I love how involved Tracie (and the others hopefully) will be on the boards. I am also really loving the involvement of their nutritionist. That is going to be such a fantastic resource!
I'm ordering too! Jen was my first favorite instructor and then after she left the Firm, Cathe took her spot! Ooooh! To get new video's from both of them so close together! I'm in heaven!!!![/img][/url]
Do you think that this is a presale price or the price will remain the same?

Okay, my question is how will you use these workouts in a rotation? What Cathe, would you sub for it, and when you do one of these workouts I am assuming it is considered weight training so you would want to put a day of rest before doing weights again? Sorry, I always seem to be so confused about this stuff. Please just have patience with me - I know I kind of tend to ask the same thing over and over again.
>Do you think that this is a presale price or the price will
>remain the same?

It looks like from the boards over there. That is pretty much going to be the price. But, Stephanie said she doesn't know for sure yet. So I'll keep watching the boards to make sure.[/img][/url]
>Okay, my question is how will you use these workouts in a
>rotation? What Cathe, would you sub for it, and when you do
>one of these workouts I am assuming it is considered weight
>training so you would want to put a day of rest before doing
>weights again? Sorry, I always seem to be so confused about
>this stuff. Please just have patience with me - I know I kind
>of tend to ask the same thing over and over again.

I plan to use them in alternating rotations. If I do Cathe w/ regular training one month working these into a rotation with Cathe cardio mixed in the next month or maybe if you are doing a upper body focused rotation, work both the major muscles with Cathe i.e. Gym Styles-upper and the functional fitness upper to work the smaller muscles of the upper body and core. Just a suggestion of how I would use them.[/img][/url]
I've found that doing a week of functional fitness workouts like this (three per week, with cardio and yoga in between) after 3-5 weeks of more traditional weight training (à la Cathe) really helps me come back to the more traditiional stuff stronger and ready to improve.

They could also be used in a longer rotation, if you are in "maintenance" stage. Or once a week with regular resistance training (a two-day heavy split on days 1 and 3, and functional fitness on day 5, with cardio in between).
These look great! Thank you Carol for posting the link.

Does anyone know how long these workouts are?

Are these ready to ship? So, if you order them 12/5 will we get them right away?
I'll ask for these for Chistmas.

Susan C.M.
Am I the only one that does not get the full site when I click on the link above? Only the top black banner with the site name and the health club name, but nothing more????
Susan, Tracie posted on the site they should start shipping on 12/20. I believe they are each supposed to be between 45 and 60 minutes long.

>Am I the only one that does not get the full site when I
>click on the link above? Only the top black banner with the
>site name and the health club name, but nothing more????

No, you are not alone!! That's all I get too, and it says "Coming Soon". Not sure why the whole site won't open. Does anyone have any ideas? I have been waiting for her new site and definitely will order her new workouts.
I'm going to wait and do them each before I decide how to use them in a rotation, since I don't know if they each have a different emphasis (mostly cardio, mostly strength, or mostly core). With the older ones, Core Foundations is a core workout, but it has elements of both cardio and strength as well because it's such an advanced workout. Functional Strength is more weight-focused, and Dynamic Strength & Power has both cardio and strength elements to it. The "Yorktowns" - Core Cardio and Core Strength are self-explanatory. The names of these new ones are really different and I like that, but it's hard to tell from them and from the descriptions what the emphasis will be, except for Finding Your Core. I'm assuming that's another core-focused one!

Mine says that too, but earlier it was up. Perhaps they're simply making updates??? I'm hoping the cart will be operational later tonight!! LOL!! Hey ... I can dream, can't I???

All 4 look fantastic from the clips. Tracie looks fabulous. Susan Harris looks like she has added some muscle, not as thin as Firm Volume 4 (I think that's the last I saw of her). Anyhow she looks healthier.

The workouts have a lot of appeal. The only workouts in my library that come close is the BOSU DVD with Mindy & Kelli Roberts. Love the multi-plane movements.

Well, the site came up for me finally. These workouts look incredible. I "placed my order", which was actually just a test order I guess. Nothing was processed. I will go back on Monday and order them for real!!!
Tracie posted late last night on the message boards that the cart was "hot" only as a test and any orders that were placed did not actually go through. She said she planned to email those people last night or this morning to ask if they wanted their cards manually charged tomorrow with the correct shipping or if they simply wanted to reorder. The shipping charges were coming up as very high, but she said those would not be the real charges. She didn't indicate what they would be though. The cart is supposed to be operational tomorrow. HTH!

Thanks, Carol! I was so excited about the news that I did Tracie's Core Cardio workout this morning. What a great workout!! I just love Tracie!!!
They all look so incredible but haven't they all had breast augmentation? No matter how much you do their workouts no one will ever look that good without plastic surgery. I'll take Cathe and the natural look anyday. Just my 2 cents!
I'll take Cathe and the natural look anyday. Just my 2 cents!

I do agree with that. It's the only thing that looks unnatural on Tracie, IMO. I think she might have been the first Firm instructor to have implants. Then it was like ALL of them had to have implants (except Nancy, as far as I know).

Though I don't agree with your saying no one will look that "good" without plastic surgery. Rather, IMO, few people can look that "way" without plastic surgery (low body fat coupled with D-cup breasts).

All of you interested in the TLT workouts: if you sign up for her forums (no cost, and the instructors actuall are on quite often), you will receive a 10%-off email coupon. I just registered, and will wait for my coupon before ordering.

Also, in case you haven't seen the message: DON'T order until Monday, even if the cart lets you. All orders placed before Monday will have to be manually changed by Tracie or someone, because the cart isn't officially open. And having to change all these things will perhaps slow down the process for everyone ordering.

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