Turkey Warning for Dogs


It was this time last year that I gave some left over turkey scraps to my wiener dog Cheyenne. About $500 later and after a 2 night-stay in the emergency animal hospital for Chey, I found out that some dogs are very sensitive to something in the turkey skin. My vet said it is a big no-no for dogs (especially small breeds like mine). I know people who have fed turkey to their dogs for years with no problem, but we came very close to losing Cheyenne. Just something to think about before offering your dog left overs.
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I'm so sorry to read this Liann. What a scare. You must have been so worried. (((hugs)))

I feed my two turkey all the time without any problems. I've never heard this before. I'm guessing mine can tolerate it. I'll remember this for any future fur kids I may have. Thanks!
I never knew that and have always given the dogs turkey. A friend's dog got very sick after eating salmon and the vet told her some breeds do not have the enzyme to digest it. Her dog was a lhasa apso. We also had a lhasa at the same time who wouldn't even look at a piece of fish and if we put a piece in his bowl he wouldn't eat anything in the bowl at all. Meanwhile another friend has a husky who loves salmon and fish and has no trouble at all eating it. Wonder if it is breed related.
I feed my two salmon with no problems too.

I've tried giving them mackeral, but my picky eaters prefer salmon. Go figure:rolleyes:
Mine is somewhat sensitive. If she eats too much, she feels bad so we have to be careful. Not sure about the kitten, because he eats everything.
I limit the amount of table food my dog gets, but he does get turkey when it id served, but it only increases his gas:p

I feed the dog Science Diet canned turkey alot, so I find it strange that turkey could be harmful for dogs if dog food companies make food from turkey.
Thanks so much for posting this. B/f just finished giving our 2 weiner dogs some lefftover turkey. I let him read your post and I don't think he'll be doing it again.
There really is nothing specific in turkey meat that is toxic to dogs. The concern lies in dietary indiscretions - a change in their diet - that usually induces GI issues. Turkey skin is high in fat and can induce pancreatitis, and any change in diet can cause gastroenteritis.

There really is nothing specific in turkey meat that is toxic to dogs. The concern lies in dietary indiscretions - a change in their diet - that usually induces GI issues. Turkey skin is high in fat and can induce pancreatitis, and any change in diet can cause gastroenteritis.


Heidi - She did have pancreatitis. It was bad enough in just one day that the vet told us she would have died if we had waited a few more hours to bring her in. :( I've read a few articles since then and they all point towards the skin as well - saying the white meat itself isn't dangerous. I'll never feed her any of it again though. It's not worth it!

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