Twelve Week Fitness/Weightloss Challenge

I have read over the nutrition article but am unable to find the part you are referring to. Could you be more specific as to where you read this. Also, I and Weight Watchers think of avocado as a fat and not a fruit.

Hi Rhonda,
I think the fruit bit is in the final week of the eating plan. I have discovered something new today, an avocado is a vegetable, but I am allowed to make this slip-up because I hate avocados ! I checked out my calorie and fat gram book and it seems fruit contains negligible fat amounts.
The server is down for your nutrition link, but I will keep checking it.
The article, I have to say, is brilliant, I learnt quite a lot from it, seems a good idea, gradually changing your eating habits.

many thanks

Hi Rhonda,

I must send my apologies, I have just had a look at the nutrition plan, and the fat grams of the fruit are listed as .6g, .2g, .4g, etc.
I don't think I noticed the point the other night - Sorry ! I am short sighted but now I am wondering if I need another eye check - I just didn't see the point the other night !

Phew, we can all rest easy now.......I'll go and get my eyes sorted too !

Hi Rhonda,

I, too, have sat down today and devised a 4 week rotation plan based on your plan. At the moment, I only have two cathe videos, but I plan to modify my rotation as I add more cathe videos to my collection.
And, I aim to stick to my clean eating, based on your nutrition article, which I thought was great !

Wishing you and everyone else following the 12 week rotation, the best of luck !

BTW, I am a week behind !!!!!!


Anybody can join the challenge at anytime. I see the goal of the challenge as motivating people to reach their personal goals. Many people won't post (you know who you are) but will follow along and participate on their own.

I am looking forward to reading the first check-ins starting on Monday.


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