Turbo Tax

Turbo Tax is very easy to use. I've used both Turbo Tax and Tax Cut (now called H&R Block At Home) and I like Turbo Tax better. You have to buy either every year.
Debbie (FF)- we use it, and every year they send you notification to update. DH does our taxes and he thinks it's great. Good luck!
They may call it an update but it's a new program for the current tax year and it is not free. Updates are free. Upgrades cost.
How about this thing they are offering online? You can use it and if you're not happy with your return you don't have to pay for it. What's that all about?
I've never used the online version but the CD version has a 100% satisfaction guarantee as well. Just return it to the store where you bought it.
I used Turbo Tax online version for 5 years now. I like it. Every year I had to buy the new one. But compared to going out asking accounting firm to do it, it is much cheaper. Accounting firm charges by how many schedule forms you need to file. Even the schedule really so simple and not take extra time, it will still charge you big bucks. So it is economic way for us since we have rental properties and other business involved. I also buy their defensive program just in case IRS need to question us. But so far I never got any.

However, you do need to be careful with 1099 income terms. If you don't understand it, you did not enter the income to the right category, it will cause problem. So before you enter the income into Turbo tax, really asked your brokerage firm to explain to you.

I used Tax Act to do my parents and my MIL tax. It is cheaper but I don't think it can track items as complicated as Turbo tax. Both my parents and MIL tax are simple, that is why I used Tax Cut.

I like online is anytime I need my tax information, I can just log on line, I will get my answers right there. Also, it will automatically carry your information next year. If your family and economics data did not change much, it saves a lot of money.

Hope this helps.
I have used the online version for the past 3 years. I had a CPA before that but I thought he was pretty useless. He basically only transfered the information that I gave him into his program. I didn't think he was worth the money he charged.

With Turbo Tax online, it let's you do the tax return but you only have to pay if you actually submit the tax return, either by printing out or e-filing.

As an employee there is not much that you can write off, but the program guides you through what might be a possible deduction for you. It's a little trickier if you are self-employed, or have income from several sources.

I would say there are very good CPAs out there who are worth every penny they charge and then some. But it is hard to find one and if I have a choice between a bad CPA and Turbo Tax, I'd chose TT.
I'll ditto what the others said about the online version. I have been using it for about 10 years. It's great because it remembers your info from last year so you don't have to redo the basics every year (although you can edit them if you have changes). I have never had a problem and would not use anything else. Good luck!
I always buy the CD's because I do ours and the kids. Now you can get free e-file for fed for up to 5 people. So you could actually "spread" the cost between a few if you want to. CA is so broke that I print and send - otherwise I e-file my federal taxes.

With the CD it will still remember from one year to the next if you use the same computer and keep the software loaded on it.

Costco & Staples usually have coupons or discounts on it so it is much cheaper than taking your info somewhere.
We have used Turbo Tax for 2 years now, as we were tired of paying almost $300 for an accountant. We have been very happy with it (ease of use). You do however, have to buy a new one each year.

One more question:

For those of you who do this online, aren't you afraid your information might get out? Don't you have to put your SS # in somewhere? I'd be afraid, especially since you've said that it remembers your previous tax return, that someone could get to the information. Am I too paranoid?
Debbie, We ened up buying the CD version for the first time this year. We've ALWAYS gone to an accountant for our taxes. But after seeing all the advertising for Turbo Tax and how easy it is, I convinced DH to get it and do ourselves (himself! LOL!). An accountant was costing us $120+ , the program cost us under $60 and like everyone said here, it keeps your info for next year, and it's even simpler!

DH did is himself and had no problem. And we got back what we usually get back for Federal & State.
One more question:

For those of you who do this online, aren't you afraid your information might get out? Don't you have to put your SS # in somewhere? I'd be afraid, especially since you've said that it remembers your previous tax return, that someone could get to the information. Am I too paranoid?

I'm paranoid about that too, that's why I buy the CD version.
I've used the H&R Block at home program for the last few years. For those of you who have used both, is Turbo Tax worth the few dollars extra?
I've used the H&R Block at home program for the last few years. For those of you who have used both, is Turbo Tax worth the few dollars extra?

Yes, I found Turbo Tax to be more user friendly. I found one instance last year that if I didn't know taxes (I've worked for a tax preparer in the past) I could have easily have made a mistake using H&R Block.

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