you will get over this little hurdle!! Wishing you a speedy recovery!!

Take care,

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