Training with weights probably saved my life last night!


HI Cathe- I had to share this with you. I have never been happier to have 200lbs of weights in my livingroom! Kept a curious bear cub at bay! We live in Monument CO at about 7800 feet elevation - in a forest shared with lots of wildlife- this has never happened to me before!!!! :eek:

At about 1am this morning I heard footsteps (not human I was pretty sure) coming up our back steps to the laundry room where I keep my dog's food bowl, "it" heard me and ran away. Didn't get a good look the first time. I locked the dog-door (entire door will be completely removed today and replaced with a steal enforced door- sans dog door). Since the coyote kill this summer in our front yard, I keep the main door to the laundry room closed at night so my lovely Bichon doesn't become a main course- thank God it was shut!!!! I shudder to think "who" else might have entered the house in a not so friendly way!

About 10 minutes later, I heard it come back- it broke the lock on the dog door- it heard me again and scampered out- this time I saw two furry bear cub butts run across to the other side of the property. This scared the bejeebers out of me cuz that means that Mama Bear is not too far away. I called 911 and they had Dept of Wildlife call me.... not much help to a woman alone with a six year old and to say, "don't worry M'am they are more afraid of youthan you are of them"... rrrrrriiight. It tried to get into my flippin' house, dude!!!!!

So, I procedded to baracade the door with a large piece of wood and moved 200lbs of my free weights and weight plates, barbell as well as an end table, BOSU jammed up against the door. Sure glad I train with weights, it literally saved my life tonight!!!!

The cub tried one more time and realized it couldn't budge the door- even though it tried pulling the door instead of pushing it's way in. Holy crap- too persistant!

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT leave your pets outside alone - day or night and especially do not leave food anywhere near a place the bears may be able to sniff it out.

I was stunned that they bear cub had brazely tried to break into our house to get to the food!! This is the kind of stuff you ONLY see on the news- so I thought!

Please stay safe!

Coyotes and foxes and bears, oh my!!

What a night you had Pam!!! Oh my is right. Glad you used your head & weights! ;) Amazing what Cathe can do for us huh?:D
Holy Buckets!!! Glad you were right there...that your doggy and 6 year old were INSIDE and that you are so buff...tossing 200 lbs of weight in that matter certainly would have raised your heart rate just a touch :D
Glad you're all safe...and such comforting words...of course they're more scared of you :rolleyes:
Yikes Pam! I'm glad everything turned out alright!

We put our dogs in at dusk and don't let them in the morning until it's light. Our little Cairn Terrier has run several bears out of our yard and once treed a mountain lion - and that was when we lived in the Broadmoor area, not the "country."
how crazy, glad everything turned ok! make sure you let the dept of wildlife know how very helpful they were to you!:D
Bear scare = "Shock Cardio"!

It's funny how Cathe has changed my life and in this case saved it. Yes, my heart rate was pumping- a totally different "Shock Cardio"!! haha! :D

Thanks for all of the support!! I LOVE THIS GROUP!
What a night!!! Thank goodness you had the weights and the faculties to bar the door. Your plight brought back some frightening memories of run ins with bears when we lived in the adirondacks. One thing I don't miss is locking up the trash in the garage !!!

Brenda in Indiana

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