Tuesday FIt for TDay

Gooooooooooooooooooood morning, gang!

It's Tuesday. I just can't believe how quickly time is flying! And we've been taking our time and spending more time at home instead of running around like everybody else, in 10 different directions. How do you make it slow down?????

What are your goals for TODAY?
here are mine:
*water, water, water
*stay within my target nutrition #s (WW)
*keep a positive attitude
*listen to most recent Inside Out Weight Loss podcast (love these)
*workout (done)

OK....This morning's early workout was an oldie but GOODIE! I pulled out Step Fit...the one with the Flying Angels. These old, all-step workouts are what got me HOOKED on Cathe in the first place. I just LOVE them. So I've decided to use them over the next few weeks (or until my attention span for THAT runs out too! LOL). Here's what I have planned for the rest of this week for workouts:

Wed: PUB
Th: cardio, I'm thinking Mega Step Blast (another oldie) + abs
Fri: PLB or GS Legs
Sat: Cardio Kicks + abs

I took the kids to play racquetball last night, but we were disappointed that the courts were all taken. We got a good idea now when it's busy and when it's not, so hopefully we can get more court time. They LOVE playing!

OK....have some stuff to do before work/school!


p.s. sportin' some DOMS in the legs....LOVE IT!
good morning ladies. had a good workout this morning: 45 min on the elliptical. diet has been good. this morning i had my typical egg sandwich breakfast and my mid morning snack will be a atkins ready to drink shake. hope you ladies have a good day.
Good morning, all;

Yesterday was a great day for me. I'm starting a new kettlebell rotation, and I had a great workout. More importantly, I ate 100% clean yesterday and I felt GREAT all day. For some reason, eating clean has been SUPER hard lately, so this is practically a monumental accomplishment.

Goals for today: to keep up the good work! And to get to bed early, and drink lots of water, and to get in a good dog walk in addition to my workout.

So...so far, so good. Hope everyone else is doing OK!

Good Morning ladies!

looking for a good day today! I did HSCircuit last night and boy did it feel good to move again after taking a week (and a weekend :eek:) off!


hate water water water, but have a large styro cup on my desk from lunch yesterday and cold water in the mini-fridge in my office, so I am all set. Managed to leave the Coke Zero in the truck! will see how that goes!

eat better today... I have a hard time with eating... I start out thinking "i'm gonna eat healthy today" but by the time lunch rolls around I have forgotten my mantra and since there are 3 of us that go to lunch together, I just order the "usual" depending on where we go... trying to make a more conscious choice today!

Workout: don't know what it will be, but I will be doing one! probably MM or ME, or maybe B&G although my knees bothered me a bit last night...

anyway, hope you all have a great day...

BBL for personals :)
Oh boy what a day to come back too. Anytime you take a vacation day craziness is waiting for you back at work.

Goals : Get through the day, lol
Slept the whole night through without waking up want to keep that to be consistent along with water, vitamin and eat within guidelines of cutting 500 cal to lose a few lbs., smile and laugh totaling 10 minutes for the whole day and workout

I am amazed that most of you already worked out wish i had used too in the am but got in trouble for being late at work so now wait till nighttime but that is something i am also going to work on!!

Quote Triumphs without difficulties are empty. Indeed, it is difficulties that make the triumph. It is no feat to travel the smooth road.
2nd from yesterday- I am the architect in the design of my new life."

Good job everyone so far looks like we are all TRYING and working our way to our goals.

Will be back in a bit
Eriniski, good for you for staying on track. Love your quotes. Where do you come up with them? Got to go on the internet and get some quotes.

Dani, you did good leaving the coke Zero in the trunk. Just trying to make a conscience choice is a great. Which workout did you do? How did the eating go?

Lisa, You are doing awesome! Keep up the good work. Monumental Accomplishments are great aren't they. YEAH!

Kariev, Your meals sound very healthy. Elliptical for 45 min. will do it. Good going!

Gayle, I love Step Fit! Bet you had a great time with it. Your plan for the rest of the week looks really good. Hope you find time on the court.

Joey and I will be doing The Firm vol. 1 in just a minute or two and my eating today so far has been good.

Talk with you all later, have great workouts, and continue to eat healthy.

Edited for this quote:

"Men do less than they ought, unless they do all they can". -Thomas Carlyle-

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I bet by now you did your workout yea!!! I really need to start doing in the am. I do find them online just do google searches :)
Okay so I took my lunch break and did 30 minutes of IClimb and one mile using Itread.

I would like to get in something tonight so this way I feel like I did something more intense but that felt like a cup of coffee woke me up but ready to do something more :)
Hi all,

I got a late start today but ended up doing ME this afternoon. It has been a while since I've done this one and it was a nice change. I'm sure I'll be feeling it tomorrow.

I had the opportunity to meet a fellow Ya Ya today who works in the same town that I live. I sold her my Firm Wave. It's funny how you can live so close to someone and never see them. We met on the Yas.
It was fun anyway. :D

Eating on plan yesterday and so far today. I'm feeling really positive for a change. :eek:

Great job, Kariev!

Gayle, if you figure out how to slow down time, please let me know. ;)

Lisa, I hear you on the eating clean.
Are you making up your own Kbell rotation?

Dani, I hope your day went well. Were you able to eat better today?

Eriniski, I usually w/o in the am but some days I just do it whenever I can get it in and others I don't do it at all.
Do you have a gym at work that you can use?

Janie, it all began with Firm Vol 1 for me way back when.... ;)
Hi all,
Lisa, I hear you on the eating clean.
Are you making up your own Kbell rotation?

Hey there!

I have several KB DVDs, and I recently ordered a workbook with a couple months' worth of workouts from Art of Strength. All that being said, I actually do find myself making stuff up!

I'm doing the workbook for structure, modifying and substituting some exercises, and incorporating some of the DVDs, and then when I'm feeling super-energetic or inspired, I make up my own little circuits and go for broke. It took me a while to figure out how to assemble a kettlebell circuit, but now I really like'em. I haven't done anything else for the last few weeks!

Hi All:

I did do better today on eating, however, still managed to sneak in a few milkduds :( but I had yogurt (lite) for breakfast, taco salad (only ate 1/4 of the shell) and have not had dinner yet...

I did B&G tonite, all but the last bit of core floor work... I tried to do the incline step for the lunges and did help a bit on my knee pain, but will have to tweek that a bit because it didn't feel like I was doing proper form the whole way through... but better than straight floor lunges :)

Gayle: while I didn't actually DRINK all the water I had on my desk, it WASN'T diet soda today! that's a step in the right direction for me... I'm an ICE cold water girl, so keep several bottles in my mini-fridge but if it's not sitting on my desk I won't drink it at all... will try agian to go for more tomorrow! Good luck for court time next visit for raquetball!

Lisa: how do you like the KB's? I have seen them in the stores, but have been buying all kinds of DVD's (all Cathe) and equipment in the past few months, that I don't think my DH would look kindly on my purchasing another system... I'll wait until after STS and see how I do with that... I have a hard time sticking to stuff, so hopefully the variety with STS will keep me engaged :)

Eriniski: how do you work out at work??? I'd be all sweaty the rest of the afternoon, and wouldn't be very pleasant to be around :eek: but I applaud anyone that can exercise whenever they can fit it in... I also saw on the news this weekend of the treadmill desks.. you walk on a treadmill while working at your computer... it looks really cool... apparently this office has lost a combine 100+ pounds over the past year by having everyone participate! I WANT ONE!!!

Janie: how'd you do with The Firm and DH??? I only wish I could get my DH to work out with me... He's a treadmill fanatic and does it pretty much 5-6 days a week for around 60 minutes, but does not do any other form of exercise... he does do a pretty physical job, but also drinks beer, so has a little pooch :eek: but for getting ready to turn 50 in December he looks pretty darn good to me! :)

Rhondalyn: I did OK on my eating, but need to get back into WW also... So, you didn't like The Firm Wave? didn't it just come out? I was wondering if it would be the next big craze... looked a little strange to me... what did you think?

QUOTE: Success comes in many differnt forms and can arrive at any time in your life... Kelly Ripa (not a big fan, but liked the quote) I'm so ready for success!

have a good evening all!
Hello All,
I loved reading about everyone's workouts and triumphs. I woke up very early this AM and couldn't get myself to workout, I took a big bubbly bath instead, only interrupted twice by the kids before I had to go to work. I lost a battle with mini Reese's cups, which one really shouldn't keep in ones house.

Banslug, I LOVED your opener this morning, very cheerful and motivating. I am going to go to bed now, wake up early, and go running with cardio coach for 50 minutes. Then drink a liter of water before I go to work, so I'm not playing catch up with the d**n water all day :rolleyes:

Quote contribution:
"Once your mind's made up, your body will comply" - Sean O'Malley

Cheers to all,

Pugw, They (The Firms) are a great way to start Cathe workouts. They still have a place in my heart. "Way back when"? How far are we talking about?;)

Dani, My Joey and I did The Firm. We made it through. I think though we need to do a few more before we can catch up with Cathe.LOL:eek: You did good with your eating. It was better than yesterday, that's something to talk about. Good going.:) Now continue on and have a great dinner.

I didn't miss anyone, did I?

You guys are all awesome, good going!

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