Tried out Christi Taylor- she's no Cathe!


I decided it was time for me to expand my horizons and I purchased Christi's Solid Gold Step. I have tried her floor aerobics and strength before and liked them. Well, she is so different from Cathe. She's good but goes soooo fast! I like to pride myself on the fact that I'm a quick study but this was crazy! I watched it first then tried it and was lost most of the time. I finally quit 3/4 of the way through and put in my Cathe tape. Ah, what a breath of fresh air she was too! :)
I will try this again (and again) and hope to catch on! She even has a "move master" at the end where she teaches the moves, I was more confused! Is it just me???
I love Christi!! She is definitely a lot different than Cathe though. Keep practicing because her workouts are a lot of fun once you get to know it. I would suggest trying "Still Steppin" if you are a beginner to Christi. The choreography is a lot easier in this workout.


I know this totally has nothing to do with her tape, but I just checked her website. I had never heard of Cristi before coming to this forum and her workout gear makes me upset. It's sooo ugly. I wouldn't order her tapes because of that.

Just my opinion.

I love Christi too...but I never would have been able to do her step stuff without having accomplished Cathe first! Probably would never have even tried. My fave of hers is Step Heaven.

Still love Cathe the best though!;-)

I bought her DVD that has 4 different workouts: 2 step and 2 hi/lo. Her personality doesn't click with mine and the choreography is unbelievable for the speed!

I would love to unload that and about 15 VHS Firm tapes!
I agree! Everyone always talks about how they love Christi and I feel left out because I just don't care for her personality - and I think her cuing is terrible! I got rid of some of her workouts. I can do them, but her "look at me" style drives me nuts! Every once in a while I will do Step Heaven and I always end up aggravated!
Christi is not for everyone. I was a fan of hers before I discovered Cathe this year. After I did my first Cathe step routine I thought, "This is much easier to learn!" It will take maybe 2-3 times to learn a new Cathe step routine whereas it will take me 5-7 times to get Christi's!!! Christi is definitely more complicated to learn but when you do "get it", it's a real rush of accomplishment. My first DVD was Solid Gold Step and that was tough! Totally Cool Step was probably the easiest for me.

As far as personality goes, I think Cathe and Christi are both great! Christi is for when I want to have fun and have a good cardio workout. Cathe is for when I want to get down to business and work hard. I enjoy Christi's cueing better. She tends to cue well before the move and Cathe tends to cue as she's doing the move. My brain needs time to think about what it has to do!!!:D

I thought the same thing but you'll be surprised how much you pick up the second time around. I really like this one. The second portion I kind of altered a few moves to keep my heart rate up. But it really is fun once you get it down. I get pretty sweaty in this workout, but it's a different workout when you are learning the moves. You'll like it pretty soon.
I have one Christi Taylor workout and the is Totally Cool Step. It took me awhile to get down the choreography. No she is not Cathe. I use it on lighter days or a just for fun day. The reason I have kept it was because I had fun working out to the oldie music. Now I have Rock Steady Step with Seasun Zieger that I use for the ab routine but can't push myself beyond the first 20 min. of cardio. I am not sure why. I look at it all of the time and think I need to get it out and really work at it. Cathe has been a great source of motivation for me. I do like a change once in awhile as well.
Diane Sue
Diane Sue
>I agree! Everyone always talks about how they love Christi
>and I feel left out because I just don't care for her
>personality - and I think her cuing is terrible! I got rid of
>some of her workouts. I can do them, but her "look at me"
>style drives me nuts! Every once in a while I will do Step
>Heaven and I always end up aggravated!

Christi is actually a excellent cuer-she only does watch me when she first teaches the change, then she cues the move next time through. She cues before you do the move, so you have to finish the count of the move you are doing. I can do a Christi tape without even looking at the TV just by listening. She does take getting used to, but once you understand her style, you will love her!
I don't have Cristhi`s step workouts now. I have ordered the fantastic four dvd . I will have the dvd in the next week. I hope so. I have hi/low heaven , still jumping and totally hot cardio in vhs and there are great workouts. Cristhi is not Cathe but there is only one Cathe.I want these two workouts in dvd . That`s the reason why I have bought the fantastic four. The price is great and there are 4 workouts.I have seen the video clip in the collage video home page and the Cristhi`s step seem more difficult than the cathe' step.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
Andrea, I totally agree about Christi's workout outfits. That's what bugs me too!! Who would've thought that workout clothing would be such an important factor in a video?!! Cathe and crew always have the cutest gear and I guess it is motivating. I like to dress up in my outfits and pretend I'm one of the group!! :p

Diane Sue?

Hi Diane Sue,
I was thinking of ordering one of Seasun's step workouts but the collage video made it seem like you would need to keep rearranging the step if you wanted to to make certain you could watch what she was doing on your screen. Is that the case?
RE: Diane Sue?

I feel the same way about most of my workout videos that aren't Cathe... they seem so much more difficult to learn to me, for some reason!! I mean, if i really try hard at them, I can get it, but I usually don't have the motivation to learn... when I work out, I want to WORK OUT, not spend half the time standing there staring at the TV screen in frustration!!x( And I don't have the time to devote my "off" days to learning new tapes, either!! Oh well...
RE: Diane Sue?

I have not had to rearrange the step on Rock Steady Step. I see what you mean after looking at reviews on the other workout. I know she does the double step workouts too. I think that she has more than what is on Collage. It kind of looks like fun. It just hits a point where I get tired of trying. But is still one that I think I might learn, so I still have it.
Diane Sue
I think Christi Taylor is fun, fun, fun! Her workouts are not as intense as Cathe's, but varying the intensity and modes of my cardio works for me, and Christi's perfect for lighter days. I know what Stepqueen means by wanting a workout to be a real workout (time is so precious!), but if you give yourself some extra time to learn Christi's routines, you'll be glad you did. Maybe you can do the first half of a workout twice, so you still get an hour workout. It would then take fewer workout days to learn it. Also, the more workouts of hers you do, the easier you pick up the choreography of subsequent workouts.
RE: Diane Sue?

Hi Cathy,
Just wanted to let you know that no, you don't have to keep rearranging the step in Seasun's newest wokrout "The Next Step". In the first segment the step is horizontal, and in the second segment it is vertical. She puts both segments together in a challenge section at the end, and you just switch with a quarter hop turn to be facing the right direction. It is different doing that, but I caught on easily.
I want to also mention that I think Seasun's The Next Step is one of the best step workouts of all time. Second perhaps to Step Heaven of Christi's, which I simply adore.
I love Christi's workouts, but was disappointed in her latest releases. What Seasun did this year with The Next Step is what I hope Christi will come up with next year...
RE: Diane Sue?

I have to jump in here and say that Seasun's new workout is the BEST I have done in 2004!! I highly recommend this workout!

I love Christi's workouts! She is a lot of fun! But I remember when I did my first one of hers! (Step Heaven) LOL! It was not pretty! I remember I did it everyday for about 2 weeks! But I learned it and than it was sooo much fun. Since that first one, the rest of hers has not been as hard to learn.

I think her cueing is really good. It is different than Cathe's cueing, but they are both excellent (IMO) I also like to do hers when I have been doing a lot of really intense workouts for several straight days, for a change of pace.

I don't have her two newest ones, yet. I need to get those! :+

I also like Seasun's a lot! I have both of hers and I really wish she would make more! They are so much fun!


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