Hi ladies! I am again reaching out for some advice. I am ready to switch things up a bit and shift the focus from adding muscle and weight to "leaning out" and gaining some definition to show off the new muscles I have added over the past 7 months while not losing weight or any of the muscle I have worked so hard for. I am thinking that I should spend some time utilizing Total Body weights workouts (3 days a week), 2 days of Hiit or Metabolic Hiit, and 1 day of steady-state cardio like a nice hike or kickboxing would be a good choice. Has anyone utilized this kind of mix and had good results? What are some great Total Body workouts of Cathe's that I should try? I ADORE STS Total Body and will use that for sure. What else is good? I use Cathe OnDemand, so I could try anything recommended. And if anyone is aware of a great rotation with the kind of focus I'm looking to use, I'd love to hear about it. Thanks so much!