Turbo Jam?

I stil waiting the BB e-mail saying they have shipped my order. I have ordered the TJ deluxe package and other BB workouts. When I will receive and try TJ I will post reviews.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :)
Sorry but I'm sending mine back! They are just not for me. Too dancy, the form is bad, and I can't stand her constantly saying"Come on baby".
there was a post a while back who has lost weight doing them and she really thought they were a fun change.
I tried them and didn't care for them I would be too embarrassed for my husband or kids to come across me doing them. If they see me doing Cathe they think Mom is tough!!!!
Wow! These do not sound good. I am just so hungry for another great kickboxing workout as there are not that many out there. I am so dissapointed to hear this.

http://www.picturetrail.com/gallery/view?p=999&gid=8019309&uid=3879914&members=1:-( x(
That was me. I love them. I only wanted to lose a few lbs. anyway, and I already did. I started them on 8-26 and have lost 7 lbs. I think they are really fun and effective. I know eventually I will go back to Cathe, infact after I did Turbo Jam this weekend I also did Kickmax & a Coremax, but they are fun for a change in my opinion. I don't mind the cheese factor of the workouts, but I'm kind of a dork : )
Hi! I haven't tried Ab Jam yet. Libra32 (Laura) just posted yesterday about it though. Here's what she said:

"I enjoy my "Turbo Jam" workouts---especially "Ab Jam", and "Cardio Parties 1 and 2". They have a "fun" feel to them and I like the music (just wish it was louder, though!). I don't really care for "Turbo Sculpt" however. I like "20 Minute Workout" for the days when I'm really short on workout time."

I didn't try the instructional video though. I went straight to trying the "20 Minute Turbo Jam" and had no problems with the moves. I don't believe you really have to order that instructional one. :) BTW, I have my tv hooked up to stereo speakers so the music is plenty loud for me.

Have FUN!
I think they are fun for a change of pace. I really like the Ab Jam and lower body jam. These are good as add ons to other work outs. I'm finding a way to work them into my routine to keep it interesting.


I got mine last Wednesday I believe. At first I tried Cardio Party 1, then the 20 minute workout. For whatever reason, I just couldn't get into them. Then, yesterday I decided to try Turbo Sculpt and Ab Jam and I actually like those two. I especially enjoy the music in Turbo Sculpt. I was really going to send them back and then I decided well, with the shipping that I have to pay, I may as well at least try all the workouts. So now, I will try the 20 minute workout and Cardio Party again. They are very good add-ons. The ab work is a different and it's in two "10" minute sections. So for me, the verdict is still out until I try the Cardio workouts again. I agree, the "yeah babies" are definitely over-the-top! However, most of their abs look pretty good.

Anyway, hope this helps,

> I agree, the "yeah babies" are definitely
>over-the-top! However, most of their abs look pretty good.

The "yeah babies" make me smile. :D
I love Turbo Jam, they are fun and effective, they work the core and if you master the moves and make it athletic, you can burn some major calories. I don't think that there is too much dancing, a little shake it is not dancing. I am losing inches and getting lean with them. Chalene is a great person, she is not Cathe, she has her own style, and that is what I like, she it is different!
I couldn't stand these workouts. They are too low of an intensity level for my taste and the blasts are too short, only about 1 minute I think. If you are looking for an intense cardio workout or a kickbox workout, you will be disappointed. These might be OK for a lower intensity cardio day if you like a dancey style workout and not dancy as in modern dance, jazz dance style but in a club dance sort of way. Chalene and her crew also demonstrate poor form in the kickbox choreography steps. There are also parts where there is no choreography, you just do your own thing. If you are used to and like intense cardio kickbox workouts such as KPC, J. Safell and others, you will be disappointed in these. I think they are geared for beginner to intermediate level workouts and are also good for a lower intensity day but only if you like the party dance type choreography and don't mind poor form.
Turbo Jam is effective and just plain fun. Chalene Johnson studied Tae Kwon Do, dance and aerobics at Michigan State University....In addition, the "experts" who worked with her to put together the program included nationally ranked kickboxers, black belts and competitive olympic fighters. So those who keep knocking the quality of the workout and her form....really shouldn't. Although the moves are simple, they are effective and fun. My abs are still sore from Turbo Jam...and my core is the strongest part of my body from both Pilates Reformer work and Cathe ab-work.

You can make the workout as difficult as you want (depending on what you put into it). If you are looking for totally out of breath IMAX 3 experience....you're right, it's not going to happen... but if you want to have some super-fun, funky, high energy cardio and get a good ab workout on top of it ...I would say it is a definite go. For me, the weakest link in the series for me is Turbo Sculpt, but only because I prefer more of a circuit type workout when I use weights (I also used heavier weights then the 3-5 lbs most of the women used)....but to each his own as they say.:+

I find variety wonderfully effective for my body. I like to do everything from Pilates to yoga and these workouts are great to program as add-ons for cardio (20 minute cardio) and abs (Ab Jam) and I'm sure I will be using them quite a bit in the future.


I should have also added that I love Turbo Jam. It is not low intensity at all. Hey, when Turbo Jam goes on in my house...I get all funky, jump up, and move to beat, and kick to the moves. The high-powered music forces you to kick it into high gear....it is so inspiring.;) :+ I think I loose about 30 years....but who is counting..hehehe.:)

I wonder if yoga booty ballet is this much fun???? Does anyone own that one? Maybe I should get that one too if it is 1/2 as much fun as Turbo Jam. ;-)

Sorry. These workouts are not for me either. I posted previously on these. I think they are of moderate cardio intensity at best and although black belts may have contributed to the workout, the kickbox movements are so stylized they barely resemble the original move (take a look at the upper cuts for example)and are not the bulk of the workout. Different strokes for different folks. Hardcore kickbox afficionados will not like these workouts.
I consider myself a "hardcore kickbox afficionado" and I like these workouts a lot! I own just about every kickboxing workout that has come out, and yes, the style is much different from the other workouts in my collection, and it's also not the most challenging workout in my collection. But, it does fill a void in my kickboxing collection, and it's a keeper.
I like mine for a change of pace and for the fun factor (party in a box). LOL I agree that these workouts are more on the intermediate side, but I am putting 2 or 3 workouts together or adding a Cathe weight work with it. Some of the moves could be rated as too fast for weighted gloves; however, now that I have the moves down the gloves are on. This makes it a nice sweaty workout for me.
According to Chalene over at BB, she says that each of the future workouts will be layered and more intense. In other words, these moves will be used in subsequent workouts but with more 'ta da' as Cathe says. LOL She wants us to learn the moves with good form as per the Learn and Burn DVD. The plan is to have a new work out every 2 or 3 months, and the plans are being made right now for the next workout.
Chalene also says that if we picture a well-oiled muscular body builder, that is not what these workouts will help us to achieve. These are aimed at cardio and the core.
I love the music although Cathe has some of the songs on her workouts already. One of the songs I keep wanting to do my Cardio/Weight stepbox moves with Cathe. ;-)
Whatever keeps us moving and having fun as we work out is the key to our live-long journey of being the best we can be. :)

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