Troy Lite or is there anything that compares to it ?

RE: Hey Bobbi!

I could not keep from LOL regarding matching stuff..hehehe...I can sooooo relate! I mean why do I need a new Club Step? Because my high step is gray that's why! Thank goodness DH has been with me long enough not to question, even if he doesn't understand :)


Ha! I am upset because my Club step has THREE different colored risers! Purple, pink and fushia! I want them all black now! I need to stop this and count my blessings I have them! RIGHT? I was able to find 3, 4, 6 & 7 pound dumbbells and they are ALL diff colors! OH NO! I like my metal grey hexagons and they don't match, but since it meant I could "up" my weight by just a pound at a time, it was worth the RAINBOW in my workout room! :7 Good Luck getting that NEW gray Club Step!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Kandy!

Hi Debbie!

Oh how I envy you and your hex dumbbells! I started my dumbbell collection during an MC Sports closeout and purchased 3, 5 & 10lbs at a rediculously price for Chrome can guess the rest LOL! I caved and purchased 8 & 12's at the rediculously high price with shipping as no one near me carries these (and believe me I understand why...I mean geez who needs chrome when hex are so tough and BAD looking? hehehe).....but that I have 5 pairs of chrome.....I need some 15's at least and...and...oh geez....

~kandy~who is slightly troubled that her original chrome dumbbells are not EXACTLY the same as her 8 & 12's....and needs some sort of psychiatric help but is having trouble finding a therapist who 'matches' her personality HE HE HE
RE: Kandy!

You guys are too funny, we don't even have matching socks in our house, but that's another thread!!

Debbie....the dumbbell sites gotta work, I just received mine about 3 days ago. I think it's a great deal. They are plastic, but I think worth it. GREAT SHIPPING PRICES!!! Try again :7 :7 :7

RE: Troy Lite or is there anything that compares to it ...

Laura.. I bought my barbell set from walmart for about 25 dollars thats including tax, 120 lb set, with the clips for easy change, I have been using the same set for a yr now, maybe cheap, but still working well............ Rhonda
RE: Kandy!

Why are some of those links so wiiiiide?

I like to match too! I bought a set of Cap hex rubber DB's. It didn't have 10's or 12's. I ordered Cap 10's but the 12's I got from another place, thinking it was a great deal, two 12's for 25 bucks but it was one 12 for 25 bucks. Rather than send the one back, I ordered the second and they mock me, unmatched and ridiculously expensive 12 pounders. I have 18 risers in black, gray, purple and fushia! I sure wish they matched! LOL!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"
RE: Troy Lite or is there anything that compares to it ...

Okay Bobbi, not to make you feel any worse, BUT you paid $25.00 for ONE 12 pound DB???? That's enough to make me jump from a 10 to a 15 just because I'd be so mad at it. Although this may be the motivation I would need....hmmmmmmm.

Rhonda.....this is going to sound even sillier than those matching psychos up there, but the reason that the troylite and look alike are so cool as opposed to the walmart 120lb set is quite simple. You look much stronger lifting a 4# barbell and gigantuan (is that a word) 10 pound weights, not to mention the 20# mombo's than when you have nice compact iron. Keeps you going psychologically. I can't wait to do squats with 70 lbs.....I'm going to look like an amazon woman. I used to get a little bummed to see Cathe hoisting her huge 40 pound loaded bar when mine looked so puny because the bar itself was 18# and then I had couple of little 5 # cast iron weights on the end. I know....very silly :p :p :p

I looked really tough when I was lifting AJ's aqua weights that she loaned me when I was in Florida....they were huge!!!

Briee and Bobbi!

When I put my "payment" info in, it comes up one item not available. This is before I hit proceed to check-out so I am assuming it means it is sold out??? Briee, don't worry, at least you know that there are other pairs that MATCH somewhere in your house! :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

Get this~About a month ago my hubby said, "Did you realize these two 12 pounders are different sizes???" I bought them at the SAME time and the "heads" on one of them is BIGGER then the what-I-thought was a matching DB! YIKES! Now, I notice it every time I use them and never did before. Wish he had never mentioned it! Grrrr! If you find a good therapist, let ME know!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Troy Lite or is there anything that compares to it ...

But Briee, they call them the Cadillacs of Dumbells! LOL! I KNOW but I didn't want to deal with the hassle of returning it. It was December and I was avoiding the Post Master and The UPS guy. And I learned to check, check and recheck! :D
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"
RE: Troy Lite or is there anything that compares to it ...

WELL why didn't you say they were the cadillac of dumbells. If that's the case I would be stuck at 12#'s forever }( }( }( }( I think I like the first case scenario better!!!!
RE: Troy Lite or is there anything that compares to it ...

RE: Troy Lite or is there anything that compares to it ...

Okay it's on sale for $15.99...I just ordered another!!!! You CAN'T have too many barbells!!


Debbie....on my order it said it would ship April 10th so it sounds like they are in stock....TRY AGAIN!!!!!!:) :) :) :)
Oh boy Briee!

You sure are making this hard on me. I finally had myself talked out of it and here I go again! When is yours to arrive? OH BOY!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Troy Lite or is there anything that compares to it ...

Bumping for all interested.


Hey Debbie H....this is the thread I was referring to WAY back when you were discussing barbells....guess it was Bobbi who suggested these...Oops.;-) ;-)

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