Total body weights vs STS


I am with you...I won't be spending another DIME on workout DVDs in 2008. With 37 DVDS...I can't imagine I would WANT anymore :eek:

Wow, it sounds like everyone out there is having the same back and forth--should I or shouldn't I talk with themselves about these new DVDs as I have! I pre-ordered. I am sort of mad about it only because I KNOW that I haven't had time to keep up with my current routine! But I know that weight training is best as one progresses in years and 40 is fast approaching for me:) I also know that having the routine laid out in such a way that allows one to build strength is so ideal. ANd I keep telling myself that since I've always been happy with Cathe's tapes, I can make this work. If not, I can always sell them on ebay:)...okay bad joke. I am going to use them, really. I always have!

You are right, lots of people can't make up their minds. I did pre-order but then I cancelled before the order went through. I know that 3 days commitment is too much for me and it's not the rotation I am doing right now.

I find it too time consuming to work out 5-6 days a week, I'm aiming for 4 days - 2 day cardio & 2 day weights. So far using MIS & MM with a heavy weight as possible works for me. MIS is the best for heavy weight training. I'm also re-discovering Supersets & Push Pull DVD, those premixes are superb.

I have moments when I still want to pre-order, but I have to remind myself that this is not the final Cathe workout - she will bring out other weight workouts in future, hopefully, they will be total body heavy weight like MIS, MM or 2 day body splits like Pyramids rather than 3.

I read that Cathe is going to do mixed martial arts with kickboxing, which I might pre-order. I also think that I have too many Cathe workouts, and I need to try other instructors. Although, none has come close to her for weight training.

I did MM for the first time this weekend, but I was surprised that I felt sore and wasted the day after. I tried to do cardio but found I lacked real energy. That said, I think everyone is different and splits really work better for me than full body workouts. With splits (I have S&H and 4DS), I feel my muscles getting stronger and I can do more by concentrating on different muscles on different days. Though I liked MM, I felt like the full body workout wasted me and I will need to take a few days before going back to weight training. For me, I think STS will be perfect!

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