Tricep Push-ups


Hi Cathe and Educated Crowd-

I just did CTX Upper this morning and find that I have a really hard time with the Tricep Push-ups. They feel so awkward and I don't have a large range of motion. I am positioning my hands under my shoulders and trying to keep my elbow close to my rib cage when doing the movement.... correct form, right?

Do others find this difficult or is it just me? Should I keep trying this move or is there another exercise I could substitute?

Any help is appreciated! Have a great 4th!
Hey Nancy,

It sounds to me that you are doing these correctly. I don't have a great range of motion when doing them. I also can only do 1 on my toes while I can do regular pushups right along with Cathe. These are very difficult for me.
Same here!

Can't do more than a couple straight-legged before it throws my shoulder joints and elbows out of joint. Otherwise, my tri's are pretty darned strong!

I don't sweat it, though. There are plenty of other tri options to do!

My Physical Therapist and Orthopedist (both specialists in sports med.) hate tricep push-ups and don't think anyone should ever attempt them -- and if you've ever had a shoulder injury/problem I think they would call the move flat out recklass. I've been consulting with both while recovering from a serious shoulder injury sustained in Oct.
Tricep Push-ups--Tuff Stuff

I too find these very challenging! I try my "best" to do what I can but when my form is starting to feel unstable I immediately modify to my knees using the step,or substitute that exercise with lying cross the body kickbacks or lying sideways one-armed tricep pushups! There are soo many other options to do for triceps! Just do what you can(comfortably)and finish the set out with your choice of tricep exercise!
RE: Tricep Push-ups--Tuff Stuff

Hi , I feel for you , are they not the hardest muscle to condition and strengthen? I take extra care to build this area since I feel like such a weakling, when I can't complete the exercises in the vidio. I have been doing Cathe tapes since they came out in Collage vid. magazine and I am pretty strong , but when it comes to those triceps, burn and burn your not alone, God bless.:)

don't sweat it. I never do this exercise, it looks too much like torture.

just sub with another set of either tricpe dips, with or wirhout barbell on lap, french presses or kickbacks, whatever could do with more work. By the time Cathe gets to the tri pushups i feel that that's quite enough tricep work thank you, and bye bye and I switch off and go shower and feel no guilt whatsoever!

Try it!

I find the tricep push-ups incredible difficult. One modification that I learned in karate works the triceps well and is more achievable for me. In push up position, place your hands in front of your face on the floor. Have your index fingers touching at the tips and your thumbs out and touching at the tips. The opening between your hands looks like a spade (i.e. from cards). Proceed to do the pushup with that hand position. Initially try it on your knees until you feel comfortable with the hand position.

Good Luck!
I'm so glad that I'm not alone!:)
I felt/feel like such a weakling whenever that exercise comes up and I just stare at the tv and say "yeah right!!!"


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