Hi All:
I did do better today on eating, however, still managed to sneak in a few milkduds
but I had yogurt (lite) for breakfast, taco salad (only ate 1/4 of the shell) and have not had dinner yet...
I did B&G tonite, all but the last bit of core floor work... I tried to do the incline step for the lunges and did help a bit on my knee pain, but will have to tweek that a bit because it didn't feel like I was doing proper form the whole way through... but better than straight floor lunges
Gayle: while I didn't actually DRINK all the water I had on my desk, it WASN'T diet soda today! that's a step in the right direction for me... I'm an ICE cold water girl, so keep several bottles in my mini-fridge but if it's not sitting on my desk I won't drink it at all... will try agian to go for more tomorrow! Good luck for court time next visit for raquetball!
Lisa: how do you like the KB's? I have seen them in the stores, but have been buying all kinds of DVD's (all Cathe) and equipment in the past few months, that I don't think my DH would look kindly on my purchasing another system... I'll wait until after STS and see how I do with that... I have a hard time sticking to stuff, so hopefully the variety with STS will keep me engaged
Eriniski: how do you work out at work??? I'd be all sweaty the rest of the afternoon, and wouldn't be very pleasant to be around
but I applaud anyone that can exercise whenever they can fit it in... I also saw on the news this weekend of the treadmill desks.. you walk on a treadmill while working at your computer... it looks really cool... apparently this office has lost a combine 100+ pounds over the past year by having everyone participate! I WANT ONE!!!
Janie: how'd you do with The Firm and DH??? I only wish I could get my DH to work out with me... He's a treadmill fanatic and does it pretty much 5-6 days a week for around 60 minutes, but does not do any other form of exercise... he does do a pretty physical job, but also drinks beer, so has a little pooch
but for getting ready to turn 50 in December he looks pretty darn good to me!
Rhondalyn: I did OK on my eating, but need to get back into WW also... So, you didn't like The Firm Wave? didn't it just come out? I was wondering if it would be the next big craze... looked a little strange to me... what did you think?
QUOTE: Success comes in many differnt forms and can arrive at any time in your life... Kelly Ripa (not a big fan, but liked the quote) I'm so ready for success!
have a good evening all!