Total Body Workouts - What Say You?


So I've never thought that highly of TBWs. I also felt like they were something to do in a time crunch, because IMO no muscle group really got any full attention. BUT, this summer when I was doing P90x+ I really enjoyed the TBW in that rotation, and felt like I got great results. So now I am thinking of doing a total body rotation, combining P90x, Cathe, Barry's and power yoga, plus the usual cardio.

What do you guys think? Anyone do mostly TBWs with good results?

Almost all I do ...

I almost always do a total-body workout when I do weight training. I do weights 3 days a week, and cardio 3 days a week, so I feel like I'm hitting all parts at least 3 times a week.

Working just one or two parts makes me feel like the rest of me is getting off too easy because the other parts have more days off this way, if you know what I mean.

FYI, I've gotten excellent results. I'm 5'6", about 118 lbs, and 17% body fat. I'm a hard-gainer, but have good muscle definition for somebody who has to work so hard to get it.

I've also cleaned up my diet, so that has helped, too.

Give it a try!
Since starting with Cathe, I've been concentrating on 3 day splits (well, I was until I hurt myself :rolleyes:), so I can't speak of results using total body workouts. BUT I will say this ~ I think they're fun! I dig the variation, and I imagine going from splits to a couple weeks of total body workouts is a good way to challenge yourself.
I have no idea what your body type is, but for my frame and make up TBWs don't work. They are great when I take a break and am just getting started again (post baby, I took a 2 month hiatus last winter), but I can only do them for a few weeks before they lose their magic on my body. Whenever I do TBWs after I have been doing Barry or Gym Styles I always lose strength and tone. It makes me sad because some of my favorite w/os are total body! :(

I just don't have the time for split routines. My running takes priority and since I'm not focusing so much on strength, I just do total upper body workouts, lifting as heavy as I can, twice a week for maintenence. That will probably change once STS is delivered, but until then I'm going to continue this route.
Funny you brought this up. I just did MM on Tuesday after doing stictly strength workouts (P90X, Gym Styles, S&H...) for a long period of time. I was huffing & puffing throughout because I just didn't have the "endurance" part down. While I prefer strength over endurance based workouts, I think both are needed for a complete strength training program.

I think they can be relaly great.. both for light trainers and for heavy.

To get the most benefits out of them you really need to incorporate heavy, compound movements (squats, deadlifts, bench press, pullups ..) which recruit the most muscle fibers (slow twitch especially), elevate the metabolism the most and for the longest after the workout and for the rest of day.

If you want optimal muscle gains you need to pair TBW with heavy weights (afterall, you're not putting a lot of attention into any one part) and up your protein.

For all the "toners" out there.. lighter workouts in this manner are fine (think MM).
But, whether or not it's the best way for you to train depend s totally on your goals :)
Funny you brought this up. I just did MM on Tuesday after doing stictly strength workouts (P90X, Gym Styles, S&H...) for a long period of time. I was huffing & puffing throughout because I just didn't have the "endurance" part down. While I prefer strength over endurance based workouts, I think both are needed for a complete strength training program.


I agree with this. I like to switch things up -- not only does it keep me from hitting plateaus, it helps fend off boredom. I tend to get bored pretty quickly with weight training. Lately I've been into kettlebell training and I'm LOVING that!! Have you considered KB's?
Sparrow.....a total body rotation combining P90x, Cathe, Barry's and power yoga, sounds great! Make sure you post your routine, I would love to try it!

Sparrow13, does P90X have a TBW? I have both P90 and P90x and I don't remember there being a TBW.
Splits work better for me. However, I like to change things up. So after a month of Gym Styles I am doing a combo. One day total body, the other two days Pyramids. I have done this before, and my body likes the pace and switch up from week to week. Of course I will get bored after about a month and change it up again.
Sparrow13, does P90X have a TBW? I have both P90 and P90x and I don't remember there being a TBW.

I don't think P90X has a total body workout. I just started it Monday for the 3rd time and unless I'm not remembering correctly...but then again, my memory's not the greatest. :p
Loved the article. Thanks for posting it! Very interesting too what is said about working your abs. Jackie Warner from that show Workout said the same thing. She said she never works her abs and look at them!

Ditto. Loved the article and have been suspecting all along that this is true. And this IS the body type I'm after, at least initially. Still, I'm confused about exactly what I should be doing if I can the split and go with 3 total body workouts per week. I have Cathe's Muscle Max, would that suffice for one workout? If so/not, what other full body workouts should I look at? I hope I might be able to get a personal trainer early next year. Meanwhile, I'm trying to figure out what I can do now, over the winter.
Loved the article. Thanks for posting it! Very interesting too what is said about working your abs. Jackie Warner from that show Workout said the same thing. She said she never works her abs and look at them!

Really?! I *hate* working my abs, and usually skip over it. Of course, I've been a total slug and haven't worked out in a month :( but I'm starting back today. And who am I kidding, my abs will never look like that because I like to eat too much, but still....good to know!

I prefer TB workouts. When I got in shape a few years ago, it was with the FIRM, all TB circuit style. Now, I can't really put up with those videos anymore, they're a bit cheezy, but the concept I like! :)
Great article!! Interestingly, I've been doing a rotation this month of CTX upper, leaner legs, and a full body workout, and I've been seeing GREAT results - my muscles are really defined!! After reading this article, I think I may continue, just tweak it with some PushPull premixes =>upper body on Monday, lower body on Wed. and a full body on Friday. I was doing splits and lifting heavy, and really enjoying it, but I am finding much better results with this rotation.
Ditto. Loved the article and have been suspecting all along that this is true. And this IS the body type I'm after, at least initially. Still, I'm confused about exactly what I should be doing if I can the split and go with 3 total body workouts per week. I have Cathe's Muscle Max, would that suffice for one workout? If so/not, what other full body workouts should I look at? I hope I might be able to get a personal trainer early next year. Meanwhile, I'm trying to figure out what I can do now, over the winter.

Yes Muscle Max would be 1 total body workout. Also MIS, PH, BM, PP, SS. I'm sure there are others I'm forgetting about. I'm thinking Cardio & weights would be good too.
More input needed.

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