Total Body Ck In 4


I have a cage so I can put the 45 lb barbell on that and slide under it and am ready to go. Actually the legs feel good right now. I may feel it tomorrow more, as they say wait a day or two.

I hear you on those leg lifts for that matter the whole ball routine. Inner thigh presses, ouch

Hi all,

I did Imax 2 this morning :) There was something so comfortable about doing just the first 5 intervals + PLB last week! Doing the whole thing was grusome all over again! :)

Tomorrow is BootCamp~oh yay! :)

Checking in with all of you again.
I just finished Imax. Don't know if it is psychsymatic or what, but I can't seem to do all of those scissors. I have to modify before Hope does. All during the first 7 intervals I keep thinking those horrible scissors are coming in # 8. GRRRR. I'd much rather do Imax 2. At least I can get through that one. Imax really wipes me out.

Donna, I will join you for Boot Camp tomorrow. Oh Boy, oblique twists in the plank position! }(
Just think how much better we are going to be. :D :D (I know. That doesn't help much when you are trying to eek out that last rep you can possibly do.) LOL

See you tomorrow. Left, right, left. :)

Just did my 3rd and final Power Hour for the week. What a great workout! The chest kills me! I went lighter today and found I got a better workout (better form I think).

Did Imax Monday and 10-10-10 yesterday. TOmorrow a CTX cardio and MAYBE lean legs!

This is a great checkin
Needless to say my sinuses were bothering me and I was exhausted so I didn't work out this morning but hopefully I can do PUB tonight. Saturday is BootCamp.

Ok, I'm going to be brave today. I'm breaking out Cardio & Weights because I feel REALLY REALLY good & strong today. I might skip the core work depending on how it feels to push myself there. I'm going to use 3 lb weights & no more. Wish me luck!

I met Francine last summer. Let me tell you she is one cool chick! We spent about an hour talking when she came to my house. She talks like 500 miles an hour & gets very excited when talking about fitness. You can tell she is really into it! I feel very fortunate to know her.

I'm just going to wear my clothes because I'm so close to Cathe's. I'm thinking about going to buy some new pants. I think I deserve a nice pair of yoga pants to wear. Don't you? I knew you would. I'll just tell DH.

Anyway, I'll let you know how I feel after doing C&W.
Tell you DH that Wanda, one of the girls on line says you need a nice new pair of yoga pants because you are going to meet Cathe,THE Queen.

When I'm needing some new exercise things, I tell my DH that you girls say I have to have it. Works for me. ROFL :D :D

Hi Everyone,
Like Rhonda, I had a sinus headache. Mine always leads to a Mirgraine. Even if I take Sinus Tylenol, it won't help. So I had to take my $20 a pill Maxalt. GRRR.
Rhonda, are you affected when a new weather front is coming through?
I live in Indiana, and it seems I can tell a front is coming when it gets on the Illinois border. :D

My pill makes me drowsy so I'm trying to wake up. I should be ready to go to Boot Camp after lunch.

You girls have a wonderful day. I'm looking forward to how you did in your workouts.

We are almost ready for #5. I'd like to take this time to tell you all that this thread is really fun. It has been a great opportunity to get to know you better.

See ya later this afternoon
Well, I did it! I did Cardio & Weights & feel AWESOME! I used 3, 5 & 8 lbs depending on what I was doing. For anything that required standing up, I used no more than 5 lbs, for the chest work & lying down stuff I used the 8s. I even managed to do some of the ab work!!! WOOHOO! I'm on the road back!!!
Hi Everyone,
I just finished Boot Camp. I never was so glad to see Tricep extentions in my life as I was today. Wow! This class kicked my booty.
Suprisingly the Terminators went well. It was those 28 interval kicks that I was so glad when they were done. :D
I got through this by telling myself "all this is going to help get rid of those little dents in my upper thighs and get the lower abs under control." Myself is going to be really mad at me if all this doesn't work. LOL

Cathe says: "Boot Camp actually focuses more on overall stamina. Since no one muscle group is taxed for very long it can be used along side other weight workouts if you are not extremely sore."
With that said, I'm not sure what I'll do later. Go for a walk, do intervals or do Upper Body weight work from the CTX series. ?

My legs feel like they have really been worked at the moment. :D

Catch you all later
Wow! I am so glad you were able to 'jump in' and have a great time! Most people have completely pain free bodies and don't do anything! I can't wait to start this rotation with you guys. I'm doing Muscle Endurance tomorrow. Woo Hoo! My first foray into the world of the Intensity Series!
Hi Jilly,
I'll be thinking of you with your initiation into the Intesity Series club. Maybe I'm cukoo but I think this is the best Series Cathe has put out and I Love Love Love her other workouts!

On pain, if I waited for a day that I was totally pain free, I would never get anything done. Lupus makes my legs always to have a low grade pain no matter what I do. But they feel the best when I work them to the max. Weird isn't it? My head, now that is another story..LOL

I have an announcement. DH told me that I can have the Intesity DVD's. We are in process of looking for a new TV and the DVD player. I don't want to push things by getting the ENTIRE Cathe collection at this time. :D But I'm looking forward to playing with you on the extra workouts the DVD's have on them.
I'm somewhat scared though. On another thread, someone mentioned they were having 'freeze problems with one of the discs.'

Should I wait until the next batch of DVD's come in before I place an order? Are you having trouble with your DVD's? the Intense Series the only one that has the extra workouts on them?

I'll check in again later
Hi all :)

Jilly, enjoy ME tomorrow :)

I did BootCamp this morning and I've founf those triceps dips do get easier! :) The ab work doesn't (for me), but everything else becomes more do-able each time.

Tomorrow is C&W :)

Hi Everyone,
I'm closing out the day by doing 50 min Intervals on the Treadmill via the Ifit CD and ab work.
Tomorrow is ME then off to look at DVD players.;-) So far I'm leaning towards the Sony DVPNC615. Internet said they had it at Sears for $149.88. I'll see if they have it at my local store.

I was going to go ahead and order the DVD's but I'm changing my email addy on Monday. I have to know when Cathe will send this precious cargo don't I? LOL

See you tomorrow. Have a great weekend. It is supposed to get close to 50 degrees here Sunday. Isn't it weird how the temperature fluxuates from below zero to 50 degrees in one week?

Donna, I LOVED the tricep work today. I was so glad to lay down and get off my feet. LOL We're gonna make it. By summer we will be saying like Cathe, "piece of cake." :D

Hi Everyone,
Getting ready to do ME. Are we supposed to move this to the new "Rotations" Forum?

I'll go ahead and start a thread there, but tell me if you think it is supposed to stay in Other Discussions.

Catch you later. Oh...I got the DVD player and the TV is on order. Now I need to order my new DVD's next week. YIPPEEE!!!

Hi again,
Everything went well with Muscle Endurance until I got to the biceps. I was able to do all reps with 20# BB but had to pause during the ordeal. By the time I get to those 'hold half ways' and then do those last single reps, by biceps are flamin'. My biceps were already fried with those rows and overhead presses with 30#'s. And I know this is light compared what some of you can lift. I've got alot of improvement and room to grow with this tape.

Tomorrow I'm giving my muscles a break and just doing cardio. Imax 2 is loaded and ready to go.

See you later. Let me know if we are supposed to go to the new forum.

Yeah! I can officially check in! I did ME yesterday. It was great. My butt really feels it today. Must be all of those leg presses. I might try 8 or 10# dumbbells next time. That bicep segement was killer. I was thinking 20# ain't much. Yeah right!?! But I made it. And the ab work was awesome! I had a little energy left so I did the time saver step from C&W afterward which is just the 4 step segments. You can also do a premix of the 4 step segments and the 4 compound weight segments, but I was DONE with weights for the day. I loved C&W! And Donna you were right - the music is the best! That Elvis song was my favorite! This morning I did Imax II. I really liked it. Next time I will try to do it on an 8" board. If you don't see a post from me over the next few weeks, you'll know what happened! Keep checking in everyone! I can't wait to read what the rest of you are doing.

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